
试卷更新日期:2019-06-12 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. Scientists have obtained more evidence ________ plastic is finding its way into the human body.
    A、what B、that C、which D、where
  • 2. We have entered into an age ________ dreams have the best chance of coming true.
    A、which B、what C、when D、that
  • 3. The doctor shares his phone number with the patients ________ they need medical assistance.
    A、if only B、as if C、even though D、in case
  • 4. The professor warned the students that on no account _____________ use mobile phones in his class.
    A、should they B、they should C、dare they D、they dare
  • 5. Their child is at the stage__________ she can say individual words but not full sentences.
    A、why B、where C、which D、what
  • 6. What a pity! You missed the sightseeing, or we ________ a good time together.
    A、had B、will have C、would have had D、had had
  • 7. The workers were not better organized, otherwise they ____________ the task in half the time.
    A、accomplished B、had accomplished C、would accomplish D、would have accomplished