
试卷更新日期:2019-04-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. Volunteers are raising money to set up a special hospital for________ old and sick.

    A、a B、an C、the D、不填
  • 2. —Do you know Deng Lijun?

    —Of course. She's one of ________ in China.

    A、a famous singer B、the more famous singer C、the most famous singer D、the most famous singers
  • 3. —I think this is________ usual experience.

    —But I don't think so. It's________ unusual one for me.

    A、an; an B、an; a C、a; a D、a; an
  • 4. — Look! It's     ID card.

    — Yes,    ID card is mine.

    A、a, a B、a, the C、an, a D、an, the
  • 5. My daughter has ________ stomachache. I'm afraid she should get ________ X­ray.

    A、a;a B、a;an C、an;the D、/;/
  • 6. I want to be ________ police artist. It's ________ interesting job.
    A、a; the B、a; an C、an; the D、the; the
  • 7.       Mrs. John came to find you.
    A、The B、/ C、An D、A
  • 8. —Have you seen      movie The Wandering Earth?

    —Yes. It's the most amazing movie I've ever seen.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 9. Mr Wang is in         pain because he hurt himself when he played basketball this morning.
    A、a B、an C、the D、不填
  • 10. Jill is     friend.      in Class 2.

    A、I; He's B、my; He's C、my; His D、me; He
  • 11. ______ name is Mike. ______ is in China.
    A、He; His B、His; He C、She; His D、Her; She
  • 12. Mr. Yang is a good teacher, but he is too strict ________ us.

    A、in B、with C、at D、for
  • 13. —________ is your English teacher?

    —The man ________ a white shirt.

    A、What; wears B、Who; in C、Who; on D、Which man; wears
  • 14. —Have you watched the movie Aquaman?

    —Of course. I think nothing is _______than it and I'd like to watch it again.

    A、more exciting B、more boring C、less interesting D、less expensive
  • 15. Many cities in China, ______ Beijing, have been deeply affected by dirty air. 
    A、including B、behind C、without D、beyond
  • 16. I think you will not do a good job in the exam         preparation.
    A、with B、without C、outside D、inside
  • 17. Why don't we put the piano     the wall? That will make the room look bigger.  
    A、against B、through C、over D、inside
  • 18. —Mary is ________ vacation now. Could I take a message ________ her?

    —Sure, thank you.

    A、at; with B、of; for C、on; of D、on; for
  • 19. —The jacket is ________ big for me. Can you give me a small one?

    —OK. Here you are.

    A、kind B、a kind of C、kind of D、kinds of
  • 20. The          science-fiction film The Wandering Earth has attracted millions of people to the cinema.
    A、120-minute B、120 minutes C、120-minutes D、120 minute
  • 21. —You look________,Henry. You didn't sleep well last night,right?

    —Yeah! Last night I only slept for three hours.

    A、interested B、lovely C、quiet D、tired
  • 22. —Was your school trip ________?

    —No. Everything was about robots in the museum. I wasn't ________ in them.

    A、interesting; interested B、interesting; interesting C、interested; interesting D、interested; interested
  • 23. Gina is the second       girl in the basketball club and she did a good job in that game.    
    A、tall B、taller C、tallest D、the tallest
  • 24. —China is over 5,000 years old. It's one of ________countries in the world.

    —Yes. It has much ________history than the USA.

    A、old; long B、older; longer C、older; the longest D、the oldest; longer
  • 25. The guest hotel is      that one.
    A、as four times as big B、four times as big as    C、as four times big as D、four times as bigger as
  • 26. The population of China is much _______ than that of _______ country in Africa.

    A、more; any B、bigger; any other C、more; any other D、bigger; any
  • 27. —“Food Safety” problem is becoming ______these days.

    —I think so. The government must do something to deal with it.

    A、nicer and nicer B、worse and worse C、better and better D、smaller and smaller
  • 28. —This kind of watch is much       today than last month. Would you like to have one?

    —Really? I'll take one.

    A、the most expensive B、the cheapest C、more expensive D、cheaper
  • 29. The ________ you study at your lessons, the ________ grades you will get.

    A、hard; good B、harder; good C、hard; better D、harder; better
  • 30. —________ way is________ from Beijing to Xi'an, by train or by plane?

    —By plane.

    A、Which; better B、Which; good C、What; best D、What; well
  • 31. When we speak to people, we should be ___________ .

    A、as polite as possible B、as polite as possibly C、as politely as possible D、as politely as possibly
  • 32. —What's ________ river in the world?

    —The Nile. It is longer than ________ river in the world.

    A、the longer; any B、the longer; any other C、the longest; any D、the longest; any other
  • 33. Which is ________, by coach, by train or by air?

    A、best way to travel B、the better way to travel C、the best way to travel D、most comfortable way to travel
  • 34. —What did you buy yesterday, Lucy?

    —I bought      umbrella.      Umbrella is very nice.

    A、an; The B、a; The C、a; A D、an; An
  • 35. Guangzhou is in __ south of China and it is one of        biggest cities in China.
    A、a; the B、the; 不填 C、the; the D、a; 不填
  • 36. Many people think that Sanya is one of     to live in China.    
    A、best place B、best places C、the best place D、the best places
  • 37. It rained first, but then            sun came out again.

    A、a B、the C、an D、/
  • 38. There are ________ number of teachers in our school, and ________ number of women teachers is over 100.
    A、a; the B、the; a C、the; the D、a; a
  • 39. I like playing ______ piano, but my brother likes playing ______ ping-pong.
    A、/; the B、the; / C、the; the D、a; the
  • 40. —Is Molly ________ American girl?

    —Yes,she lives in ________ United States.

    A、a; / B、an; the C、/; a D、the; an
  • 41. My uncle went to England in ______ seventies.
    A、/ B、a C、the D、an
  • 42. ______ calculator was invented by the Vinci.
    A、/ B、A C、The D、An
  • 43. They gave a tea party for       Queen Elizabeth the queen mother.
    A、a B、an C、/ D、the
  • 44. Tom has           curly hair.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 45. We celebrate for our country in _____ October.
    A、a B、/ C、an D、the
  • 46. I clean the house _____ every Sunday.
    A、/ B、a C、the D、an 
  • 47. —The shirt is too small. Would you show me________ one?

    —I'd love to. Here it is.

    A、the others B、another C、other D、others
  • 48. —How much are                  shorts?


    A、this; They're B、those; They're C、those; It's D、that; They're
  • 49. —I tried many ways to solve the problem, but ________of them worked.

    —Never give up. You'll surely make it.

    A、both B、all C、neither D、none
  • 50. I don't know his address, so I don't know how I can ________.
    A、fill out it B、fill it out C、full it D、fill in it
  • 51. Don't worry. We'll try to make     at home.
    A、her to feel B、her feel C、herself to feel D、herself feel
  • 52. I don't think     possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
    A、this B、that C、its D、it
  • 53. Mum,                  is my friend.                  name is Tony.
    A、he; His B、this; He's C、this; His D、he; He's
  • 54. —Oh, Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Whose book is it?

    —It is     , I bought it yesterday.

    A、yours B、hers C、mine D、theirs
  • 55. There are beautiful flowers and national flags everywhere, and we have _______ holiday.
    A、a three-day B、a three-days C、three-day's D、a three-days'