
试卷更新日期:2019-06-18 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。

     A. right B. night C. light

     A. idea B. heavy C. teach

     A. pie B. field C. lie

     A. girl B. shirt C. bird

     A. wear B. pear C. bear





  • 16. 匹配题。

    ⑴a photo of the Great Wall       A.

    ⑵ride a horse                    B.

    ⑶have a lovely time              C.

    ⑷take photos                    D.

    ⑸go to Hainan                  E.


  • 17. 选词填空。

    about    with    of    at    in

    (1)、Daming's grandma lives America.
    (2)、I want to find out more New York.
    (3)、—Let's make a list things to do.

    —That's a good idea.

    (4)、—When are you going to go there?

    seven tomorrow morning.

    (5)、Who's going to go you?


  • 18. 根据问句选择合适的答语。

    ⑴Did she go to school?                        A. Of course.

    ⑵Where is Haikou?                               B. We went there in June.

    ⑶What did Daming do yesterday?       C. It's in the south of China.

    ⑷When did you go there?                    D. He climbed the mountain.

    ⑸Can I make a kite?                              E. Yes,she did.


  • 19. 阅读理解,选择正确答案

    Dear John,

        How are you? Last night we went to a show. The actors danced with us. They sang lots of songs. It was very nice. We laughed a lot.

        I am going to see you in three weeks. We can go to the show together.

        See you soon.


    (1)、Who has got a letter?
    A、John B、Mike C、me
    (2)、What did they do last night?
    A、went to a show B、went to the zoo C、went to bed
    (3)、What did the actors do?
    A、wore the men's clothes    B、wore the women's clothes    C、danced and sang
    (4)、When are they going to meet?
    A、in two weeks B、in three weeks C、next year
    (5)、Were they happy last night?
    A、Yes, they were. B、No, they weren't. C、I don't know.
  • 20. 阅读判断。

        Last summer I went to Qingdao with my parents.Qingdao is in the east of China.The weather was warm there. I swam in the sea every day.We ate lots of fish.I bought many presents for my friends too.We had a lovely time there.

    (1)、I went to Qingdao with my parents.
    (2)、Qingdao is in the west of China.
    (3)、I swam in the sea every day.
    (4)、We ate lots of fruit .
    (5)、I had a lovely time there.


  • 21.    假设你是Tom,给你的朋友Jim写一封信,描述一下你要去哪里,打算带什么,要和谁一起去。


    Dear Jim,

