
试卷更新日期:2019-05-22 类型:小升初模拟


  • 1. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、house B、hours
  • 2. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、/brag/ B、/bɪ'gɪn/
  • 3. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、happy B、rainy
  • 4. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、/tə'deɪ/ B、/tə'geðə/
  • 5. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、week B、weekend
  • 6. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、/ʃIp/ B、/stop/
  • 7. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、writer B、water
  • 8. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、/strata/ B、/θa:zti/
  • 9. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、go cycling B、go on a picnic
  • 10. 听录音,选择所听到的内容(   )
    A、3678521 B、9682491



  • 16. 听问句,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、It was sunny. B、It was a happy weekend.
  • 17. 听问句,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、He's Mike. B、It's Mike's.
  • 18. 听问句,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、No, thanks. B、Yes, I can.
  • 19. 听问句,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、Yes, it is. B、No, there isn't.
  • 20. 听问句,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、Yes, you may. B、Sorry, she isn't in.



  • 26. 听短文,判断下列句子正误。
    (1)、Edward lives in Australia.
    (2)、Edward gets up at 7:30 a. m.
    (3)、Edward doesn't work in an office.
    (4)、Edward has a dog.
    (5)、Edward goes swimming most weekends.


  • 27. 听短文。选择正确的答案。
    (1)、How old is Zhang Peng?
    A、He is twelve. B、He is eleven.
    (2)、What is Zhang Peng's birthday gift?
    A、It's a storybook. B、It's a new bike.
    (3)、Mum's favourite food is _______.
    A、vegetable salad B、beef
    (4)、Did Zhang Peng ride a bike to school before?
    A、Yes, he did. B、No, he didn't.
    (5)、How was Zhang Peng on that day?
    A、He was a bit afraid. B、He was so excited.


  • 28. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、lake B、cake C、map
  • 29. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、often B、close C、dog
  • 30. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、these B、their C、bathroom
  • 31. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、early B、hear C、ear
  • 32. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、sunny B、uncle C、menu
  • 33. 选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
    A、school B、lunch C、March


  • 34. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、him B、I C、us
  • 35. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、wind B、cloud C、snowy
  • 36. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、seven B、first C、second
  • 37. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、cola B、tea C、bread
  • 38. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、traffic B、subway C、train
  • 39. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、swimming B、boating C、nothing
  • 40. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、younger B、teacher C、lower
  • 41. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、went B、want C、wash


  • 42. —Who ________ she7


    A、does B、is C、are
  • 43. ________ man under the tree is Mr. Liu.
    A、The B、A C、An
  • 44. Miss Li often helps me ________ my homework.
    A、to B、for C、with
  • 45. My father usually ________ TV after dinner.
    A、watch B、watchs C、watches
  • 46. —________ was your weekend?

    —It was good. Thank you.

    A、What B、How C、Why
  • 47. Did you go shopping ________?
    A、yesterday B、tomorrow C、now
  • 48. —Can I ask you a question?

    —Of course. Please ________.

    A、go out B、go up C、go ahead
  • 49. Your feet are bigger than ________.
    A、mine B、me C、my
  • 50. —What is Nancy doing?

    —She ________ water.

    A、will drink B、is drinking C、drinks
  • 51. Tim always says "Thank you" and "please". He is ________.
    A、shy B、helpful C、polite
  • 52. Mary likes singing, and she sings very ________.
    A、badly B、bad C、well
  • 53. "A friend in need is a friend indeed" means ________.
    A、患难见真情 B、三思而后行 C、眼见为实


  • 54. 给下列句子选择正确的答语

    ⑴How did you go to the airport?      A. Yes, I had a great time.

    ⑵Peter is feeling very tired today.      B. I think it is hungry.

    ⑶Did you go to the party?             C. Is it going to rain?

    ⑷You should take an umbrella.         D. We took a taxi.

    ⑸Moscow is a very large city.           E. Yes. It is one of the largest cities in Europe.

    ⑹The dog is trying to open your shopping bag. F. So he's staying in bed.


  • 55. 完形填空

    To: Carol

    Subject: Plan for the week

    Hi, Carol,

        Thanks for inviting me to 1 next week. I'm very busy these days, because I'm 2 a book. I will tell you my plan for the 3. 4 Monday and Tuesday, I will play 5 ping-pong with Cathy. Cathy is living in London now.  On Wednesday, 1 will visit Mike. 6is working at the school on River Road. He really 7 working there. On 8, I will 9 swimming with Sarah. It will be great to see10. On

        Friday, I will arrive at your home at 6 p. m.



    A、dinner B、breakfast C、lunch
    A、writes B、writing C、write
    A、month B、year C、week
    A、In B、On C、At
    A、the B、a C、/
    A、Mike B、Carol C、Susan
    A、love B、loved C、loves
    A、Saturday B、Thursday C、July
    A、go B、like C、come
    A、you B、she C、her


  • 56. 阅读理解

        A woman was at the cinema, and she was enjoying the film very much. But there was a man next to her, and he began looking for something on the floor. The woman was angry and asked, "What are you doing there? What are you looking for?" "A piece of chocolate," the man said to her. "I dropped(掉落) it on the floor." "A piece of chocolate?" the woman said angrily. "It is dirty now. Take this and be quiet, please. I am enjoying the film." She gave the man a big piece of chocolate. But the man said, "One of my teeth(牙齿) is in the chocolate on the floor!"

    (1)、Where were the man and the woman?
    A、At a shop. B、At the cinema. C、In the hospital.
    (2)、The man sat         the woman.
    A、next to B、behind C、in front of
    (3)、The word "dirty" means      .
    A、not big B、not good C、not clean
    (4)、The woman gave the man a piece of chocolate because_______.
    A、she liked him B、she wanted to enjoy the film better C、the piece of chocolate was the man's
    (5)、What's the best title(题目) for the story?
    A、A piece of chocolate. B、A man and a woman. C、A film.


  • 57. 读对话,完成Notice的填写。

    Today is Sunday. It is 11 o'clock. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is crying.

    Sally: Hello. What's the matter? Can we help you?

    Boy: I can't find my dog.

    Peter: We can help you. What does your dog look like?

    Boy: She's small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck

    Man: I saw her half an hour ago. She was near the gate.

    Woman: I saw her two minutes ago. She was near the lake.

    Sally: Peter, you go to the lake. I'm going to ask the gatekeeper.

    Boy: Thank you for your help.

    Lost Dog

    name is Snow.

    She is (size).

    She is (colour).

    She has a pink around her neck.

    She was near at half past ten.

    She was near at about eleven.

    My telephone number is 123456.


  • 58. 阅读理解

    WuBinbin and his friends are talking about their travel.

    WuBinbin: Look! I have a picture of the Great Wall. My family went there last summer. We enjoyed walking on the Great Wall.

    Ann: My family went to Shanghai last year. We ate a lot of delicious food in Chenghuang Temple (城隍庙). I loved the food very much.

    Peter: I went to Qingdao last weekend. My sister and I took many pictures of the beach. It was a great weekend.


    Where did they go?

    When did they go?

    What did they do?


    last summer

    enjoyed walking on the Great Wall


    ate delicious food



    last weekend

    (2)、How about your travel?