
试卷更新日期:2019-08-08 类型:期末考试




  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where will Maria go on holiday?
    A、To Beijing. B、To Shanghai. C、To Hong Kong.
    (2)、When did Maria go to Hong Kong?
    A、Last week. B、Last month. C、Last year.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Who is Frank?
    A、Mark's classmate. B、Mark's brother. C、Mark's friend.
    (2)、How old is Mark?
    A、Fourteen years old. B、Fifteen years old. C、Sixteen years old.
    (3)、What is Frank like?
    A、Careful B、Cheerful C、Patient


  • 13. 听短文,回答问题。
    (1)、What was the weather like last Saturday?
    A、Sunny B、Rainy C、Snowy
    (2)、How did the students go to the power station?
    A、By bike. B、By bus. C、On foot.
    (3)、What time did the students arrive at the power station?
    A、At 8: 00. B、At 8: 15. C、At 8: 30.
    (4)、What does the power station look like?
    A、Big and modern. B、Small but modern. C、Big and clean.
    (5)、What colour hat did the worker wear?
    A、Blue B、Red C、Yellow


  • 14. 听短文,请根据所听到的内容,完成下面的转述。

        David has different dreams at different ages. He drawing at 10. He wanted to be an artist in the future then. Soon he thought it was and gave up the hobby. Now he is and he likes playing the piano. He is in the school Music Club and he goes there a week. He wants to be a in the future.


  • 15. —Did you have a conversation with your mother?

    —Yes, she finally agreed with me. Lucky me!

    A、talk B、break C、trip
  • 16. —How large the factory is!

    —Yes, it produces 70%of the electricity for the city.

    A、buys B、gets C、makes
  • 17. —Wow, you have so many books by Guo Jingming!

    —Well, I have got a complete collection of his books.

    A、whole B、New C、dangerous
  • 18. —How can I achieve good exam results?

    —Well, working hard is the only way.

    A、catch B、forget C、get
  • 19. —Tomorrow we will have a history quiz.

    —Good luck to you!

    A、rest B、day C、test
  • 20. —Why did you apologize to your desk mate?

    —I broke his glass by accident.

    A、say goodbye B、say sorry C、say hello
  • 21. —When we finally got to the top of the mountain, it was 5: 30 p. m.

    —You must feel very tired.

    A、at first B、at last C、as well
  • 22. —When will you arrive at the airport?

    —In about half an hour.

    A、get to B、leave for C、come from
  • 23. —Don't worry about me, Mum. I can take care of myself.

    — Great, call me if there is any trouble.

    A、look for B、look after C、look around
  • 24. —What's your feeling about the man?

    —He is the laziest in the village.

    A、How do you know B、How do you feel C、Where do you find


  • 25. To ________ is to go on doing something.
    A、change B、continue C、connect
  • 26. If you want to know the ________ of one's birth, you will ask, "When were you born?"
    A、place B、fact C、date
  • 27. —Why don't you like your new English teacher?

    —He is too ________. He has made so many rules for us.

    A、strict B、smart C、patient
  • 28. —What do you think of the soup?

    —If you ________ some pepper, it will taste better.

    A、add B、cost C、catch
  • 29. —Did you have a good ________?

    —Not really. It rained halfway and we all got wet.

    A、interview B、example C、journey
  • 30. —Will the medicine work?

    —Yes, we've ________ it on lots of animals.

    A、tidied B、taught C、tested
  • 31. —How do you keep healthy?

    —Well, I ________ eat junk food and often do sports.

    A、always B、never C、sometimes
  • 32. —It's difficult to ________ which one to buy.

    —In my opinion, the red one is better.

    A、decide B、agree C、follow
  • 33. —You look so tired. What's wrong?

    —I can't ________ at night these days. So I always feel sleepy.

    A、look around B、get ready C、fall asleep
  • 34. —Look! Those boys are ________ the little girl again!

    —Hurry! Let's go to stop them.

    A、making fun of B、taking care of C、staying away from


  • 35. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        I was doing my homework one night when the lights suddenly went out. The flats in the opposite building were also in complete darkness.

        While my parents groped (摸索) their way to 1 candles, I found my way to the 2. It was black outside as it was a moonless night. I could see the headlights of cars and buses on the road were on. The traffic became 3 because the traffic lights were not working.

        After 4 the candles in our flat, my father took his torch(手电筒) and went out to check the lifts. I followed 5. All the lifts 6 working. And unluckily, some people were trapped(困在) in one of them. We called the fire station and a group of firemen 7 arrived to rescue these people. After helping the firemen, my father and I 8 our flat.

        We carefully locked the doors and windows and then went to bed. The next morning, 9 I woke up, I quickly tested the light. I was 10 to find it working. Like others, I think the blackout (停电) brings problems and difficulties to our lives. I really hope that it won't happen too often.

    A、shop for B、look for C、take in
    A、window B、kitchen C、bedroom
    A、strange B、heavy C、clear
    A、achieving B、tidying C、lighting
    A、him B、it C、them
    A、forgot B、stopped C、finished
    A、quickly B、quietly C、probably
    A、arrived at B、left for C、returned to
    A、when B、if C、because
    A、angry B、happy C、lucky


  • 36. 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


    At the station:

    Line up (排队) and wait for the train.

    ◇Let people get off first.

    ◇Do not run for the train. It is dangerous.

    ◇When you hear a "beep" sound, do not get on the train. The door is closing. Wait for another train.

    On the train:

    ◇Do not eat or drink on the train. It makes the train dirty.

    ◇Do not run on the train.

    ◇If you need any help, call the attendant (乘务员) on the train.

    (1)、The text is mainly about ________.
    A、how to take MTR trains B、how to keep quiet at the station C、how to be a good passenger D、how to make the train clean
    (2)、People who will get on the train should ________.
    A、wait in line B、call the attendant first C、run for the train D、make the train stop
    (3)、When you hear a "beep" sound, you should ________
    A、close the door B、ask for help C、stop and wait for the next train D、get off the train quickly
    (4)、Which of the following is allowed on the MTR train?
    A、Running around. B、Eating snacks. C、Calling the attendant. D、Drinking wine.
    (5)、You can see this kind of reading most probably ________.
    A、on the newspaper B、at the train station C、at the school library D、on the Internet
  • 37. 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Kevin is a cute boy. One day, his mother asks him to buy some food. He buys six eggs, five bananas, four apples, three oranges, two doughnuts (甜甜圈) and some biscuits in the shop. But on the way home, Kevin meets some animals and they want some of the food in his bag.

        When he comes out of the shop, he first meets a bear. "I want those eggs," says the bear. "If I throw an egg up in the air, I don't think you can get it," says Kevin. In this way, he saves all but one broken (破碎的) egg. And then he meets other animals. A monkey wants the bananas; a giraffe wants the apples; a duck wants the oranges; a pig wants the doughnuts, and an elephant wants the biscuits. Kevin thinks of some other ways to keep his food in the bag safe. When he gets home with all the food, his mother is happy.

    (1)、How many kinds of fruit does Kevin buy?
    A、Five B、Four C、Three D、Two
    (2)、Where does Kevin probably meet the bear?
    A、In the shop. B、At the gate of the shop. C、At his home. D、On his way to the shop.
    (3)、What does the giraffe want to eat?
    A、The apples. B、The eggs. C、The bananas. D、The biscuits.
    (4)、Which animal wants the oranges?
    A、The giraffe. B、The elephant. C、The pig. D、The duck.
    (5)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Kevin takes all the food home at last. B、Kevin puts all the food in a big box. C、Kevin is afraid to see the animals. D、Kevin is a very cute and smart boy.
  • 38. 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        On most weekends, you can find Zoe Stone. 8. in front of a computer. But she isn't playing games or watching videos. She's learning how to write code.

        Code is a set of instructions (指令). It tells a computer what to do. Coders are the people who write the instructions for a computer. Coders make websites or apps. Apps can be used for everything from playing games to checking the weather. Coders solve problems and work together. They know how to think big and small.

        Zoe began to learn coding when she was 4 years old. She uses coding to create art, solve problems and make games. Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun," she said. "You can show what you think in what you make."

        How does Zoe learn coding? She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids. In fact, more than 29 million students in 180 countries use it. It hopes to bring coding to even more kids.

        "We believe that every child should have the chance to learn about computers and coding," said Alice Steinglass, the president (负责人) of Code. org. "Computers are part of our world," she said. "It's important for kids to understand how they work."

    (1)、What does Zoe often do in her free time?
    A、She does housework. B、She learns coding. C、She plays computer games. D、She watches videos.
    (2)、The underlined word has the closest meaning to "________".
    A、scientists B、engineers C、computer science teachers D、computer programmers
    (3)、What does Zoe think of coding?
    A、It's creative but hard. B、It's difficult and boring. C、It's easy and fun. D、It's creative and fun.
    (4)、Zoe learns to write code ________.
    A、online B、in other countries C、with her friends D、at school
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE about
    A、It is a website that teaches foreign languages. B、All of the lessons of are free. C、It hopes to help more kids learn coding. D、Its students come from over 200 countries.
  • 39. 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Once upon a time, a proud (骄傲的) Swallow lived in a large tree. He liked his colorful feathers (羽毛) and his long tail so much that he believed nothing could be better than them. One day he saw a Crow and thought. "How silly this bird is! All his feathers are black." He looked at himself lovingly and enjoyed his own feathers.

        Just then, the crow flew and sat on the same branch as the Swallow. The Swallow said, "All your feathers are black and your tail is so short." The Crow smiled and said. "But they help me fly." The Swallow said. "So do mine. But look at how beautiful they are!" He spread (展开) his wings and flew a little closer to the Crow. The Crow saw that the Swallow had lots of blue feathers and some white and pink ones, too. He looked at his own feathers and thought, "It's true. The Swallow's feathers are much prettier than mine."

        The Crow said, "Swallow, you're right. You have lovely feathers and a long tail, but only in summer. Your little feathers cannot keep you warm in winters at all. While you shiver (颤抖) in the cold, my thick feathers keep me warm in the cold winters."

    (1)、The Swallow was proud of his ________.
    A、flying skills B、strong body C、beautiful voice D、feathers and tail
    (2)、When the Swallow said the Crow's feathers and tail weren't beautiful, the Crow ________.
    A、became angry B、smiled and explained C、flew away quickly D、became worried and sad
    (3)、The Crow thought the Swallow's feathers ________.
    A、were really colourful B、looked silly and ugly C、were as beautiful as his own D、were not long enough
    (4)、What does the underlined sentence mean?
    A、My feathers are black, too. B、My tail is as long as yours. C、My feathers and tail help me fly, too. D、My feathers and tail are colourful, too.
    (5)、What does the story want to tell us?
    A、Birds of a feather flock (聚集) together. B、Don't be proud of something that's of little use. C、Find out our own problems and solve them quickly. D、Don't make friends with people who are too proud.
  • 40. 阅读短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        What's a post office like in your city? Vanuatu is a small island country in the South Pacific. There is an underwater post office. It is about 50 meters off the coast of Vanuatu.

        The post office looks like a big can (罐头). It opened in 2003. It makes it possible for visitors to send postcards back home from under the sea. It's only open for one hour every day. The postcards and the stamps are waterproof (防水的).

        Now it's one of the busiest post offices for postcards in the world. Visitors from around the world want to experience the underwater post office. "Every week, hundreds of visitors post their postcards here," Vira Timbaci says.

        Timbaci is in control of the underwater post office. It's his job to make sure that the postcards are collected on time at 3 pm each day. Sometimes he asks great divers (潜水员) for help. "Swimming to the post office is a great way to see the sea life," Timbaci says. "It's really beautiful here."

        In the years since its opening, there are several other underwater post offices. For example, there is one in Malaysia at a depth (深) of 40 meters. It's the deepest in the world so far. But the one in Vanuatu will go down in history as the first of its kind.

    (1)、Which of the following is TRUE of Vanuatu Post's Underwater Post Office?
    A、It is the size of a can. B、It is built under the sea about 50 meters. C、It's the busiest post office on Earth. D、It has a history of about 16 years.
    (2)、How long is the underwater post office open a day?
    A、30minutes B、1 hour C、90 minutes D、2 hours
    (3)、According to Vira Timbaci, ________.
    A、the underwater post office is beautiful B、his job is boring and busy C、he enjoys diving in the sea D、he collects postcards alone
    (4)、What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A、There will be more underwater post offices in the future. B、The underwater post office in Malaysia will come into use soon. C、The underwater post office in Vanuatu is the world's first underwater post office. D、The underwater post office in Vanuatu is much deeper than that in Malaysia.
    (5)、The passage is most probably from a ________.
    A、science book B、travel magazine C、personal diary D、education newspaper


  • 41. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

        Have you seen the hottest video on the Internet recently? It is about 7-year-old boy called Rudolph Ingram. He (finish) a 100-meter race in 13. 48 seconds! It'll be a new U. S. record for his age group. People are all surprised: fast he is! An Internet user even said that Ingram made other runners in the race look turtles (乌龟).

        Ingram trained (be) a runner at the age of four. The training was very hard, but he enjoyed it he wanted to be closer to his dream-beating Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world. Since 2016, Ingram has won lots of competitions.

        Ingram can't achieve success by (he). His father plays an important part. He never misses any of Ingram's (game). He always tells his boy never to give up (practice). "All of my son's hard work has paid off (获得回报). I am so (cheer). I hope he loves what he does. And I'll always be behind him, "the father said.


  • 42. 假如你是七年级的学生Lucia,刚刚加入你校读书俱乐部。俱乐部要求每位新成员,写一篇70词左右的英语文章介绍自己和书籍的渊源。请你根据下面的提示,完成写作。


    要求:①词数70左右;开头已给出的部分,不计入总词数。②可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;③文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。

        My name is Lucia. And I have many hobbies, such as