
试卷更新日期:2019-06-21 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 补全对话

    A. Mum, I don't want to join the English club.

    B. Basketball is my favourite sport.

    C. Please let him join the basketball club.

    D. You can join the English club.

    E. Does Peter like playing basketball

    (Peter and his mum are at the school gate.)

    Peter: Oh! There are some new clubs in our school. I can join the basketball club. Look at the poster, Mum. Can I join the basketball club?

    Mum: Let me see. No, Peter! Do you like reading English?

    Peter: Yes, I...do...

    Mum: OK. Let's go.

    (They are in Miss Fang's office.)

    Mum: Hello, Miss Fang.

    Miss Fang: Hello. Which club does Peter like?

    Mum: Yes. But he likes reading English too. He can join the English club.

    Peter:  like playing basketball. Let me join the basketball club. Please, Mum. Please!

    Miss Fang: Peter can be a good basketball player.

    Mum: Um, OK. Peter.

    Peter: Hurray! Great! Thank you, Mum. Thank you, Miss Fang.

  • 2. 补全对话

    A. Yes, I can.

    B. I often run to school.

    C. At seven.

    D. Do you brush your teeth at 7:00?

    E. What time do you get up?

    Boy: Hello, Amy!

    Girl: I get up at 6:30.


    Girl: No. At 6:40.

    Boy: What time do you have breakfast?

    Girl:  I go to school at 7:10.

    Boy: Me too. Let's go to school together.

    Girl:  Can you run too?


    Girl: OK! Let's go.

  • 3. 从方框中选择相应的句子补全对话

    A. I have a party with my classmates in the morning.

    B. How are you?

    C. Happy Children's Day!

    D. I love Children's Day.

    E. Do you go to the cinema?

    John: Good morning, Amy!

    Amy: Good morning, John!

    John: Fine, thanks. Today is June 1st. It's Children's Day. Happy Children's Day!

    Amy:  What do you do on Children's Day?

    John:  I go to the museum with my parents in the afternoon.

    Amy: I love Children's Day too.


    Amy: Yes, I do. I go to the zoo too.

  • 4. 补全对话

    A. Good morning, Miss Fang!

    B. Happy Children's Day!

    C. What can you do this morning?

    D. Will you go to the museum in the afternoon?

    E. How are you?

    Jill: Hi, Alice.

    Alice: Hi, Jill. I'm fine, thanks.

    Jill & Alice:

    Miss Fang: Good morning, kids!

    Jill & Alice: Thank you!

    Miss Fang:

    Jill & Alice: We can sing a song.

    Miss Fang:

    Jill & Alice: Yes. We will go to the museum together.

  • 5. 补全对话

    A. How does it taste?

    B. It's sweet.

    C. How does it feel?

    D. It's hard.

    E. Nice to meet you.

    Kitty: Hi, Jim!

    Jim: Nice to meet you too.

    Kitty: Touch this.


    Kitty: Taste it.

    Jim:  Is it an apple?

    Kitty: Yes, it is. Have it, please!

  • 6. 请根据下面对话情景, 将相关句子的对应的编号填到横线上

    A. What do you do on your summer holiday?

    B. Where do you live?

    C. Can you play with snow in winter?

    D. How is the weather in your city?

    E. Is it summer now?

    Tom:Your summer holiday is coming soon.

    Bob:On my summer holiday, I go swimming and surfing.

    Tom:It sounds good.

    Bob:It's hot and sunny in Shenzhen in summer.

    Tom:I live in Sydney, Australia.


    Tom:No, it isn't. It's winter.


    Tom:Yes, you're right. Now it's snowy and cold. We can make a snowman.

    Bob:Great! I want to make a snowman, too.

  • 7. 从下列方框中选出合适的句子完成对话,将其字母编号填写在横线上。

    A. They're so big.

    B. How are you on Children's Day?

    C. Do you go to the zoo on Children's Day?

    D. What do you do on Children's Day, Tom?

    E. Thank you, Miss Fang.

    Miss Fang: Good morning, Boys and girls. Happy Children's Day!

    Tom &Alice:

    Miss Fang:

    Tom: I go to the zoo with my mum. I see the elephants.

    Miss Fang: How about you, Alice?

    Alice: No, I don't. I go to the cinema with Kitty. It's wonderful

    Miss fang:

    Tom& Alice: Were happy. I love Children's Day

  • 8. 选择句子完成对话, 每句话限用—次。

    A. We have Science, PE and Art in the afternoon.

    B. What lessons do we have today?  

    C. What subjects do you like? 

    D. How about you, Rose?


    Jack: We have Chinese, Maths, English and Music in the morning.


    Anna: I like English and Science.

    Jack: I like Art and PE.

    Rose: I like all the subjects.

  • 9. 读一读,选择句子补全对话。

    A. It's behind the hill.
    B. Where's your home?
    C. What do you like doing?
    D. Can you hop?
    E. Do you like swimming?

    Rabbit: Hello, Duck.

    Duck: Hi, Rabbit.


    Duck: It's near the river. Where is your home?


    Duck: I like swimming.

    Rabbit: No, I don't.


    Rabbit: I like hopping.

    Duck: No, I can't.

  • 10. 读一读,选择句子补全对话

    A. It's in November.  
    B. How are you?  
    C. It's in June.
    D. I have a party with my friends.  
    E. I ride a bike with my brother.

    Rose: Hello, John. 

    John: Fine, thank you.

    Rose: When is Children's Day in China?


    Rose: What do you do on Children's Day?

    John:  We sing and dance.

    Rose: I have a party on Children's Day, too.

    John: When's Children's Day in Canada?


    John: Do you ride a bike on Children's Day?

    Rose: Yes, I do.

  • 11. 选择句子,补全对话。

    A. I like these purple flowers too.

    B. Do you water them every day?

    C. It has big and thick leaves.

    D. There are many plants in my garden

    Linda: Welcome to my garden, John.


    Linda: No, I don't. I water them every Wednesday. Look at this plant.

    John: Oh, it is tall.  It has three purple flowers. These purple flowers are beautiful. I like them.


  • 12. 读一读,选择句子补全对话。

    A. It's windy and cold in December.    
    B. Do you like December, Sue?
    C. It's always rainy in April.      
    D. I like swimmingin July.

    Bob: It's snowy today. I like the weather in December.

    Sue: No, Idon't like December.  I like April. It's warm in April. Do you likeApril, Tina?

    Tina: No, Idon't.  I don't like rainy days. I like July. It's hotand sunny.

    Sue: What do you like doing in July, Tina?

    Tina:  And my birthday is in July too!

  • 13. 读一读,补全句子。

    A. No, she doesn't.          
    B. Let's go to school library together.
    C. I go to school library on Monday.      
    D. What do you do on Friday?
    E. Yes, I do.

    Nick: Hi, Tina. Do you have a timetable for this week?


    Nick: What do you do on Monday?


    Nick: I like reading in the library too.  

    Tina: OK. Do you go to the football club on Friday?

    Nick: Yes, I do.

    Tina: I go swimming on Friday.

    Nick: Does Lily go swimming with you on Friday?


  • 14. 读一读, 选择句子补全对话。

    A. They have breakfast at seven o'clock.    
    B. What time do you get up?
    C. I have breakfast at half past seven.    
    D. I go to school at a quarter to eight.

    Lisa: Hello, Pat.

    Pat: Hi, Lisa.  

    Lisa: I get up at a quarter past seven. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face.

    Pat: What time do you have breakfast?


    Pat: Do your parents have breakfast at half pastseven too?

    Lisa: No, they don't.

    Pat: What time do you go to school?
