
试卷更新日期:2019-05-09 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —Tom, do your parents like Beijing Opera?

    — _____my dad ______ my mom likes it. They both like classical music.

    A、Neither ;nor B、Both; and C、Not only; but also
  • 2. You are supposed to ___________ smoking, ___________ you will get ill.

    A、go on; so B、give up; or C、stop; so
  • 3. Practise more,           you'll learn English better.
    A、or B、so C、and
  • 4. Beef is healthy food ___ I don't like it.

    A、and B、but C、also
  • 5. I don't like __________ for lunch.
    A、onions, beef and tomatoes B、onion, beef or tomatos C、onions, beef or tomatoes
  • 6. Study hard, _____ you're sure to have a good mark in the exam.

    A、but B、and C、or    
  • 7. —I want you to talk about the Summer Palace.

    — I'm sorry, but ____ Bill _____ I have been there.

    A、either, or B、neither,nor C、both,and
  • 8.         my father         my mother is busy at work, so I have to look after myself.
    A、Both; and B、Neither; nor C、Not only; but also
  • 9. — I heard that _______ your grandpa _______ your father are soldiers.

    — That's true. I am proud of them.

    A、Either; or B、Both; and C、Neither; nor
  • 10. You can either take a bus ______ go there on foot.

    A、and B、or C、but
  • 11. —Can you sing _________ dance, Gina?

    —I can sing, Miss Xu.

    A、or B、and C、but     
  • 12. Chen Wei isn't at school today      he is taking a robot competition in Shanghai.
    A、so B、because C、before
  • 13. 一 I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself.

    一 That's true.         her father         her mother will go with her.

    A、Both; and B、Either; or C、Neither; nor
  • 14.         we are all here, let's begin our meeting.

    A、Because B、Since C、For
  • 15.        I was ill yesterday,         I didn't go to work.

    A、Because; so B、For; and C、/; so
  • 16. —What shall we do now?

    —______ it's raining hard, let's stay at home.

    A、So B、Since C、Though
  • 17. —Does your mother have a hobby?

    —No,_______ you call shopping a hobby.

    A、unless B、until C、but
  • 18. You should do some chores for the family         you don't like it.
    A、because B、so that C、although  
  • 19. They are in the same school, ________ in different (不同的) classes.
    A、and B、or C、but
  • 20. Work hard, ____________you'll catch up with your classmates next time.
    A、and B、or C、but
  • 21. — Get up earlier, _____ you'll be late for school.

    — OK, I will.

    A、and B、or C、so 
  • 22. Mike can't go out to play with his friend           the bad weather.
    A、because B、because of C、so
  • 23. Jenny didn't go to bed         her mother came home last night.
    A、as soon as B、if C、until


  • 24. I am good at drawing. My brother is good at drawing too.(同义句改写)

    my brother I good at drawing.

  • 25. If you take exercise every day, you will become stronger and healthier.(同义句改写)

    You won't become stronger and healthier you take exercise every day.

  • 26. The box is too heavy for Paul to carry.(同义句改写)

    It is a heavy box Paul can't carry it.

  • 27. It is cold outside. Put on more clothes, or you may catch a cold.(同义句改写)

    It is cold outside. you put on more clothes, you may catch a cold.

  • 28. She is too young to go to school. (同义句改写)

    She is young she can't go to school.

  • 29. Sam didn't want to miss the first bus, so he got up early. (同义句改写)

    Sam got up early he could catch the first bus.

  • 30. My sister likes eating. She doesn't like cooking.(合并为一句)

    My sister likes eating, she doesn't like cooking.

  • 31. My pen-friend can speak French and English. (同义句转换)

    My pen-friend can speak French   English.

  • 32. I have breakfast. I go to school.(用and then合并为一句)
  • 33. I don't have any brothers or sisters.(同义句转换)

    I have brothers sisters.


  • 34. I wanted to phone you, I didn't have your telephone number. (填连词)
  • 35. Shall we go now shall we go this afternoon? (填连词)
  • 36. These pairs of shoes don't fit me. They're too big too small. (填连词)
  • 37. Tim didn't come to school yesterday he was ill. (填连词)
  • 38. I won't go to bed I finish my homework. (填连词)
  • 39. This programme can help me learn more about the world, I like it. (填连词)
  • 40. 语法填空

        At seven forty in the morning, the students are coming into classroom. A girl is opening the windows.

        Some of the students are laughing and talking. Some others  listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing (they) homework.

        Miss Zhao is  (sit) behind the teacher's desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue Lily are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They are all (happily)

        What are Bill and Jim doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball on the playground.