
试卷更新日期:2019-09-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. — Do you know ________________ girl with long curly hair?

    — Yes, she is Mary. She plays ________________ guitar very well.

    A、a; / B、the; / C、the; the D、a; the
  • 2. We'll have a ________________ holiday. What about going to Beidaihe?
    A、three days B、three-day C、three-days D、three day
  • 3. ________________ Andy was playing, his mother came home.
    A、Although B、Until C、When D、Since
  • 4. There are ________________ months in a year. My birthday is in the ________________ month.
    A、twelve; twelve B、twelfth; twelfth C、twelve; twelfth D、twelfth; twelve
  • 5. — Will your mother agree with this plan?

    — She ________________ agree. I'm not sure.

    A、might B、must C、should D、can
  • 6. — Why didn't Lucy go to your birthday party last night?

    — She said that she was busy preparing for the exams, but that was only a(n) ________________. I saw her going to a movie with her friend at that time.

    A、matter B、excuse C、result D、reason
  • 7. — I have to write an important report.

    — OK. I won't allow _______________ to enter your office until you finish it.

    A、nobody B、somebody C、anybody D、everybody
  • 8. — Sally must be very ________________ now.

    — Yes. She has passed the exam and has nothing to worry about.

    A、relaxed B、relaxing C、bored D、boring
  • 9. We tried to stop the flames from spreading, but we knew it was ________________.
    A、hopeful B、hopeless C、helpful D、hopefully
  • 10. Here is a magazine. First ________________ the magazine and then tell me what you think of it.
    A、lookout B、look for C、look after D、look through
  • 11. Our teacher ________________ a bookshelf at the back of our classroom to make a small reading corner.
    A、picked up B、put up C、took up D、got up
  • 12. — When ________________ the book ________________?

    — In 2012.

    A、did; publish B、was; published C、had; been published D、has; published
  • 13. We must get up early ________________ we can catch the first bus to school.
    A、so that B、such that C、according to D、such as
  • 14. My mother is watering flowers ________________ I bought yesterday.
    A、what B、where C、when D、that
  • 15. — We have beaten Class Iwo in the football match.

    — ________________

    A、I agree with you. B、Congratulations! C、This way, please. D、You are lucky.


  • 16. 完形填空

        Each one of us shares this planet with about seven billion others. And we all need1. People and products need to move from city to city and country to country. However, we all know2most cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause air pollution. They are also noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities.3inventors are coming up with creative ideas to try to reduce the air pollution and noise.

        In many cities around the world, motorcycles are very4. Now Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles and China has almost 120 million, Motorcycles are a faster and cheaper way to get around a city than5. Yet air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people complain it is difficult to breathe. To solve these problems, a US company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle. It uses electricity as fuel (燃料). As a result, there is6pollution. It's also quiet and fast. This makes it a good choice for getting around a city.

        The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city centre.7cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the city's canals. However, they cause pollution,8to the water. English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solar powered(太阳能的) water taxi. The water taxi can run for a day after being charged.

        Planes also cause air and noise pollution. Designing an environmentally-friendly airplane is a real9. Some airplane companies have10to solve the problems. Swiss engineers have gone one step further. They developed a solar airplane. This plane holds the world record for the longest solar powered flight—1, 541 kilometres from Arizona to Texas in America.

    A、air B、food C、transportation D、communication
    A、how B、why C、when D、that
    A、Since B、So C、Because D、Although
    A、popular B、valuable C、dangerous D、safe
    A、bikes B、subways C、buses D、cars
    A、much B、some C、no D、more
    A、Instead of B、Thanks to C、Because of D、As for
    A、probably B、only C、especially D、hardly
    A、question B、job C、decision D、challenge
    A、disagreed B、refused C、started D、remembered


  • 17. 阅读理解

    ⒈An artist Tries to Solve the Smog Problem

        Beijing is a city often covered with smog. Many people are looking for ways to solve it. A Dutch artist has made a tower that takes in smog and gives off clean air. This tower is 7 metres tall and is the biggest air cleaner in the world, according to Chinanews.com. It can clean the air in an area the size of a soccer field in 36 hours.

        Beijing has been testing the tower since January. But some experts don't think this tower can truly work. "It's more of an art piece to raise people's awareness(意识) of air protection," they said. People will know if the tower works when the results come out.


    ⒉The World's Worst Traffic

        If we travel in big cities, it's very likely that we will come across traffic jams, which often make us complain. But people in Bangkok, Thailand, have more to complain about.

        This is because Bangkok has the worst evening rush hour traffic in the world, according to a GPS company in Europe. Each year, the company will work out a list of the world's most congested(拥堵的) cities. The results are based on statistics(数据) of 390 cities across the world. This year, Chinese cities Chongqing and Zhuhai are also on the list.

    The list aims to help drivers and cities understand the traffic trends (趋势) and take action to improve the bad traffic.


    (1)、Who comes up with the idea of building the tower?
    A、An artist. B、A scientist. C、An expert. D、Chinanews.com.
    (2)、Some experts think the tower ________________.
    A、really works well B、needs more tests C、is like a soccer field D、is more of an art piece
    (3)、According to Passage 2, ________________ is the city with the worst traffic this year.
    A、Bangkok B、Chongqing C、Zhuhai D、Beijing
    (4)、The list in Passage 2 mainly aims to ________________.
    A、offer statistics B、describe the traffic in Thailand C、help cities better their traffic D、call on people to ride bikes
    (5)、The passages above are ________________.
    A、posters B、ads C、news D、notices
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Nearly all students want to have a good memory so that they can study well. Yan Jiashuo, a young girl, is quite lucky. She has received the honor of "International Master of Memory". About 300 people have been honoured as masters. Yan Jiashuo is the youngest among them.

        Yan Jiashuo always has a good memory. And the good memory comes from good training. When she was 4 years old, her parents asked her to recite ancient poems and books. She has practised a lot. So when she is at school, it is easy and quick for her to recite texts in class. What's more, she loves reading. When she was in the third grade, she could read one book a day.

        Yan Jiashuo is good at not only Chinese, but also maths. For her, numbers are not boring at all. She can make up stories with these numbers. She compares remembering a lot of numbers to watching a movie. Every group of two numbers is imagined to be a picture of the story. And these pictures are made up into a movie in her mind. She said everyone could have a good memory by training and there were plenty of ways to train your memory.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "Master" mean in Chinese?
    A、大师 B、主人 C、经理 D、管家
    (2)、The number of people who have been honoured as masters may be ________________.
    A、about 300 B、larger than 350 C、smaller than 300 D、350
    (3)、Why does Yan Jiashuo have a good memory?
    A、Because she is very young. B、Because her parents are very clever. C、Because she gets lots of good training. D、Because she likes watching TV.
    (4)、What does Yan Jiashuo think of numbers?
    A、Boring. B、Interesting. C、Difficult. D、Easy.
    (5)、What is the passage mainly about?
    A、It tells us a story about a happy family. B、It introduces a clever girl to us. C、It teaches us a deep lesson about study. D、It shows some ways to improve our memory.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        There is a famous English saying "You are what you eat", and it means what you put in your mouth will become part of you. Many experts use it to tell people it's important to have a good eating habit. For example, too much sweet food makes a person overweight. To avoid being fat, kids are told to keep off sweet food. But, a team of American scientists have found something new about eating sweet food.

        "When we say some people are 'sweet', we mean they are kind and friendly to us. Perhaps this word can help us learn more about people's feelings and acts," said Brian Meier, a scientist from the study team. "Taste is something we experience every day. What we have done is find whether we can know someone's character and behaviour according to his or her taste."

        In one of their experiments, students were asked questions about their character - whether, for example, they were soft- hearted or not. Then they were asked to make a list of their favourite food. According to their answers, the scientists found that the students who liked sweet food were nicer.

        In their another experiment, the scientists found that people who preferred sweet food, such as cookies and chocolate, were more willing to help other people in need, and those who ate non-sweet food such as chips weren't. For example, people with a sweet tooth were more likely to volunteer to clean up their city, visit sick children in hospital and so on.

    The result of the experiments is that people's helpfulness or being nice has something to do with their taste for sweet food. So eating sweet food is a useful way to make people nice and helpful. Next time, try some ice-cream.

    (1)、The underlined word "it" refers to "________________".
    A、the sweet food B、the eating habit C、the American team D、the English saying
    (2)、According to the result of the experiments, sweet food makes people ________________.
    A、overweight B、excited C、relaxed D、friendly
    (3)、The scientists found that people who preferred _________________ were less helpful.
    A、ice-cream B、chocolate C、chips D、cookies
    (4)、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
    A、There is some relationship between someone's character and his or her taste. B、Kids are told to eat more sweet food. C、What you put in your mouth will show your character. D、If people want to be kind or friendly, they can try some sweet food.
    (5)、It can be learnt from the passage that ________________.
    A、scientists asked college students questions about their future B、scientists told college students not to eat sweet food C、people with a sweet tooth are more willing to help others D、people's character has nothing to do with their taste


  • 20. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        Li Yaotang is considered to be one of the most important and widely-read Chinese writers in the 20th century. He wrote under the pen name of Ba Jin. Ba Jin started writing his first work in the late 1920s. Li was born in Chengdu. He was born in a rich family of officials. As a child, Li was taught to read and write first by his mother. In 1920, Li entered Chengdu Foreign Language School to study English. Three years later, Li moved to Shanghai and then studied there. In 1927, he went to Paris with his friend for further study. After returning to Shanghai in 1928, Ba Jin continued writing and working on translation. His first novel came out in 1929. Then he wrote a lot of famous novels during ten years. Most of Ba Jin's works could be easily understood by anyone with high school education, which made him one of the easiest modern Chinese writers. Ba Jin died of cancer in Shanghai at the age of 101. His death marked the end of a century for Chinese literature. He was one of the masters of language like Lao She.

    (1)、Who taught Ba Jin to read and write when he was a child first? (不超过2个词)
    (2)、What did Ba Jin do in Chengdu Foreign Language School? (不超过3个词)
    (3)、Why was Ba Jin one of the easiest modern Chinese writers? (不超过15个词)


  • 21. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空

    ride    high    hold    twenty    phone

    (1)、The match next Sunday.
    (2)、The bike that I was broken.
    (3)、— What's the of this tower? — It's about 28 metres.
    (4)、She warns us not her when she is sleeping.
    (5)、Today is my brother's birthday. I plan to send him a nice present.


  • 22. 用方框中所给的选项补全对话

    A. Don't worry.

    B. I am going to look at the board.

    C. I entered a photo competition.

    D. Is there anything new?

    E. Would you like to take part in it?

    F. What do you want to do?

    G. What is the topic?

    A: Hi, Betty. What are you going to do?

    B: Hi, Lingling!

    A: Oh, I have just come from there.


    A: Yes. There will be an English speaking competition next Friday.


    A: Life in the future.

    B: That's a good topic.

    A: Yes, I'd like to. I think I can practise my spoken English. What about you?

    B: Oh, you know, I am shy. I am afraid I can't speak in public.

    A: If you keep on practising, you will be successful.

    B: I will think about it. Thank you very much.


  • 23. 语法填空

        With time going by and science developing, there are some problems of the environment (become) more and more serious. Most of these problems are caused by human (activity).

        Many years ago, we might not hear of haze(雾霾). But now most of us more than know what haze is and learn the huge disaster caused by haze. For the past two years, haze has appeared in many cities, our life and health (affect) by haze.

        Recently, the topic of air pollution has again attracted more and more attention since pollution haze, a kind of weather, (appear) frequently in our city. When pollution haze came, the whole city was covered with suspended particles(悬浮颗粒), can be breathed into our body causing serious problems to our health. According reports, the haze attacked many large cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu and so on. All of the phenomena(现象) tell us that it's time to protect and improve our environment. Compared with the bad effect of the pollution haze, a green and clear environment rather than anything else turns to be important role and an urgent issue in our daily (life). Meanwhile we just have an earth. we don't try to protect our common hometown, we will die off as dinosaurs.

        Some of us think we human beings are so great that we can control nature. I just want to say how stupid the idea is! We shouldn't be the master of nature. And we should be a friend of nature so that we can survive a long time! If it is necessary, we should make some related laws to control pollution haze. And we can take example by England, because they (have) the same problem long time ago.


  • 24. 你校将于近期举办一场主题为“怎样成为一名受欢迎的学生”的演讲比赛,假如你是王华,请根据下面的要点和要求,以"How to be a popular student"为题,写一篇80词左右的英语演讲稿。文章的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。



    How to be a popular student

        Hello, everyone! I am Wang Hua.


        That's all. Thank you for your listening.