
试卷更新日期:2019-08-05 类型:期末考试



  • 6. Who showed the boy around the city park?
    A、A robot. B、A volunteer. C、A guide.
  • 7. How long is the ancient wall now?
    A、800 meters. B、1, 000 meters. C、1, 800 meters.
  • 8. Which subject did the boy do worst in?
    A、History. B、Science. C、English.
  • 9. What will Mary bring to the boy?
    A、Pop music CDs. B、Country music CDs. C、Jazz music CDs.
  • 10. How long has Mark practiced his English?
    A、For 5 years. B、For 10 years. C、For 15 years.
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What was Maria drawing when Mr. Wang came in?
    A、A monkey. B、A dog. C、A pig.
    (2)、Where was John drawing a tiger?
    A、On the newspaper. B、On his book. C、On the blackboard.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What did Jack do last night?
    A、He read a book. B、He watched a play. C、He listened to the radio.
    (2)、When did the story take place?
    A、In 1936. B、In 1937. C、In 1938.
    (3)、How is the music of the play?
    A、It's beautiful. B、It's terrible. C、It's boring.


  • 13. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Jerry comes from ______.
    A、Australia B、Canada C、France
    (2)、The swimming pool is about ______ meters deep.
    A、4 B、5 C、6
    (3)、The pool looks like ______.
    A、a beach B、an island C、a lake
    (4)、There are ______ around the pool.
    A、flowers B、stones C、walls
    (5)、Jerry can't ___ in the pool.
    A、skate B、swim C、play ball games
  • 14. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Cindy came to Shanghai
    A、last spring B、last summer C、last winter
    (2)、Cindy will leave for Japan
    A、next summer B、ten months later C、after she finishes her studies
    (3)、Cindy's_______ helped her a lot when she was in Shanghai.
    A、classmates B、parents C、friends
    (4)、Cindy's friends invited her to ______.
    A、go to the library B、eat dinner at their homes C、go swimming in the pool
    (5)、From the passage, we can learn that, ______.
    A、Cindy speaks Japanese very well now B、Cindy has been in Beijng for ten months C、Cindy decided to learn more about the culture of her country


  • 15. 你将听到的是一篇关于著名小说《小妇人》及其作者的短文,请你根据所听内容,用正确的信息完成下面的信息采集表。

    The writer of the novel (小说) Little Women


    Louisa May Alcott.

    Birth date

    29, 1832.


    Alcott tried several jobs, including and making clothes for others.

    Alcott had a great interest in writing and her first book was Flouer Fables.

    Later, someone asked her to write a book for, so she wrote Little Women.


    Little Women came out in and it was very successful.

    Influence (影响)

    Today Little Women is still a novel.


  • 16. My uncle lives in ______ Asian country, and he teaches in ______ university there.
    A、an; a B、an; an C、a; a D、a; an
  • 17. There are all kinds of ______ in the river. Tom usually gets lots of ______ in summer.
    A、fish; fish B、fish; fishes C、fishes; fish D、fishes; fishes
  • 18. —How do you say "3:50" in English?

    —It's ______.

    A、ten past four B、ten to four C、four to ten D、ten to three
  • 19. It's reported that Voice on CCTV-1 has become a popular program ______ teenagers.
    A、among B、between C、during D、against
  • 20. —Dad, I'm worried about the math test on Monday.

    — Be sure of yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, ______ will.

    A、some B、somebody C、no D、nobody
  • 21. —Are you going to the movies tonight?

    — I'm not sure. I ___ go out to play basketball.

    A、may B、can C、should D、must
  • 22. —Look! Julie and Lucy ______ the football match on TV.

    — Oh, that's why I can't find them in the yard.

    A、watch B、are watching C、have watched D、were watching
  • 23. The spirit of Lei Feng always encourages us ______ others.
    A、to help B、helping C、help D、helped
  • 24. —You can come and play with me ______ you're free.

    — Thank you. I will.

    A、wherever B、whoever C、whenever D、however
  • 25. —Dave was still ______ when he left the hospital.

    — He still needs to have a good rest at home.

    A、strong B、strongly C、weak D、weakly
  • 26. You can't get a job in the company ______ you have experience.
    A、if B、unless C、because D、since
  • 27. — This is the second time I have come here. The city ______ a lot.

    — Yeah. It is becoming more and more beautiful.

    A、changes B、will change C、was changing D、has changed
  • 28. I think staying with our family is ______ than any other thing in the world.
    A、happier B、the happiest C、more happily D、the most happily
  • 29. —______, boys and girls! The school bus is leaving in ten minutes.

    — OK. We will.

    A、Make up B、Hurry up C、Look up D、Cheer up
  • 30. —I will go to Shanghai next weekend. I can't wait!

    — ______.

    A、You are so happy B、Take care C、Have a good time D、It's no big deal


  • 31. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

        The one thing you will never waste your money is traveling. If you have the opportunity (机会), travel around Europe. You will be happy with how much you1by visiting different places. Being able to go to different countries is so2, because you can know about different languages, try local food and experience different cultures. It's3good to live in a bubble (生活在泡沫中). Traveling allows you to walk out of your4 room and have a different experience.

        You may5how different you become after you start traveling. Traveling may make you more confident and independent (独立的). It may make you be able to6your way around a new city. While it can be scary at first, after a few7you may realize that Google Maps is your best friend and it isn't difficult to choose to take a bus or take the subway. Traveling also helps you develop your skills in organizing something. And traveling is a great8to meet new people from all over the world. It is9 when young people from different parts of the world come together. And I am very glad because I have met so many people in this way. So try and travel as much as possible, because you will gain many experiences from traveling that can't be taught at school and the experiences may, 10 your life.

    A、take B、cost C、learn D、lose
    A、boring B、afraid C、strange D、wonderful
    A、usually B、often C、always D、never
    A、noisy B、comfortable C、crowded D、big
    A、look B、notice C、say D、hear
    A、come B、ask C、find D、miss
    A、trips B、lessons C、records D、problems
    A、way B、day C、party D、meeting
    A、impossible B、funny C、bad D、fantastic
    A、end B、start C、change D、give


  • 32. 阅读理解

    Welcome to our bookstore!

    War and Peace一By Leo Tolstoy

    It is one of Tolstoy's finest achievements. After you read it, you can have a better understanding of Russian people and their lives.

    Price: 68 yuan (If you buy it on New Year's Day, you can just pay half.)

    Notre-Dame de Paris一By Victor Hugo

    The love story between the beautiful woman and the terrible-looking man touches people's hearts. Hugo teaches people to love beauty and truth.

    Price: 36 yuan (If you buy it on our website, you can only pay 30 yuan.)

    The Red and the Black一By Stendhal

    It describes the fight between a man and the society and it gives a full picture of the French society.

    Price: 36 yuan (If you buy two copies, you can get a beautiful cup for free.)

    Oliver Twist- By Charles Dickens It is about how an orphan (孤儿) works hard to achieve his success. Inspired (受启迪) by it, Disney made the film Oliver & Company in 1988.

    Price: 19 yuan (Every Monday, it's on sale for 12 yuan.)

    (1)、___ can give us a better understanding of Russian people.
    A、The Red and the Black B、Oliver Twist C、War and Peace D、Notre Dame de Paris
    (2)、We can buy Notre Dame de Paris at a lower price if we______.
    A、buy it on New Year's Day B、buy it on the website C、buy two copies at a time D、buy it in the bookstore on Monday
    (3)、Jim can get ______ for free if he buys two copies of The Red and the Black.
    A、a cup B、a CD C、a hat D、a pen
    (4)、Jim will pay ______if he buys two Notre Dame de Paris on the Internet and one Oliver Twist on Monday.
    A、91 yuan B、72 yuan C、84 yuan D、74 yuan
    (5)、What is Oliver Twist about?
    A、A war. B、A love story. C、The French society. D、An orphan's success.
  • 33. 阅读理解

        Have you ever walked along the Silk Road? Do you know the famous Silk Road? The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes (贸易路线) connecting the East and the West.

        People used to do business with others from different countries along these routes. Scientists and archaeologists (考古学家) believe people began to travel along the Silk Road centuries ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world, the Silk Road had covered almost 6,500 kilometers. It started from China and finally got to Rome.

        Merchants traveling along the Silk Road carried silk, of course. They also carried and traded in tea, cloth, gold, jewels and other things. During its busiest time, the Silk Road attracted (吸引) people from many different countries, such as China, Iraq, Turkey and Greece. All those people traveled along the Silk Road to share goods, stories, ideas, languages and cultures.

        In modern times, the old Silk Road is still useful, but now people use trains instead of camels and horses to travel. They have realized the Silk Road is becoming more and more important among countries. So they, especially Chinese people, are trying to make better use of it. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. It has over 35,000 objects about the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries.

    (1)、The old Silk Road started from China and got to______.
    A、Iraq B、Turkey C、Greece D、Rome
    (2)、The underlined word "Merchants" means "______" in Chinese.
    A、流浪汉 B、犯人 C、商人 D、铁匠
    (3)、All people could share ______ through the Silk Road.
    A、families B、cultures C、people D、countries
    (4)、What can we infer according to the passage?
    A、We can get to any part of the world along the Silk Road. B、The Silk Road is playing an important role in the world. C、Only China would like to make better use of the Silk Road. D、The Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan simply protects China's history.
    (5)、What's the best title for this passage?
    A、The Silk Road B、The Silk Route Museum C、The East and the West D、Trades Among Countries
  • 34. 左栏是对五个人的描述,右栏是-份报纸七个版面的介绍,请为左栏的每个人选择一个他感兴趣的版面。

    Deng Lin is a college student.' He is going to study in America, so he needs to know what happened there.

    Chen Qi is a crazy basketball fan. And he doesn't want to miss any basketball match.

    Zhen Min is an outgoing girl. She likes to make friends and enjoy the beautiful scenes in different places.

    Lin Hao wants to know what's going on all over the world.

    Qiu Ying can speak Chinese, English and German, and he wants to learn more.

    A. Travel

    Glass bridge stokes excitement among tourists…

    B. Lifestyle

    Letter writers put pen to paper again. Writing letters seems an old-fashioned way of communicating in today's world, but in China, actions are being taken to…

    C. Studying abroad

    Twenty-four Chinese students studying in the southern part of the United States on Saturday received an award that…

    D. Sports

    Durant back for NBA Finals Game 5…

    E. Science

    Huawei's operating system is under development…

    F. News

    US trade bullying (恃强欺弱的行为) harms the world. The United States has launched a trade war against China…

    G. Education

    Are you interested in languages? Chinese, English, French, Spanish, German…


  • 35. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        Have you ever read Tom Sawyer? It's about a boy called Tom Sawyer. He lives his aunt Polly. He often gets into trouble with his aunt. Aunt Polly is very kind, but Tom thinks she is always trying to control him.

        Tom loves to risks. He does a lot of bad things, but he never really hurts anyone. He tries very hard not to go to school, and often jumps out of his bedroom window at night to his friends.

        Tom's best friend is Huck Finn, a boy who has no home. In the book, Tom, Huck, and another boy decide to leave the town they think that living there is too boring. They run away to an island in the middle of a river. They make fires, fish and sleep under the stars. They also make a to travel up and down the river. Without seeing the boys for days, the people in the town think that have died. One day, when Tom comes back to his aunt's to leave a letter saying that he is not dead, he hears his aunt talking about his funeral (葬礼). Then Tom has idea. On the morning of their funeral, the boys run back into the town and attend their own funeral before telling everyone that they are still alive. Isn't it ? Do you want to read it?


  • 36. 信息归纳,请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。

        Parents are the most important people in your life. They have looked after you since you were born, so you should always love them. You should get on well with them. But some children don't know how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.

        Spend more time with your parents. Don't spend too much time playing computer games or watching TV. Instead you can ask your parents to play with you. You can talk or go outside with them if they have time.

        Be kind to your parents. You can make them happy with a smile when you come home. You can send your mother a card on Mothers' Day or tell your father a joke on his birthday. You can also clean your room by yourself.

        Work hard. If you do your best in your studies, your parents will be proud (自豪的) of you.

    Information Card

    The most important people in your life

    The number of the ways to help you to get on well with your parents

    The things that you shouldn't spend too much time doing

    The thing you can send your mother on Mother's Day

    The feeling of your parents when you do your best in your studies

  • 37. 按照要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在指定的位置上。









    Hello, everyone,

        Today I want to tell you something about my relationship with my parents.


        That's all, thanks.