牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 2同步练习(1)

试卷更新日期:2019-08-22 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 读一读,根据画线部分的发音将单词归类

    pet    apple   black    get    men    list    head    five

    rice    catch   fifth   fish    easy    happy    sea   early  

    these     teacher    breakfast




  • 7. I spent my holiday in London , Peter spent his holiday in
  • 8. On summer holiday l went to Beijing by plane , but Jill went to Dalian by
  • 9. There are many beautiful places in Beijing,such as the Great Wall,the PalaceMuseum and
  • 10. I like my summer holiday , but my friend Alice enjoys her
  • 11. I visited my grandparents this weekend.I also went to the beach with my


  • 12. 选择配伍。

    ⑴Where did Alice go?                            A、Yes , he did.

    ⑵What did he do there?                        B、I'm in the river.

    ⑶How was your summer holiday?         C、She went to the beach.

    ⑷Can I see your new dress?                   D、Yes , she was.

    ⑸Who did you visit?                               E、He played ball games there.

    ⑹Was she about six months old?           F、I was eight years old.

    ⑺Where are you?                                   G、It was fun.

    ⑻How old were you last year?               H、Yes , it was.

    ⑼Was her hair short?                              I、I visited my grandparents.

    ⑽Did he go to Beijing?                           J、Sure.


  • 13. 选词填空。

    the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tian'anmen Square





  • 14. 连词成句。

    (1)、was, your, how, holiday, summer


    (2)、to, he, the, went, cinema



  • 15. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Hello , I'm Kitty. In August I visited my grandparents. I also went to the beach with my family. We played ball games there and went swimming in the sea.Alice went to Beijing and visited her uncle. She went to the Great Wall , Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum. She also went to some famous parks in Beijing. And she took a lot of photos. The summer holiday was wonderful.

    (1)、Kitty visited her grandparents in August.
    (2)、Kitty didn't go to the beach.
    (3)、Alice went to Beijing.
    (4)、Alice visited her aunt.
    (5)、The summer holiday was wonderful.