
试卷更新日期:2019-07-18 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(   )
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. How long has the man worked in the school?
    A、For about 8 years. B、For about 9 years. C、Since 2015.
  • 7. How many times has the man been to Beijing?
    A、Once. B、Twice. C、Three times.
  • 8. When did Nick read the story ATaleof Two Cities?
    A、One year ago. B、Two years ago. C、Three years ago.
  • 9. What kind of music does Harry like?
    A、Rock music. B、Country music. C、Pop music.
  • 10. How many pages are there in the book?
    A、80 pages. B、120 pages. C、200 pages.
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What are they going to do together?
    A、Have piano lessons. B、Play ping-pong. C、Go to the movies
    (2)、What time will they meet?
    A、At 5:30 B、At 6:30. C、At 7:30
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What was Jack doing just now?
    A、He was studying for exams in the library. B、He was eating snacks in the library. C、He was talking with a girl in the library
    (2)、Why didn't Jack talk about the problem with the girl?
    A、Because he didn't have enough time B、Because he didn't want to argue with others. C、Because he knew the girl very well.
    (3)、Where are they going now?
    A、To the classroom. B、To the supermarket. C、To the old library.


  • 13. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、How old is Bill?
    A、ten B、eleven C、fourteen
    (2)、How do they get to school?
    A、by bike B、by bus C、by car
    (3)、      is the youngest child in the family.
    A、Nancy B、Roy C、Richard
    (4)、Nancy likes the toy       best
    A、tiger B、monkey C、bear
    (5)、The Smith family often have a picnic      .
    A、in the countryside B、in the city C、in the park
  • 14. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does Sarah come from?
    A、America. B、France. C、Australia.
    (2)、How long has Sarah been in China?
    A、For four year. B、For three months. C、For one year.
    (3)、What is Sarah?
    A、A student. B、A teacher. C、A tour guide.
    (4)、What's Sarah's dream?
    A、To be a teacher. B、To be a tour guide. C、To be a reporter.
    (5)、How does Sarah study languages?
    A、By making a lot of friends. B、By listening to the radio every day. C、By studying in a language school.


  • 15. 听填信息,请你根据所听内容,完成下面的信息采集表。

    Information card



    The poor man

    A poor man had an orange tree in his One day he found one of his oranges was much  than the others.

    The emperor

    The next day when the emperor  the gold cup, he said to the rich man. "What a cup!

    The rich man

    He said to himself, "I'm sure the emperor will give me more ."


  • 16. —Don't tell      else about it It's between you and me.

    —All right.

    A、anyone B、someone C、no one D、everyone
  • 17. When the soccer fans saw Messi, they got      excited that they cried out.
    A、to B、very C、so D、such
  • 18. She didn't go to bed      she finished her homework.
    A、while B、as soon as C、because D、until
  • 19. —Who listens      in class, Tom, Jack or Bill?

    —Jack does, I think.

    A、more careful B、most careful C、more carefully D、most carefully
  • 20. You can't     how beautiful the lake is before you see it with your own eyes.
    A、regret B、imagine C、wait D、accept
  • 21. We are worried about Mark because we haven t received a letter from him      .
    A、ever B、yet C、already D、never
  • 22. —I can't go fishing with you this weekend. I am not free then.

    —What a      !You have looked forward to it for a long time.

    A、shame B、mistake C、record D、mess
  • 23. Although Bill     Australia several times, he doesn't know the country well.
    A、has been to B、has gone to C、goes to D、is going to
  • 24. — Who is      ,Tom or Mike?

    —Mike. He is the thinnest in our class.

    A、fatter B、thinner C、the fattest D、the thinnest
  • 25. —I joined the art club      May, 2016. And you?

    —I've been a member of the club      two years ago.

    A、in; for B、on; since C、on; for D、in; since
  • 26. Your pet dog looks sick. You     take it to the animal hospital at once.
    A、can B、shouldn't C、should D、may
  • 27. My parents allowed me      what I like in my free time.
    A、do B、to do C、doing D、to doing
  • 28. The box is      heavier than that one. I can't carry it by myself.
    A、much B、more C、little D、very
  • 29. He reads the newspaper loudly     all the family could hear.
    A、when B、since C、so that D、because
  • 30. —What do you think of the story?


    A、Thank you B、Never mind C、I'm tired D、It's interesting


  • 31. 完形填空

        Once there was a rich woman. She lived in a large and beautiful house but she felt bored about her life. One day, she asked her helper, "What is the most 1 thing?" The helper told her," The beautiful thing you are looking for is not here. You must look for it by 2. What about a tour?

        The woman thought it was such a 3 idea that she started the next day. When she was top of the hill 4 her house. She looked down and suddenly something cried in her heart." 5 did I never find my house so beautiful?"

        The woman 6 one year traveling. She saw beauty on the farm, in the forest and 7 in the stars twinkling(闪烁)at night. But what was the most beautiful thing? She 8. The question. Suddenly, the woman understood beauty was 9. She didn't find it because she didn't enjoy it.

        She found the most beautiful thing 10. It was the world!

    A、beautiful B、different C、interesting D、boring
    A、myself B、herself C、himself D、yourself
    A、funny B、useless C、helpful D、bad
    A、in B、near C、of D、under
    A、What B、When C、Why D、Where
    A、paid B、cost C、spent D、took
    A、always B、nearly C、almost D、even
    A、talked with B、thought over C、depended on D、found out
    A、everywhere B、anywhere C、nowhere D、somewhere
    A、at home B、at first C、at last D、at least


  • 32. 阅读理解

    (1)、According to the vote, over half of the kids     .
    A、like to do chores B、dislike to do chores C、agree that they should get paid D、disagree that they should get paid
    (2)、     is the best job for kids.
    A、Doing the dishes B、Cleaning the house C、Washing cars D、Folding clothes
    (3)、Kids can get an average of each time for making the bed.
    A、$0.76 B、$192 C、$1.02 D、$23
    (4)、Who can probably get the most money in a week according to the passage?
    A、Jeff—washing cars twice a week B、Mary—folding clothes 5 times a week C、Lisa—setting the table 10 times a week. D、Jenny—cleaning the dog cage 3 times a week.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Girls do better in doing chores than boys. B、Boys can get $2. 52 for cleaning the house. C、Kids can hardly get paid for setting the table. D、Girls make more money than boys by doing the dishes.
  • 33. 阅读理解

        An old man lived with his little grandson. Every day the old man got up early to read books.

        One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa, I want to read books as you. But I always forget what I read. What are the advantages of reading?

        The grandfather didn't answer him, but he said to the boy, Take this little basket to the river and bring back a basket of water for me. "The boy went to the river to fill the basket with water but all the water leaked out before he got back home. The boy was sad, but his grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to walk faster next time.

        The next time the boy ran faster, but the basket was still empty before he retumed home. The boy said, "See, Grandpa, it's no use!"

        "Is it useless ""the old man said "Look at the basket."

        The boy looked at the basket and found that the basket was different. It was much cleaner.

        That's what happens when you read books. Maybe you can't understand or remember everything. Something will change in your mind after you read. Just like the basket.

    (1)、The old man     every day.
    A、carried water B、read books C、wrote books D、told his grandson some store
    (2)、After the grandson read books, he     .
    A、threw the books B、got up late C、always forgot what he read D、couldn't sleep as well as usual
    (3)、The grandson used     to get some water from a river.
    A、a basket B、a bowl C、a glass D、a bottle
    (4)、The underlined "leaked out" may mean     in the passage.
    A、装满 B、漏完 C、沸腾 D、灌溉
    (5)、We will     after we read book.
    A、not have any changes B、understand everything C、change something in our mind D、never forget what we read
  • 34. 任务型阅读。左栏是五个人的需求,右栏是七则广告。请为每人匹配合适的信息 (其中有两项多余)。

    Mrs. black is worried about her daughter. She wants to know how to keep her daughter safe online.

    Susan's family has money worries. Susan wants to find a part-time job to help her parents.

    Samuel is going to a dinner party with his wife are looking for someone after their 4-year-old.

    Mrs. Brown finds it hard to get her kids to do chores. She wants to get some advice.

    Mary is a student. In her free time. she wants to do something to help the environment.

    A. Volunteers wanted: We need some volunteers to clean up a local public park. Anyone who is interested please call David at 6651-9987.

    B. Welcome to our homepage. This is a very useful website for parents. There are lots of articles and tips on parenting.

    C. Do you need a babysitter to take care of your kid when you're away from home Please call Mary at 3311-1101.

    D. Salesperson wanted:

    Work on part-time; 2-3 days/week and 3-4 hours/day. Please call Jack at 5567-6788.

    E. Porter wanted: We need some men to carry the heavy boxes of furniture.

    F. keep Your Kids Safe on the Internet is a book to help you keep your family safe from the Internet. The author gives a lot of ideas.

    G. Yoga Club: Yoga is a very good way to relax. It is good for the body and the mind. Call us at 8668-5500.


  • 35. 短文填空

        An old man had a box in his room. He never let anyone touch it. A couple worked for him.

        One day, the old man wanted go out and before he left, he said to them, "I will be away for few days. Look after my box don't open.

        The man's wife was always in his box. The next day she said to her husband. "There must be something expensive in the box. Let's open it, shall we? "Her husband disagreed but the woman didn't give. One day, the woman couldn't opening the box and looked inside to her , there was nothing inside. She tried hard to close the box, but she couldn't.

        That evening, the old man came back. he found that the box was open, he was so angry

        The couple regretted (后悔)doing that and said sorry, but it was late. The old man told them to leave his home at once. "But we didn't take anything at , "the wife said. The old man shouted.

        "The box is not important. Now I know I can't believe you. That's the most important!"




  • 46. 阅读能使人充实,使人明智、增长知识。假如你是第二中学的学生,请根据下列关于你校学生阅读现状的调查数据和儿点提示,用英语写一篇题为“Le's Read More!”的小短文。短文要求70词左右,可适当发挥。





    Reading Survey

    Number of students

    Reading Time


    less than 2 hours


    1-2 hours


    less than 1 hour