新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷五

试卷更新日期:2019-05-31 类型:期末考试


  • 1. Sally,can you help me buy ________ onion and ________ potato?
    A、a; a B、a; an C、an; a D、an; an
  • 2. There are some _______ desks in the classroom.
    A、nice long new B、nice new long C、long new nice D、new nice long
  • 3. —What's this?

    —Oh, my God! It's a gift(礼物) for James. I forgot ______ it this afternoon.

    A、to post B、posting C、post D、posts
  • 4. —I can't play basketball after school, Li Ming.

    —Lu Ping, I can't, ________.

    A、too B、also C、only D、either
  • 5. —________ is it from your house to the bookstore?

    —It's about fifteen minutes' walk.


    A、How long B、How far C、How often D、How soon
  • 6. We do Chinese kung fu _______four _______ the afternoon.
    A、at; in B、in; in C、at; on D、in; on
  • 7. —Thank you so much.


    A、No, thank you B、No problem C、Don't say it D、Sure
  • 8. —What does your sister usually do in the evening?

    —She usually ________ TV. But now she ________ a book.

    A、watches; is reading B、watch; read C、is watching; sees D、watches; is seeing
  • 9. It's 11:00 p.m. now, but his mother is _____ doing the ____.
    A、just; dish B、only; dishes C、still; dish D、still; dishes
  • 10. —What do you think of English?

    —It's a useful ________,so we must learn it well.

    A、question B、language C、message D、problem


  • 11. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案.

    Dear Grandmother and Grandfather,

        How's it going? Last Sunday I went to Long Bay with my1 . We got up at 6:30 in the morning.We ate breakfast at 7:00,2then we left for Long Bay.My father is a good driver and he3fast.But I have to say, the trip was a little4 . When we got there,5was already(已经)ten o'clock.

        Frist we swam and played balls in the water6 over an hour. After that,we ate a big lunch in a restaurant.In the afternoon my mother and I7the sunshine on the beach.My father went8 . He didn't get any fish.but it was9 . Soon it was time to go home.My parents and I10Long Bay.What a great day we had!

        I will visit you with my parents this weekend.I miss you very much.


    A、sister    B、brother C、parents D、grandparents
    A、so    B、but C、and D、or
    A、drove B、rail  C、spoke D、ate
    A、long   B、noisy C、important D、expensive
    A、I    B、he C、she D、it
    A、with  B、for  C、after D、under
    A、got   B、saw  C、enjoyed D、found
    A、boating   B、fishing C、climbing D、swimming
    A、boring   B、lucky C、free D、relaxing
    A、visited    B、cleaned C、missed D、left


  • 12. 阅读理解

        My name is Dale. This is my neighborhood. There is a big supermarket near my house. My mother often goes shopping there. Across from the supermarket, there is a school. It's my school. There is a library next to the school. I like reading books there.

        I'm Scott. My neighborhood is busy. There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighborhood. My house is on a street corner(街角). There is a post office near it. And next to the post office is a phone. My name is Helen. There is a big park in my neighborhood. Lots of people go there to have fun. I also like to play there. There is a restaurant across from the park. A bank is next to the restaurant. And some clothes stores are near the bank.

    (1)、Where is Dale's school?
    A、It's behind a library. B、It's across from a library. C、It's behind a supermarket. D、It's across from a supermarket.
    (2)、The underlined word "there" refers to the              .
    A、school B、library C、supermarket D、bookstore
    (3)、There are many              in Scott's neighborhood.
    A、stores and restaurants B、stores and pay phones C、post offices and pay phones D、post offices and restaurants
    (4)、What Can NOT we know from the passage?
    A、Dale, Scott and Helen study in the same school. B、Scott's neighborhood is very busy. C、There are some clothes stores near the bank in Helen's neighborhood. D、Dale's mother often buys food in the supermarket near their house.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Some boys like wearing the same kinds of clothes as girls, and some of them have long hair. So sometimes it's difficult to tell whether(是否)they are boys or girls. Today is Sunday. I have a walk with my grandmother in the park. My grandmother is 80 years old and she can't see well. After some time, my grandmother is tired(疲倦的), so she sits down on a chair. There is another person sitting on the chair, too.

        "Hello," my grandmother says to the person with long hair next to her. "Can you see the person with long hair under the big tree? Is it a boy or a girl? "

        "Which(哪一个) one?" asks the person.

        "The one eating under the big tree," says my grandmother.

        "The boy?" says the person. "He's my brother Mark."

        "Oh," says my grandmother, "I don't know you are his sister."

        "No, I'm not his sister. I'm his brother."

    (1)、On Sunday, the writer                .
    A、goes shopping B、goes swimming C、takes a walk D、plays sports
    (2)、From the passage, we can learn the writer's grandmother              .
    A、has long hair B、can't see well C、is very interesting D、doesn't like walking
    (3)、What is the person with long hair doing under the big tree?
    A、Sleeping. B、Reading. C、Talking. D、Eating.
    (4)、Why does the writer's grandmother think the person next to her is a girl?
    A、Because he has long hair. B、Because he walks like a girl. C、Because he speaks like a girl. D、Because he wears girls' clothes.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        To make the library a good place for you students, you must follow the rules of the library. Here are the rules of our school library.

    If you read here:

    You can stay from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on weekdays.

    You can't bring other books to the library.

    You can only take two books from the shelf (书架) at a time. Please don't be noisy.

    Please don't eat.

    If you borrow books:

    Everyone must use his or her own (自己的) card to borrow books. You can borrow three books at a time. You can keep the books for a week.

    If you lose the books, you must pay for (赔偿) them.

    (1)、You can read in the library ________.

    A、from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. on Sunday  B、from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. on Saturday C、from 3 p. m. to 4 p. m. on Friday D、from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. on Thursday
    (2)、If you read in the library, you ________.

    A、should keep quiet  B、can eat and drink C、should clean the shelf  D、can only take one book at a time
    (3)、If you borrow a book from the library, you can keep it for ________.

    A、two days B、three days C、five days D、seven days
    (4)、What can we learn from the rules of the library?

    A、You can read your own books in the library. B、If you lose the books, you don't have to pay for them. C、When you borrow books, you must use your own card. D、You can borrow five books at a time from the library.


  • 15. 根据短文内容。选择适当的短语完成句子。    A man goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. "Hi!" a waiter says. "Can I help you?"
        "I'd like a hamburger。French flies and a medium pizza, "says the man.
        "Anything else?'' the waiter asks.
        "No, "the man answers. "That's all. ''
        "Is that for here or taking away?" the waiter asks.
        "Taking away, "says the man.
        The man pays for his lunch. The waiter puts the man's lunch in a bag. 'The man takes the bag away.
        "Thank you!" the waiter says. "Have a nice day."
        The man walks to a park. He sits down and opens the bag. To his surprise(使他吃惊的是), there are no hamburgers in the bag. There are no French fries. There is no pizza. There is money(钱)in the bag a lot of money. The man counts the money--2, 000 dollars!
        Why is the money in the bag? The man doesn't know. Do you know? Can you guess?
    A. to a park     
    B. a lot of money     
    C. the man's lunch in a bag
    D. "I'd like a hamburger, French fries and a medium pizza.''
    E. to a fast food restaurant for lunch
    (1)、A man goes .
    (2)、He says, .
    (3)、A waiter puts .
    (4)、The man takes the bag and walks .
    (5)、He opens the bag and finds .


  • 16. 单词拼写

        What do you usually do on the weekend? Different people have different (想法). Some people like to stay at home, others love outdoor activities like going (滑冰), playing soccer and so on. But my friend Peter always does the same thing, washing his car. It's so (无趣的). So last Saturday he drove to his uncle's farm in the (乡村)with his family.

        The farm is not very big, but there's always so (许多)things to do on the farm. (在……之后)meeting their uncle and aunt, they started to help them with the farming. Peter helped in the fields(田地). The children helped to (摘)the apples. Peter's wife was (感兴趣的)in feeding the pigs and cows.

    In the (结尾), they were very tired but happy. They said they really (享受)the trip.


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        One day a man (buy)a lot of coconuts(椰子)and put them all on his horse. He was moving(it)to his friends' house. the way, the man met a boy. “How long would it take(get)to the house?" he asked the boy.

        "If you go (slow), "the boy said, "you will get there very soon.  if you go fast, it will take you all day. ”

        "What a funny answer!" said the man. He did not(listen)to the boy. He made his horse run as fast as possible. Some coconuts fell off. He had to stop (pick)them up. Then he made his horse run fast again. But the coconuts fell off again, and he stopped again.

        He did this many (time), and it was night when he finally got to his (friends)house.


  • 18. 这是Ann的一张家庭照片。请根据照片上的内容,用英语描述一下当时的情景。可能需要的短语:浇花water flowers,向上爬run up,修车mend the car。

        It is a fine Sunday morning. …