
试卷更新日期:2019-07-22 类型:中考真卷


  • 1. I ______________ to school on foot every day.
    A、go B、went C、has gone
  • 2. This book ________________ by children.
    A、loves B、loved C、is loved
  • 3. —Who is the girl under the tree?

    —She is _________________ classmate, Annie.

    A、I B、me C、my
  • 4. —When is your birthday, Li Fang?

    —It's _____________ July 26.

    A、on B、to C、in
  • 5. He ran as fast as he could _____________ the bus but he failed.
    A、catch B、to catch C、caught
  • 6. —May I go and play with Dick, Mum?

    —No, you can't go out ____________ your homework is being done.

    A、before B、as C、until
  • 7. —Dad, I don't know this new word.

    —Well, you can _________________________ in the dictionary.

    A、look up it B、look it up C、look it around
  • 8. Peter studies ______________ of all the students in his class.
    A、hard B、harder C、hardest
  • 9. I'm not hungry at all because I have just had much ___________.
    A、bread B、pears C、eggs
  • 10. Lily enjoys ______________ a film at the weekend.
    A、see B、to see C、seeing


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案,并在答题卡上将其字母标号涂黑。

        Summer holiday is coming. Lin Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, Zhang Mei are making their holiday  1.

        Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to 2 his favourite football team play. He is going to wear the team shirt and cheer the 3. It's going to be great fun and he hopes that his team will 4 the best score and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpful with his family in July. There's a lot of litter in the park, 5 they're going to collect it. They hope to do something to make their hometown 6. Besides, they want to be volunteers and 7 farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay with 8Australian family. 9 does she plan to do so? Because she wants to improve her spoken English 10 .

        Lin Tao and his classmates are all looking forward to their summer holiday.

    A、hotels B、plans C、tickets
    A、watch B、smell C、feel
    A、singers B、writers C、players
    A、get B、lose C、give
    A、but B、or C、so
    A、happy B、clean C、wide
    A、bring B、help C、leave
    A、the B、a C、an
    A、Why B、When C、Where
    A、quickly B、quietly C、loudly


  • 12. 根据文内容判断正误。

        When Jim was young, he liked watches very much. When he was 18 years old, he joined the army, and after a year, he began to teach himself to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him their watches with problems and asked for mending. Jim was always glad to help.

        Jim's captain(土校) heard about this, and one day he brought Jim a watch and said, "My watch doesn't work, can you mend it for me?" "Yes, sir. I can. " Jim answered. A few days later, he brought the watch back to the captain. "How much shall I pay?" the captain asked. "Nothing, sir." Jim said. He took out a small box and gave it to the captain and said, "In the box are three wheels from your watch, I couldn't find any places for them when I put everything back."

    (1)、When Jim was young, he liked watches very much.
    (2)、Jim joined the army when he was 18 years old.
    (3)、Jim taught himself to mend computers.
    (4)、One day Jim's captain brought him a watch.
    (5)、Jim succeeded in mending the captain's watch.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Once there was a boy and his little sister living in a small village. The boy was good—looking but his sister was not. One day they found a mirror(镜子)and they saw what they looked like for the first time. The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister, "How handsome I am! I look nicer than you!" The girl didn't like what her brother said and gave him a hard push. "Go away!" she said angrily.

        Their father saw what was happening, He went up to them and said to the boy, "You must always be good as well as look good." Then the father said to the girl, "My dear, if you help everyone and do your best to please(使愉快)them, everyone will love you. It doesn't matter that you are not as good— looking as your brother. "

    (1)、Once a boy and his little sister lived in a small ___________________.
    A、city B、town C、village
    (2)、The boy and his sister saw what they looked like in the mirror for the _________ time.
    A、first B、second C、third
    (3)、The girl didn't like what her _____________ said.
    A、aunt B、brother C、mother
    (4)、Father told the boy to be good as well as look ________________.
    A、good B、young C、ugly
    (5)、The underlined word "matter " in Paragraph 2 means ________________in Chinese.
    A、麻烦 B、问题 C、要紧
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two children, Kevin and Jenny. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes to each other. Here are these four notes of today.

    3:30 pm

    To Kevin,

        Mr. King rang, telling there is no football practice today, and he asked you to get ready for the football match tomorrow.


    4:00 pm

    To Jenny,

    It's your turn to walk our pet dog Teddy and play with him after school.


    6:45 pm

    To all,

        Has anyone found my tennis shoes? I'm doing my homework in my bedroom.


    9:00 pm

    To Kevin,

       I saw your shoes this morning. They smelt terrible so I put them outside the back door. Good night, dear!


    (1)、_____________ was asked to walk the pet dog after school.
    A、Mum B、Kevin C、Jenny
    (2)、Kevin was doing his homework in the ______________.
    A、bedroom B、garden C、living room
    (3)、Kevin could find his tennis shoes _____________at 6:45 pm.
    A、under the desk B、outside the back door C、in the bag
    (4)、What will Kevin probably do tomorrow?
    A、Play with Teddy. B、Play tennis. C、Play in a football match.
    (5)、What can we learn from the notes?
    A、Teddy doesn't like to stay at home. B、Mr. King may be a coach. C、Mum washed Kevin's shoes.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Sleep plays an important role in brain (大脑) development. Children should get enough sleep.

         A study says that because of being short of sleep, it is much harder for children to do something carefully. And also they become forgetful and easy to make mistakes. Another study shows that the right amount of night—time sleep is just as important for children's development as healthy eating and taking exercise.

         In general a younger child needs more sleep than an older one. Children at the age of 5-11 will need 10-12 hours of sleep a night while children at the age of more than 11 will need less hours.

        In fact, many parents don't know how to help their children get enough sleep. Here is something you can do. For children at the age of 5-11, a 30-40 minutes' routine (常规) before sleep is helpful. In the activities, children relax and enjoy themselves a lot, and they will go to sleep more easily.

        Children at the age of more than II may go to bed late in the evening, talking with friends online, playing games or watching TV.   And even they will be tired during the day. So limit(限制) your children's use of the Internet, games and the TV before they go to bed.

    A. If not, many problems will come to them.

    B. Why does a child need so much sleep?

    C. How many hours of sleep is enough for a child?

    D. So they will find it, difficult to get up in the next morning.

    E. It includes a bath, reading a story together and so on.

    F. Taking exercise is as important as enough sleep for children.

    G. And don't allow them to have a computer or TV set in their bedroom.


  • 16. 根据对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。

    A. I'm fine, thanks.

    B. Thank you.

    C. I will go with my parents.

    D. He is young.

    E. I am going to Chengdu for my holiday.

    F. Yes, we are.

    Daming: Hello, Monica. How are you'?

    Monica:  Daming, where are you going for your holiday?


    Monica: Who will you go with?


    Monica: Are you going there by train?


    Monica: Have a good trip.




  • 22. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子。部分单词在填入前需进行词形转换,每个单词只能用一次,每空只能填一词。

    visit    usual      die      mean         those

        It's very important to know something about traditional presents. In the West, people often take flowers when they  others. Different flowers have different . For example, people often give red roses to  who they love. In Greece, you must not give white flowers because white flowers are for the . When you go to a foreign country, it is always best to check what people do. If you remember this, you can avoid making a lot of mistakes.


  • 23. 根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。
    (1)、he, is, in, Class 1(他在一班。)
    (2)、the birds, are, flying(鸟儿在飞翔。)
    (3)、I, my family, love(我爱我家。)
    (4)、me, to understand, him, quite, the article, took, by. a long time, written, it(我花了相当长的时间才读懂他写的那篇文章。)
    (5)、it, useful information, easier, us, the Internet, in a short time, much, makes, to search for, for(互联网使我们更容易地在短时间内搜索到有用的信息。)


  • 24. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack想结交更多的中国朋友。请用英文写封邮件,将你的男同学陈东介绍给他。内容包括:












    Dear Jack,

        How is everything going? Now I am writing to introduce my classmate Chen Dong to you.


        I'm sure you'd like to have such a person as your friend. With my best wishes.


    Li Hua