
试卷更新日期:2019-05-08 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —Lin Dan won the badminton game again.

    —Yes. I think no one can do        than him.

    A、well B、better C、best
  • 2. — Why do you like living in the countryside?

    — Because there's _________ noise and _________ cars there.  

    A、less; fewer B、fewer; less C、less; less
  • 3. I have a(n) _________ sister. That means I have a sister who is a few years older than me.    
    A、important B、elder C、younger
  • 4. A          woman was saved from the ship on June 2nd, 2015.
    A、65 year old B、65-year-olds C、65-year-old
  • 5. The old man can't see anything, so he is    .
    A、blind B、deaf C、sick
  • 6. — Shenzhen is a beautiful city.

    — Yes. You can see a lot of flowers and trees on        of the streets.

    A、both sides B、all sides C、both side
  • 7. The old woman feels quite     because she can live with her children happily.
    A、bored B、angry C、satisfied
  • 8. You must look after yourself and keep       .
    A、health B、healthy C、bad
  • 9. —Has she returned to school after two weeks'      ?

    —Yes. She is much          now.

    A、illness; well B、illness; better C、ill; worse
  • 10. Which do you think is ______, the blue pen or the red pen?
    A、cheap B、more cheaper C、much cheaper
  • 11. —If you don't like the green skirt, how about the red dress?

    —OK, but do you have _____ one? It's a bit small for me.

    A、a big B、a bigger C、the biggest
  • 12. It's          colder today than yesterday.
    A、more B、much C、very
  • 13. The newly broadened square is        the previous one.
    A、four times of B、the size of four times C、four times the size of
  • 14. Lucy is my good friend. She is much __________ than me.
    A、taller B、tallest C、tall
  • 15. Winter is coming. The weather is getting_____.

    A、colder and colder  B、cold and cold  C、more and more colder
  • 16. ______ we learn, ______ we will be.
    A、The more; the better B、The much; the better C、The much; the good
  • 17. Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. I'm sure he can do the work with                money and               people.
    A、less;less B、fewer;more C、less;fewer
  • 18. —I think English is as           as Maths.

    —I agree with you.

    A、more interesting B、most interesting C、interesting
  • 19. The model Sydney Opera House looks       the real one in Australia.
    A、as wonderful as B、as wonderfully as C、so wonderful
  • 20. — Is Huanghe River the longest river in China?

    — No. It's the second ________. The Changjiang River is the longest.

    A、long B、longer C、longest  
  • 21. Sanya is very famous. It has ______ beaches in China.
    A、beautiful B、more beautiful C、the most beautiful
  • 22. Australia is one of ________ countries in the world.

    A、larger B、the larger C、the largest
  • 23. LiNa is one of _____tennis players in China.
    A、the more popular B、the most popular C、popular
  • 24. —Do you know the ___Chinese words and characters last year, Jack?

    —Of course, “share”,”cloud” and so on.

    A、Hot B、hotter C、hottes
  • 25. The Yangtze River is one of         rivers in the world.  
    A、the longest B、longest C、longer


  • 26. The Yellow River is (第二长河) in China.
  • 27. Jack is (最外向的) student in his class.
  • 28. Taipei 101 is (最高的建筑之一) in the world.
  • 29. 哪所学校离你家最近? (near to)

  • 30. 在海珠区,哪一个是最大型的超市,永旺、家乐福还是百佳?

    In Haizhu District,which is supermarket,AEON,Carrefour or ParknShop?
