
试卷更新日期:2019-08-13 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. China's image is improving steadily, with more countries ________ its role in international affairs.
    A、recognizing B、being recognized C、to be recognized D、recognized
  • 2. A city is the product of the human hand and mind, ________ man's intelligence and creativity.
    A、resembling B、reflecting C、reviewing D、restoring
  • 3. Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially ___________ to help them succeed academically and personally.
    A、designed B、designing C、to design D、being designed
  • 4. Kids shouldn't have access to violent films because they might _______ the things they see.
    A、indicate B、investigate C、imitate D、innovate
  • 5. Susan had quit her well-paid job and _________ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.
    A、is working B、was working C、has worked D、had worked
  • 6. A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who _________ in the mountains for two days.
    A、are trapping B、have been trapped C、were trapping D、had been trapped
  • 7. My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.
    A、was repaired B、is repaired C、is being repaired D、has been repaired
  • 8. It took him a long time to___________ the skills he needed to become a good dancer.
    A、display B、acquire C、teach D、test
  • 9. A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help _________your year ahead.

    A、shape B、switch C、stretch D、sharpen
  • 10. Working with the medical team in Africa has_________the best in her as a doctor.

    A、held out B、brought out C、picked out D、given out
  • 11. He did not easily______ , but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.

    A、approach B、wrestle C、compromise D、communicate
  • 12. When the time came to make the final decision for a course , I decided to apply for the one that ______my interest.

    A、limited B、reserved C、reflected D、spoiled
  • 13. We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite , rather than _______ us.

    A、divide B、reject C、control D、abandon
  • 14. This book is said to be the special one, which ________ many events that cannot be found in other history books.
    A、covers B、writes C、prints D、reads
  • 15. Sympathy for the rebels, the government claimed, is beginning to ________ because of more and more harm they did to common people.
    A、fade B、decline C、fail D、collapse
  • 16. No notice should be ________ of what your mother says—she's just in a bad mood.
    A、paid B、taken C、required D、needed
  • 17. It is widely acknowledged that students should be ________ in terms of overall quality.
    A、supported B、matched C、evaluated D、controlled
  • 18. Tourists are required to ________ local customs and mind their manners when travelling abroad.
    A、spot B、confirm C、observe D、spread
  • 19. I didn't ________ having to do the cooking myself, or I would have learnt one or two dishes from my mom.
    A、expect B、anticipate C、forecast D、preview
  • 20. I'd never wondered before whether or not he was kid-friendly. With one glance, I quickly       that he probably wasn't.
    A、agreed B、reported C、explained D、decided
  • 21. Wild animals in nature reserves need to develop their survival skills and      their wild nature.
    A、display B、possess C、maintain D、monitor
  • 22. The Games are known as the friendly games because of their      on kindness and mutual respect.
    A、lacks B、focuses C、challenges D、researches
  • 23. Mark has lived in China for many years, yet he still can't      himself to the Chinese customs.
    A、observe B、adapt C、lead D、devote
  • 24. Mr. Wilson is a man of patience and kindness, and his good temper never ______ him.
    A、fails B、disappoints C、controls D、worries
  • 25. Think carefully before you answer questions online. You may be ______ into giving away very important personal information.
    A、caught B、addicted C、seized D、trapped
  • 26. —Excuse me, would you please ______ me some petrol?

    —Sorry. I have only a little left in my car.

    A、spare B、save C、share D、spend
  • 27. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare — you must learn to ________.
    A、support B、care C、spare D、share
  • 28. My sister ______ the baby while I'm at yoga.

    A、arranges B、minds C、assesses
  • 29. The possibility that Frank was lying ______ through my mind.

    A、swallowed B、masked C、flashed
  • 30. The book ______ through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.

    A、got B、pushed C、sailed
  • 31. Reporters asked him to ______ his position on welfare reform.

    A、clarify B、divide C、instruct
  • 32. Alice, the sales manager of the company, is doing a course to ________ her business skills.
    A、decorate B、sharpen C、evaluate D、allocate
  • 33. Physically challenged as Jack was, he did not ________ himself to his fate.
    A、resist B、reserve C、resign D、rescue
  • 34. While interacting with people in India, I was ________ to a way of life completely different from my own.
    A、reduced B、exposed C、committed D、transferred
  • 35. The world's leading thinkers and policymakers examine what's come apart in the past year, and       what will define the year ahead.
    A、evaluate B、innovate C、anticipate D、regulate
  • 36. No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _______ when the unexpected will happen.
    A、prove B、imply C、demand D、predict
  • 37. There are many online shopping payment methods in China, and you can choose, when the order is _____, cash, POS or checks, to pay for the goods.
    A、deposited B、delivered C、deduced D、defined
  • 38. Whenever I feel lonely or upset, I always do some reading, which _________ me well.
    A、serves B、suits C、favors D、motivates
  • 39. Studies suggest that babies learn to _________ voices before birth. They can recognize their mother's voice among a group of women.
    A、suspect B、compromise C、discriminate D、inspect
  • 40. A few days ago, the commission           its investigation and declared that Johnson was to blame for the car accident last month on the highway.
    A、discriminated B、acknowledged C、concluded D、negotiated
  • 41. — I must point out that trials of new medicine are expensive and you can never       success.

    — But there is a very good chance in this case.

    A、admit B、guarantee C、attain D、deserve
  • 42. This kind of plant ______ grass in appearance, so it's difficult for the students to tell them.
    A、reflects B、instructs C、resembles D、shapes
  • 43. Some top American universities are accused of _______ Asian-American applicants using race as a factor.
    A、deleting B、removing C、denying D、restoring
  • 44. Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population _______ and the earth's natural resources decrease.
    A、extends B、declines C、swells D、varies
  • 45. When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that ________ my interest.

    A、limited B、reserved C、spoiled D、reflected
  • 46. The Government will force companies to ________ any possible measures to reduce air pollution.

    A、adjust B、adopt C、adapt D、accept
  • 47. I hate it when I have to perform full-time work for bosses who don't ____and always say “If you don't improve, you'll get fired.”

    A、compromise B、submit C、tolerate D、approve
  • 48. If you have a lot of knowledge and practical experience in your field but no diploma to show for it, life experience credits may give you some of the recognition (赞誉,认可)you______.
    A、deserve B、deliver C、explore D、exploit
  • 49. John always gets up early in the morning _____ energetic and ready to start a new day.
    A、feel B、to feel C、feeling D、felt
  • 50. It is reported that the temperature will ______ sharply in one or two days.
    A、draft B、drown C、dismiss D、decline