
试卷更新日期:2019-09-16 类型:开学考试


  • 1. What does the man want to do?
    A、See a show. B、Book a ticket. C、Get his money back.
  • 2. When does the man plan to arrive at the airport?
    A、At 2:00. B、At 2:30. C、At 4:30.
  • 3. Why does the man talk with the woman?
    A、To get a prize. B、To interview her. C、To buy a book.
  • 4. What are the speakers talking about?
    A、A running tiger. B、A book about legends. C、A tourist attraction.
  • 5. What made the woman surprised?
    A、The man's diet. B、The man's lifestyle. C、The man's weight loss.

二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What position will the woman apply for?
    A、A salesperson. B、An assistant. C、A director.
    (2)、What does the man think of working on a ship?
    A、Tiring. B、Boring. C、Interesting.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、What is the special for today?
    A、The steak. B、The chips. C、The chicken.
    (2)、What type of bread does the woman want?
    A、Italian. B、Honey wheat. C、Whole wheat.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation take place?
    A、In the classroom. B、In the dining hall. C、In the library.
    (2)、How many subject reports has the man finished?
    A、2. B、3. C、4.
    (3)、What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A、Have lunch with her. B、Lend some books to her. C、Help her with subject reports.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1)、How does the man want the woman to help him?
    A、Help him ask for leave. B、Drive him to the airport. C、Confirm his flight booking.
    (2)、When is the man's plane?
    A、On Sunday morning. B、On Monday morning. C、On Wednesday afternoon.
    (3)、What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A、A couple. B、Classmates. C、Co-workers.
    (4)、What is the man probably going to do next?
    A、Visit his neighbor. B、Make a phone call. C、Find a parking lot.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1)、Who is the speaker probably talking to?
    A、Department directors. B、New employees. C、Visitors.
    (2)、What comes first in the speaker's opinion?
    A、The interpersonal relationship. B、Full knowledge about the products. C、A good plan for the future.
    (3)、Which activity is arranged in the afternoon?
    A、Visiting the workshops. B、Getting to know the customers. C、Learning the rules of the company.
    (4)、What does the speaker advise the listeners to do?
    A、 Leave before 5:30 pm B、Prepare some questions. C、Keep learning.


  • 11. 阅读理解


        What is lisinopril? Lisinopril is a medicine to treat high blood pressure. This medicine is only available on prescription. It comes as tablets. It also comes as a liquid for people who find it hard to swallow tablets, but this has to be ordered specially by your doctor.

        Important information

        To make sure lisinopril is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

        Heart, liver or kidney problems

        Diabetes (糖尿病)

        Higher levels of potassium (钾) in your blood

        Women who are pregnant can't take the medicine. It could harm the unborn baby.

        How should I take lisinopril?

        Take lisinopril exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Your doctor may sometimes change your dose (剂量) to make sure you get the best results.

        Drink plenty of water each day while you are taking this medicine.

        Lisinopril can be taken with or without food.

        Your blood pressure needs to be checked often, and you may need frequent blood tests.

        What if I forget to take it?

        If you miss a dose of lisinopril, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the following day, skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten one. If you forget doses often, it may help to set an alarm to remind you.

        What should I avoid while taking lisinopril?

        Avoid drinking alcohol, because it can further lower your blood pressure and may increase certain side effects of lisinopril.

        Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying position, or you may feel dizzy. Get up slowly and steady yourself to prevent a fall.

    (1)、What do we know about lisinopril?
    A、It comes in liquid form. B、It must be taken with food. C、It can be used to treat diabetes. D、It is harmful to pregnant women.
    (2)、What do you need to do when taking lisinopril?
    A、Visit a doctor on a daily basis. B、Live on a mainly vegetarian diet. C、Do enough physical exercise daily. D、Have frequent blood pressure tests.
    (3)、What should you do if it has been almost a day since you missed a dose?
    A、Take your next dose on time. B、Skip the following doses for days. C、Take a dose as soon as you remember. D、Have more when taking your next dose.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        Over the past couple of days, on our local Freecycle page there have been a lot of wanted posts, all from the same person, basically asking for everything you'd need to set up a house from scratch.

        One of the things they asked for was a queen-sized bed. At that time we just happened to have an extra one, so I messaged them. They immediately came in the afternoon. The people who came, two ladies and a man, are actually friends of another woman named Jenny who owned a young boy. This woman has escaped from a dangerous, violent relationship and these friends of hers are helping her and her son start over again, with everything from furniture to toothbrushes on their list of needs.

        While they were here, I also gave them one of our spare bookcase and some coffee cups. I even asked them to keep in touch in case they needed anything else—I have a way of connecting people with things. I offered the woman a cupboard we had as well; her friends just needed to see if there was a place and/or a need for it in their friend's new home.

        I was so excited to meet those loving people, who were obviously willing to help their friend. It was clear how protective they felt of this woman and her boy, how much they love her and wanted her to have a happy and safe life, and to spend even a few minutes with people like that is an experience I'll remember for a long, long time.

        A quick thank-you to all who have sent more donations over the last couple of days, as well as lovely messages of thanks and blessings. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with it all, but it's a problem I'm happy to have.

    (1)、What were the people who arrived at the author's in the afternoon going to do?
    A、Promote some products customers needed. B、Fetch the bed the author would give away. C、Recycle second-hand furniture. D、Help repair the author's furniture.
    (2)、Which of the following words can best describe the author?
    A、Warm-hearted. B、Mean. C、Narrow-minded. D、Intelligent.
    (3)、From the last two paragraphs, we can infer that ________.
    A、the author doesn't like to spend too much time with those people like Jenny's friends B、Jenny and her boy will hardly get help from the author's friends C、the author was disappointed with those only sending messages of thanks and blessings D、Jenny and her boy will have a new start with the help of people
    (4)、The suitable title for the text should be "_________".
    A、No pains, no gains B、God helps those who help themselves C、Many hands make light work D、Where there is will, there is a way
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Dr. John Wilkins was a natural philosopher who lived from 1614 until 1672. He was crazy about getting to the moon and meeting the people who surely lived there. Wilkins believed that anything as Earth-like as the moon must have been created by God for living beings, and he was determined to meet them — despite the fact that he was three centuries ahead of his time.

        In the 1600s, the scientific understanding of gravity and outer space was limited. Wilkins believed, like many 17th-century scientists, that there was no difference between the atmosphere of Earth and the conditions in space, and that Earth's pull was due to magnetism (磁力). It was only reasonable, then, that Wilkins believed a two-wheeled horse-drawn battle car with wings with enough speed could lift high enough off the ground to break free of Earth's magnetic pull and reach the moon.

        Then Wilkins moved on to more pressing issues with his remarkable ability to think of new ideas: How would travelers feed themselves during the journey? He theorized that the main cause of hunger was simply the act of working against gravity, so getting to the moon without being burdened by it would be able to be realized. There was some knowledge at that time about the fact that air gets thinner and colder the higher up you go, but he had a fix for that too, "moistened sponges (湿润的海绵) might help us against its thinness".

        By studying the way in which birds fly, which also happened to be part of the studies that led to planes and rockets centuries later, Wilkins put his theory to the test with the help of a colleague, Robert Hooke. Neither of the two ever recorded their attempts, but it's somewhat safe to say that it didn't work out. Hooke himself may have been the reason he gave up hope, in fact, since he was part of the team that discovered space was a place without oxygen.

    (1)、What do we know about Dr. John Wilkins?
    A、He dreamed of landing on the moon. B、He wrote about people living on the moon. C、He urged the public to know more about space. D、He had a rich knowledge of space in the 1670s.
    (2)、Which of the following might Wilkins agree with?
    A、The air on the moon is not fit for human beings. B、People don't need to eat things on the moon. C、Earth's magnetism can be changed easily. D、Oxygen doesn't exist in outer space.
    (3)、What can be concluded from Paragraphs 2 & 3?
    A、Wilkins had prepared a lot in theory. B、Wilkins was ready for his moon-landing. C、Wilkins made a great contribution to philosophy. D、Wilkins was the greatest natural philosopher in history.
    (4)、What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
    A、To honor a great scientist. B、To encourage studies on outer space. C、To introduce an early attempt of moon-landing. D、To inform people of the knowledge about the universe.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Breathing dirty air comes at a high price. Air pollution lowers the average life spans (寿命) by a year worldwide and in more polluted parts of Asia and Africa, dirty air shortens lives up to twice that much. Scientists shared their new findings in Environmental Science & Technology Letters. The study used data gathered in 2016 as part of a project known as the Global Burden of Disease and was the first major country-by-country look at the connection between the length of life and what's known as fine PM.

        Air pollution has been linked to many health problems. Most earlier studies had looked at how tiny air pollutants affected rates of illness or death. Joshua Apte is an environmental scientist at the University of Texas at Austin. By looking at life expectancy (预期寿命), his team had hoped to make the threat easier to understand. PM2.5 is what scientists call tiny particles (颗粒) of pollution in the air. Higher levels of PM2.5 can cause health problems and cut months, if not years, from the average length of life. This analysis shows how pollution affects life expectancy in different parts of the world.

        The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting PM2.5 to 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Apte's group calculated how holding pollution to this low level would help people. In countries with very dirty air, meeting this standard would lengthen people's lives. However, in countries whose air already meets this standard, the study shows no gain in life expectancy. In other words, meeting the WHO standard won't reduce health costs resulting from dirty air because even below 10 micrograms per cubic meter, pollution still causes serious risks. Meanwhile, the scientists compared how other threats including smoking and cancer shorten the length of life across the globe.

    (1)、What is special about the study?
    A、It won recognition from a professional journal. B、It discussed health problems caused by air pollution. C、It gathered lots of data for the Global Burden of Disease. D、It analyzed the link between life spans and PM by country.
    (2)、What is Joshua Apte's team trying to do?
    A、Help people better understand air pollution. B、Study life expectancy in different countries. C、Know how small air pollutants affect health. D、Deal with different kinds of health problems.
    (3)、What will happen if a country limits PM2.5 to 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air?
    A、People's life spans will surely increase. B、It will get strong support from the WHO. C、People's health may not be much improved. D、It will guarantee people clean air.
    (4)、What might be discussed in the following paragraphs?
    A、How cleaning up the air can lengthen lives. B、How air pollution shortens lives by country. C、How other threats shorten life expectancy. D、How all the countries deal with severe pollution.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Everyone is aware that taking good care of our bodies can prevent many medical problems from occurring later. However, we often have less awareness of preventative actions we should take to help with mental health problems. While our mental health may be fine right now, many of us will struggle at some point. It's impossible to get through life without challenges, but our mental health prevention habits can help us get through difficult times.

        Keep active. The more active you physically, mentally and socially are, the higher the level of your mental wellness is likely to be. So go for walks and learn something new. There are many other ways to be active.

        Be connected. Regular involvement in social activities with supportive friends and family improves your ability to handle disappointments, and everything else life throws at you. But you can be involved in any manner; even volunteering for an organization can help you be more social.

        The nature of these activities varies widely from person to person. The key is to identify what gives your life meaning. Volunteering, coaching, teaching, etc. all can contribute to increasing your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life. Many activities can address more than one. The key is to make a plan and stick with it. If you are already struggling, begin to practice these ways to help your recovery.

    A. Here are three practical steps.

    B. However, good mental health is important.

    C. Stresses, disappointments and disasters happen.

    D. Overcome life's challenges before they happen.

    E. Be committed to activities that give life meaning.

    F. The key is to find what keeps you motivated and interested.

    G. This can be difficult when you move to a new town or as you get older.


  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I stood in the front of the classroom like a specimen(标本) under examinations  of 23 pairs of eyes. I began stuttering(结巴)and gave wrong answers to some questions.

        In the summer of 2016, I worked as an assistant teacher at a children's day camp. Lacking in experience, I 1 to create weekly lesson plans. Kids shouted at each other in class. Sometimes, I had to pull apart kids who were 2 each other. The rare moments of3 came only after my booming calls for attention. Every day was a 4 between me and these wild little creatures.

        One day I suddenly 5 that I was supposed to teach them instead of being led by the nose. It was time to do something to change the 6. I was older, more knowledgeable, and most 7, I had more authority. The next day, I firmly8into the classroom and stood in the front9.The students studied me curiously. But I did not stutter this time. It10 me that the class went smoothly without being 11 for the first time. From that day on, they gradually started to pay attention. Some 12started calling me "Ms. Amy". Seeing a sign of respect in their wild eyes was like getting 13 for my achievements. I was finally acting as an authority figure. The 14 I received also increased my self-confidence. It made me believe that I had the15 to overcome difficulties.

        One month after my summer job 16, I went back to visit the students. I saw the 17 kids running around in the classroom. 18, their playful shouts were a different kind of music to my 19now. Instead of the unpleasant sound I heard the first day, this was a20 song that played during my march to self—confidence.

    A、refused B、failed C、struggled D、hesitated
    A、calling on B、fighting with C、staring at D、learning from
    A、patience B、promise C、thought D、silence
    A、battle B、difference C、link D、joke
    A、hoped B、realized C、regretted D、remembered
    A、suggestion B、occasion C、situation D、decision
    A、importantly B、interestingly C、naturally D、hopefully
    A、burst B、slipped C、rushed D、stepped
    A、anxiously B、cautiously C、eagerly D、calmly
    A、surprised B、embarrassed C、disappointed D、amused
    A、puzzled B、encouraged C、disturbed D、observed
    A、just B、even C、ever D、still
    A、recognition B、information C、evaluation D、discussion
    A、trust B、sympathy C、pride D、respect
    A、chance B、right C、ability D、intention
    A、continued B、ended C、started D、returned
    A、same B、special C、poor D、normal
    A、Therefore B、However C、Besides D、Otherwise
    A、heart B、eyes C、ears D、soul
    A、popular B、complex C、strange D、unique


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    What's the right college for you?

        (do) the college you're considering offer classes and learning opportunities interest you? You don't need to declare a college major until your junior year of college—but you're more likely (succeed) if you're excited about and engaged by the options available to you.

        Consider (you) learning style: do you prefer informative lectures or lively discussions?

        Research and analysis or hands-on experience and practice? Writing papers or working in small groups?

        Look for the academic experience you'll need to feel (challenge) and engaged, and what support you'll need for success—peer tutoring, (access) professors, and career services are just some of options you might find on campus. Check out course and program (describe), reviews of professors, and sit in on some classes if you're able to visit campus.

        (assess) your chances of admission can be a good way to identify a strong academic match. Most admissions counselors tell us that your GPA and the quality of your high school classes are the most important elements of your college application, standardized test scores not far behind.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Jane Eyre is a world-famous storybook, which is very popular to middle school students. The main character Jane is one of my favorite heroine. The book tells us not only about her hard life and about her efforts to gain her happiness. It were her perseverance and determination which helped her to get what she deserved at last. I liked Jane very much, and her story leaves a great effect on her life and study. I make up my mind work hard at my lessons. Meanwhile, I will try to make the full use of any opportunity to train my characters, especial my tolerance and perseverance to solve all of the difficulties in my life.


  • 19. 假定你是李华,将作为一名交换生到伦敦某高中,进行为期一个月的学习,请你根据以下提示给该校宿舍管理办公室的负责人写一封电子邮件:




    注意: 1)词数100次左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Dear Sir/ Madam,



    Li Hua