
试卷更新日期:2019-08-14 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. What a pity! You missed the sightseeing, or we ________ a good time together.
    A、had B、will have C、would have had D、had had
  • 2. The workers were not better organized, otherwise they ____________ the task in half the time.
    A、accomplished B、had accomplished C、would accomplish D、would have accomplished
  • 3. It's strange that he _______ have taken the books without the owner's permission.
    A、would B、should C、could D、might
  • 4. There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _______ a second chance to become more involved.
    A、had B、will have C、would have had D、have had
  • 5. They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers.
    A、drove B、would drive C、were to drive D、had driven
  • 6. If we ___________the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach.
    A、had caught B、caught C、have caught D、would catch
  • 7. If the new safety system _______ to use, the accident would never have happened.

    A、had been put B、were put C、should be put D、would be put
  • 8. __________not for the support of the teachers,the student could not overcome her difficulty.

    A、It  were B、Were  it C、It was D、Was  it
  • 9. —Do you have Betty's phone number?

    —Yes. Otherwise, I ______able to reach her yesterday.

    A、hadn't been B、wouldn't have been C、weren't D、wouldn't be
  • 10. If it _______ for his invitation the other day, I should not be here now.

    A、had not been B、should not be C、were not to be D、should not have been
  • 11. I regret not having taken your advice. Otherwise I ________ this mistake at the moment.
    A、didn't make B、wouldn't make C、hadn't make D、wouldn't have made
  • 12. —What happened to the young trees we planted last week?

    —The trees ________ well, but I didn't water them.

    A、might grow B、needn't have grown C、would have grown D、would grow
  • 13. If he had been working hard, he ________ in the office now. However, he didn't.
    A、would be working B、were to be working C、was working D、should work
  • 14. Now the flowers look healthy again. I figure that they would have died if I ________ them two days ago.
    A、don't water B、didn't water C、hadn't watered D、haven't watered
  • 15. The bus would not have run into the river ________ for the bad tempered lady.
    A、if it were not B、had it not been C、if it would not be D、should it not be
  • 16. —How I wish I had worked harder when I was in that company.

    —If you had, you ________ a department manager now.

    A、are B、would be C、would have been D、were
  • 17. If she ________ generous as she makes out, she would have donated more money in the catastrophe.
    A、had been B、were C、would be D、was
  • 18. We      more places of interest yesterday, but we lost our way in that small village.
    A、would have visited B、was visiting C、would visit D、had visited
  • 19. The suggestion came from the chairman _____ the new rule ______.
    A、what; was developed B、that; was developed C、what; be developed D、that; be developed
  • 20. — Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I        late for the flight yesterday.

    — Don't mention it.

    A、will have been B、would have been C、must be D、could be
  • 21. —I went to see The Wandering Earth last night. It was fantastic!

    —You were so lucky! How I wish I _____ the ticket too.

    A、get B、got C、had got D、would get
  • 22. I felt like giving up. I probably ________, but my Dad whispered, “Come on! You can make it.”
    A、would have B、would C、should D、should have
  • 23. I was on a business trip then, otherwise I        to the hospital for tests.
    A、went B、had gone C、would have gone D、would go
  • 24. David didn't attend his daughter's graduation ceremony, but he does wish he        there.
    A、should be B、would be C、had been D、were
  • 25. If the traffic        so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.
    A、hadn't been B、wasn't C、couldn't be D、hasn't been
  • 26. He messed the project up, but he behaved as if nothing __________.
    A、had happened B、happened C、would happen D、would have happened
  • 27. That was not the first time he           us. I think it's high time we           strong actions against him.
    A、betrayed... take B、had betrayed... took C、has betrayed... took D、has betrayed... take
  • 28. Recent years have seen a growing increase in the emergence of cyber terms, without which our life _____ so colorful nowadays.
    A、won't be B、hadn't been C、wouldn't be D、can't be
  • 29. “If no one          the rubbish,” an environmentalist pointed out, “the street would soon become dirty, the number of rats would increase, and the disease would spread.”
    A、collects B、will collect C、is to collect D、were to collect
  • 30. If she _______ make such a simple wish as not to be teased for disability last Christmas, Amy would still feel lonely now.
    A、had dared not B、hadn't dared to C、dared not D、didn't dare to