
试卷更新日期:2017-07-03 类型:中考真卷



  • 6. 听第六段材料,完成小题。

    (1)、What are the speakers talking about?

    A、A match. B、A movie. C、A TV show.
    (2)、Why didn't Mary watch the match?

    A、It started too late at night. B、She had to do her homework. C、She doesn't like basketball matches.
  • 7. 听第七段材料,完成小题。

    (1)、When did Ann go to her hometown?

    A、Yesterday. B、Last week. C、Last month.
    (2)、How was Ann's trip?

    A、Exciting. B、Wonderful. C、Unpleasant.
    (3)、What has happened to Ann's hometown?

    A、People have polluted the river there. B、The water there has become clean. C、People have planted many flowers and trees there.
  • 8. 听第八段材料,完成小题。

    (1)、What is Mike going to do first?

    A、Clean the room. B、Do his homework. C、Take out the rubbish.
    (2)、What is Mom going to do?

    A、Go to a meeting. B、See a movie. C、Go to a party.
  • 9. 听第九段材料,完成小题。

    (1)、What is Jerry's favorite music?

    A、American country music. B、Classic music. C、Rock music.
    (2)、What does the woman know about rock music?

    A、The woman knows the Beatles. B、The woman knows Elvis. C、The woman knows Michael Jackson.
    (3)、What does the woman decide to do finally?

    A、She decides to buy a CD of Elvis. B、She decides to buy a CD of the Beatles. C、She decides to find a good gift in CD shops.


  • 10. 听下面一段短文。根据短文内容选出最佳答案。

    (1)、Which of the following isn't mentioned in the passage?

    A、Gloves. B、Shorts. C、Sports suits.
    (2)、How many pairs of sports shoes does each child need?

    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.
    (3)、How long is the lunchtime?

    A、One hour. B、One and a half hours. C、Two hours.
    (4)、Where do they buy snacks?

    A、In a sports center. B、In a supermarket. C、In a shopping center.
    (5)、What's the passage mainly about?

    A、Outdoor sports. B、Indoor activities. C、Sports camp plan.


  • 11. —The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive.

    —Don't worry. You can enjoy yourself. It's my _________.

    A、time B、treat C、task D、taste
  • 12. —How old is your son?

    —_________. We had a special party for his _________ birthday yesterday.

    A、Nine, nine B、Ninth, nine C、Nine, the ninth D、Nine, ninth
  • 13. —The town of Huarong _________ a lot in the past five years.

    —That's true. It's becoming more and more beautiful.

    A、changed B、has changed C、had changed D、is changing
  • 14. —He didn't go to school late yesterday, did he?

    —_________, though it rained hard yesterday.

    A、No, he didn't B、Yes, he didn't C、Yes, he did D、No, he did
  • 15. —I had a pleasant trip last week.


    A、Oh, that's very kind of you B、It's a pleasure C、Congratulations D、I'm glad to hear that
  • 16. —If you do that, you will _________ with an egg on your face.

    —But I won't regret it.

    A、take up B、end up C、keep up D、catch up
  • 17. —Jack hasn't taken his piano lessons for a long time.

    —He is considering _________ his piano course and spending more time on his study.

    A、to drop B、to throw C、dropping D、throwing
  • 18. —What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

    —_________ is OK, but I prefer coffee _________ milk.

    A、Either, to B、Either, with C、Neither, to D、Neither, with
  • 19. —The tall man with glasses over there looks like our math teacher.

    —It _________ be him. He has gone abroad.

    A、may not B、mustn't C、can't D、needn't
  • 20. —What an interesting story she told us!

    —Yes, and her voice sounded ________.

    A、sweet B、small C、clearly D、sadly
  • 21. —I'll be away for a long time.

    —Don't worry. She can look after your pet ________.

    A、careful enough B、enough careful  C、carefully enough D、enough carefully
  • 22. —What do you often do ________ classes to relax yourselves?

    —We often do some running or listen to music.

    A、in B、through C、between D、among
  • 23. —Time will ________ whether I made the right choice or not.

    —I believe you can succeed.

    A、see B、say C、know D、tell
  • 24. —Do you know _________?

    —Yes, she is very kind and outgoing.

    A、what's his mother like B、what his mother likes C、what his mother is like D、how his mother is like
  • 25. —Please tell me something about Yang Liwei.

    —He is a great astronaut of ________ all the Chinese are proud.

    A、that B、whose C、who D、whom


  • 26. 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。

        One evening, I went out for a walk on the path (小路) near my house with my husband. On my finger was a very special ring with a diamond (钻石) that my grandmother gave me for my 23rd birthday. At the end of the path, when I looked down at it again and found the diamond was 1. I started back along the path hurriedly 2the tiny stone. In my heart, I knew it seemed impossible for me to find it. The path was very long and  3 with leaves. As I searched the ground, crying and upset, I met an old lady. "What's the matter, love ?" She asked kindly. I 4 about the missing diamond and showed her my ring. She said, "That's going to be hard to find. Tell me what, love, I walk along this path every day, I'll keep my eyes 5 for it." I thanked her, 6 nothing, but still told her that we sometimes walked our dog along the path if she might find something.

        A few days later, my husband and I met the old lady on the path. "Guess what?" She said, "I found your diamond!" To our7, she'd found the tiny stone and was willing to hand it back to me. "It was lucky that I found it." When we 8 her with some money for her help, she 9 politely. I was deeply moved. She could have easily kept the diamond, or sold it, for it's worth several thousand dollars, but she didn't.

        Every time I look at my ring and 10myself that there're kind and beautiful hearts in the world. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to do something like that.

    A、changing   B、shining C、burning D、missing
    A、looking for   B、staring at  C、running after  D、taking away
    A、fed            B、filled  C、covered D、taken
    A、explained      B、asked  C、cared     D、learned
    A、opened      B、closed  C、close      D、open
    A、getting     B、expecting     C、wondering    D、telling
    A、attention   B、sadness   C、surprised    D、surprise
    A、gave         B、offered C、provided   D、showed
    A、refused    B、received C、accepted  D、confused
    A、ask       B、remind  C、warn  D、promise


  • 27. 阅读理解

    Wonderful  Events

    Horse Racing All Year Round

    Races starting at 3 p.m. every Sunday

    Racetrack only 20 miles away

    Lots of free parking space

    Free presents

    No children allowed

    100 Years Of Pictures

    Then & now (photo show)

    See the history pictures (1917—2017)

    February 1—April 30

    City Art Museum 750 High Street

    Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m.—5 p.m.

    Weekend Sales

    This Saturday 2—6 p.m.

    Everything 20% — 40% off

    Visit us at Block G. Grandview Mall

    Realize your dreams, save time and money

    Fall in love with prices we offer

    Dance Party

    Celebrate special date

    Bringing your sweet heart

    Sunday night, country club

    Live band from 9 p.m.—1 a.m.

    $25 a couple(夫妇); $15 a single person

    (1)、Who can NOT go to the horse race?   

    A、A single person. B、A couple. C、Children. D、The sweet heart.
    (2)、People can see the photo show at __________.   

    A、Grandview Mall B、City Art Museum C、Racetrack D、Country Club
    (3)、What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday?   

    A、Go shopping.                B、Go to see the photo show. C、Go to the dance with your sweet heart. D、Go to watch the horse race.
    (4)、How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?   

    A、15 dollars. B、25 dollars. C、20% — 40% off. D、For free.
    (5)、Where can you see the above advertisements?   

    A、In a book. B、In a magazine. C、In a newspaper. D、On TV.
  • 28. 阅读理解

        One of my best friends went abroad to enjoy her holidays, so the job of looking after her dog Missy has been given to me. A few months ago, Missy came to my friend's house. She looked terrible. She has been abused for a long time.

        When we first visited my friend and Missy, my friend had to gently pull her over on a lead (牵绳) to get her to come to us. She wanted to come but afraid to do so—the poor, beautiful thing. Clearly Missy came to the right home. My friend has given birth to a baby of his own and shows the love of a mother. This is just what Missy needs. Thanks to the love of my friend, she has changed into a new dog step by step. Sadly, she is still afraid of strange humans. I hate to imagine what the dog must have gone through.

        Now, Missy trusts me completely, so I can touch her berry(肚皮).While standing, she will jump up so gently to be closer to me, putting her paws(爪子)on my legs as she looks at me with those beautiful eyes.

        Missy is really brave. She has the courage to try again, to open her hearts, and to know that not everyone is the same kind of people as before. Keep it in mind that tomorrow is another day.

    (1)、The underlined word "abused" in the first paragraph means__________.   

    A、保护 B、喂养 C、虐待 D、挨饿
    (2)、The writer felt _________ when she first saw Missy.   

    A、proud and relaxed B、sorry and caring C、afraid and angry D、sad and disappointed
    (3)、The writer thought it was good for Missy to stay with her friend __________.   

    A、because her friend could offer the love of a mother to Missy B、because her friend had more free time to take care of Missy C、because her friend stayed long at home and felt quite lonely D、because her friend helped Missy to accept different people
    (4)、The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _________.   

    A、the writer has learned the skills to communicate with Missy B、the writer has made Missy understand and follow her orders C、the writer has succeeded in winning the trust of Missy D、the writer has come to realize that Missy is a beautiful dog
    (5)、According to the passage, what is the writer's suggestion?   

    A、No future in the past. B、Every dog has its day. C、All efforts will pay off. D、Never too late to mend.
  • 29. 阅读理解

    In 1901, an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood. He named them A、B、AB and O. People have one of these four types. Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the second most common, and blood type AB is the least common.

        In 1927, a Japanese doctor found that people with different blood types have different personalities (性格),too. He said that people with type A blood are usually calm and serious; people with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing; people with type O blood are generous and honest; while those with type AB blood are often caring and talented.

        More recently, a doctor in the United States wrote a book that connects blood types with what people eat. The book suggests people with type O blood should eat more meat and less bread. A diet for people with type A blood includes more vegetables. His book, Eat Right for Your Type, has been a hit with people who want to lose weight. However, Dr. Peter D' Adamo believes that eating food that matches a person's blood type will make the person healthier in other ways, too.


    People with different  have different personalities.

    Type A

    1). People are calm and serious.

    2). People should eat .

    Type B

    People are cheerful and outgoing.

    1). It is the least common type.

    2). People are caring and talented.

    Type O

    1). People are .

    2). People should eat more meat and less bread.

    If people eat food that matches a person's blood type, they will .

  • 30. 阅读理解

        Bamboo is one of the nature's most surprising plants. (1) 许多人称这种植物为树,但它是一种草。

    Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist recorded one bamboo plant that grew almost 1.5 meters in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe.

    (2)There are more than 1000kinds of bamboo that grow around the world on both mountains and plains (平原).

          Not all bamboo looks the same.Some bamboo plants are very thin.They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30centimeters across.This plant also comes in different colors,from yellow to black to green.

          Many Asian countries have been using bamboo for hundreds of years.They often use bamboo for building new buildings.As a matter of fact,the cables (绳索) that hold up the hanging bridge across the Min River in Sichuan are made of bamboo.The bridge has been in use for more than 1,000years,and is still holding strong.

          In Africa,(3)engineers are teaching poor farmers how to use bamboo to find water . These African countries need cheap ways to find water because (4 )they have no money,and their fields often die from no rain and no water.It seems that bamboo is one of the best things they can use.Bamboo pipes and drills (钻) can help to make the poor thirsty fields be watered.







  • 31. 根据括号内的英语或汉语提示,完成句子。

    (1)、John's family came back to the USA last (九月).

    (2)、Those (德国人) wanted to have fish for dinner.

    (3)、The doctor did what he could (save) the patient's life.

    (4)、 (luck), the man hurt badly in the accident.

    (5)、Sandy's grandparents (marry) for 50 years.

    (6)、If you want to make yourself (understand), you'd better speak clearly and slowly.

    (7)、—Tom has invented a tree-planting machine.

    —I think no one is (create) than him. He's a boy full of strange ideas.

    (8)、Teenagers should (encourage) to solve their problems by themselves.

    (9)、—Where did you find Miss Gao just now?

    —In the office, she (talk) with other teachers at that time.


  • 32. 阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。
    (It's Friday afternoon. After school, Sun Mei meets Hu Fang on the way home.)
    Sun Mei: Hello, Hu Fang!
    Hu Fang: Hello, Sun Mei!
    Sun Mei: Tomorrow is Saturday and the weather is fine. I want to climb the Ge Hill. ?
    Hu Fang: Sure, I'd love to. Oh, I hear there's a strawberry garden near it. We can do some picking in the garden after climbing.
    Sun Mei: ! I like eating fresh strawberries. We can
    also take beautiful photos there.
    Hu Fang: Great! ?
    Sun Mei: Let's meet at 8 o'clock in the morning at the gate of Yanglan Primary School.
    Hu Fang: It's a deal! See you tomorrow.
    Sun Mei: See you.


  • 33. 为响应我市"创建国家卫生城市"的号召,6月3日,5000多名市民以绿色出行的方式参与了"生态鄂州——环洋澜湖健步走"活动。请以"共建绿色城市"为主题,根据以下文字提示,并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。


    Let's build a green city together














    要求:1). 80—100词(开头的首句已给出,不计算在总词数内)。

    2). 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。

    参考词汇:吐痰spit 垃圾箱dustbin 交通拥堵traffic jams 环境environment

        As a middle school student of Ezhou, it's our duty to help build a green city.……