
试卷更新日期:2019-08-14 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. The gold medal will be awarded to ___________ wins the first place in the bicycler.
    A、whomever B、wherever C、whoever D、whatever
  • 2. Jane moved aimlessly down the tree-lined street, not knowing ______she was heading.

    A、why B、where C、how D、when
  • 3. We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of_________it used to charge.
    A、that B、which C、what D、how
  • 4. She asked me _______ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn't.

    A、when B、where C、whether D、what
  • 5. I guess ________ impresses me most about his painting is the colors he uses.
    A、who B、which C、that D、what
  • 6. In spite of ________ has been said, quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the state of the country's economy.
    A、what B、which C、that D、as
  • 7. People crowd into ________ cherry trees are blooming, appreciating the fresh spring sight.
    A、what B、when C、which D、where
  • 8. The same boiling water softens the potato and hardens the egg. It's about      you're made of, not the circumstances.
    A、that B、what C、how D、who
  • 9. Competed in 1891, in ________ was known as The Gilded Age, the five­story mansion is now owned by a famous actor who decides to stage a special production of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
    A、that B、what C、which D、it
  • 10. — What did she want to know, Tom?

    — She wondered ______ we could complete the experiment.

    A、when was it B、it was when that C、it was when D、when it was that
  • 11. The shocking news made me realize ________ terrible problems we would face.
    A、what B、how C、that D、why
  • 12. Sorry I'm so late, but you cannot imagine        great trouble I took to find your house.
    A、which B、how C、what D、that
  • 13. If you leave this application form and go to another website, you will lose ______ you have already filled out on this form.
    A、whatever B、whoever C、wherever D、whenever
  • 14. —Could you check my list to see        I have forgotten anything?

    —No problem.

    A、whether B、which C、that D、what
  • 15. —Where was I?

    —You        you didn't like your job.

    A、had said B、said C、were saying D、has said
  • 16. I need help now! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but I'm not sure ______to begin.
    A、what B、which C、where D、when
  • 17. I was wondering _____you could come to join us to be the volunteers in the Winter Olympic Games.
    A、what B、that C、whether D、why
  • 18. —I don't exactly know ____ she is coming this time.

    —By bicycle, of course.

    A、when B、whether C、how D、why
  • 19. It's true that beauty does not always meet with a single, uniform standard. A person's cultural background, for example, may influence __________ he or she find attractive in others.

    A、that B、which C、what D、when
  • 20. Nowadays, some people tend to drink and gamble for the sake of ________ they call the circles, which is definitely stupid.
    A、why B、how C、where D、what
  • 21. Just tell Mike __________ has a good knowledge of physics and history is qualified for the position.
    A、Whenever B、Whomever C、Whoever D、Whichever
  • 22. Handling difficult employees can be a real challenge for any manager, regardless of       experienced he or she is.
    A、whether B、where C、how D、why
  • 23. —How do you think I can make up with Tom?

    —Put aside ___you disagree and try to find ____you have in common.

    A、what; what B、what; where C、where; what D、what; whether
  • 24. Confidence helps you to take a leap of faith when it comes to going after ____it is that you truly desire.

    A、why B、what C、where D、how
  • 25. She said she is prepared to provide “strong, proven leadership to steer us through ____ will be difficult and uncertain economic and political times.”
    A、which B、where C、what D、that
  • 26. Could you tell Jill ________ she should bring to the meeting tomorrow?
    A、what B、when C、whether D、why
  • 27. After a heated discussion, we decided _______ we should buy for the elder people.
    A、when B、that C、what D、why
  • 28. My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy        I want simply with WeChat Pay.
    A、whoever B、whichever C、whatever D、whenever
  • 29. His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out _____ he is trying to express.
    A、that B、how C、who D、what
  • 30. The best student of the year shared his experience of       he had managed to achieve excellence in his preparation for the college entrance examination.
    A、if B、how C、what D、that