
试卷更新日期:2019-04-28 类型:期中考试

一、听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)

二、听对话或独白,回答问题(共10小题, 每小题2分,满分20分)

  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Who is washing clothes now?
    A、Jack. B、Laura. C、Jack's parent.
    (2)、Where do they want to eat dinner?
    A、At Jack's home. B、At Laura's home. C、Outside.
    (3)、When will they meet?
    A、At 5:30. B、At 6:15. C、At 6:30.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How did Nick come to work this morning?
    A、By subway. B、On foot. C、By car.
    (2)、What color is Nick's father's car?
    A、Blue. B、White. C、Black.
    (3)、What is the selling price of Nick's car?
    A、$2,000. B、$200. C、For free.
  • 8. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Which animals are cute and shy?
    A、The giraffes. B、The elephants. C、The pandas.  
    (2)、Where do giraffes come from?
    A、Africa. B、China. C、America.
    (3)、Which show is the most interesting?
    A、The elephants'. B、The pandas'. C、The giraffes'.
    (4)、If you visit the zoo, you shouldn't ________.
    A、take pictures of the animals B、give food to the animals C、get close to the animals


  • 9. 阅读理解

        Hello, welcome to the photo show of National Geographic. The show is in Star Avenue, Binjiang district, Hangzhou. Here you can enjoy many beautiful photos and learn some skills of taking photos. Everyone who comes to our show will get a gift—a notebook or a cup with nice pictures on it.

    Opening time: July 22nd—August 26th

                Monday—Friday: 10:00 a.m.—21:00 p.m.

    Saturday—Sunday: 10:00 a.m.—17:00 p.m.

    Tickets: Grown-ups(成人): 60 yuan    Children: half

    Rules: Do not take any food or drinks into the show.

                Do not touch the photos.

                You can take photos, but please turn off the flash(闪光).

    Please keep quiet.

    You can buy tickets from our reception(接待处), or book (预定)a ticket on the website www. Damai.cn. Our phone number is 87657638. Please call us if you have any questions.

    (1)、How many days will the show last(持续)?
    A、36 days. B、35 days. C、4 days. D、66 days.
    (2)、Mr. Black and his wife want to go to the show with their two 5-year-old sons. How much are the tickets together?
    A、200 yuan. B、90 yuan. C、240 yuan. D、180 yuan.  
    (3)、What is the right time for the Blacks to go to the show?
    A、13:00 p.m. on Tuesday B、9:00 a.m. on Monday C、20:00 p.m. on Sunday D、8:00 a.m. on Wednesday
    (4)、What can you do while enjoying the show?
    A、You can take some food into the show. B、You can learn how to take photos. C、You can talk with your friends loudly. D、You can take photos with the flash on.
    (5)、Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
    A、The show is in Binjiang district. B、You should not touch the photos. C、You can only book tickets online(网上). D、You can get a gift after enjoying the show.
  • 10. 阅读理解

        It is seven o'clock on Sunday evening. Xiaoming's family are at home. There are four people and a pet cat in his family. His father is sitting in a chair. He is reading a newspaper. He often reads newspapers in the evening after dinner. His mother is in the kitchen. She is cleaning the kitchen because it is a little dirty. She is always busy on the weekend. Xiaoming is playing the drums. He can play them very well and he is in the school music club. He wants to be a great musician. His sister Meimei is learning English. She wants to speak English well and join the school English club. She wants to visit England. Lucky is lovely and quiet. It is sitting on the sofa and watching TV. It is watching Animal World. In the TV, the cat is playing with a little dog. How funny it is!

    (1)、How many people are there in Xiaoming's family?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (2)、________ is cleaning the kitchen.
    A、Xiaoming's father B、Xiaoming's mother C、Xiaoming's sister D、Xiaoming
    (3)、Xiaoming is ________.
    A、reading a newspaper B、playing the drums C、learning English D、watching TV
    (4)、Meimei wants to join the ________.
    A、music club B、sports club C、art club D、English club
    (5)、Lucky is a ________.
    A、cat B、dog C、bird D、fish
  • 11. 阅读理解

        I have two nice mynah birds(八哥). They are big and black. They have yellow legs and feet and bright orange beaks(嘴). I keep them in a cage and clean the cage every day. They need clean water and bird food. I often give them fruit, such as bananas, pears and grapes. Sometimes I let them take a bath, and they are funny to watch. They can learn to talk. The first words are hard for them to learn. When they start talking, they can quickly learn to say more. I teach them to talk by saying words again and again in the same voice(声音). I practice with them every day. Now they are good talkers. They can even change the way they talk to different people. They can speak some English, too. If you come to see them in the morning, they will say "Good morning!" to you. They will also sing and dance for you.

    (1)、The mynah birds ________.
    A、can only speak Chinese B、are not fun to watch C、learn to talk by themselves D、learn to talk from people
    (2)、Which is NOT suitable(适合的) for the mynah birds?
    A、Hamburgers. B、Clean water. C、Bird food. D、Pears and grapes.
    (3)、Which is a good way to teach the birds?
    A、Show them how to sing and dance. B、Practice the same words with them every day. C、Teach them to say many different words. D、Teach them in different voices.
    (4)、When mynah birds begin talking, ________.
    A、they can't learn to say more B、you can't teach them anything C、they don't want you to teach them D、they can learn to say other things quickly
    (5)、What CANNOT the mynah birds do now?
    A、Speak English. B、sing and dance. C、Talk with you like people. D、Even change the way they talk.


  • 12. 人们在梦中经常会梦到不同的动物,它们所代表的寓意各不相同。根据Andy,Mary,Ben,Danny和Gina的近况,选择在他们梦中可能出现的动物。

     Andy is worried about the future. His mother lost her job and his father may have to go to hospital.

     Mary is waiting for her exam results tomorrow. She enjoyed the exams and thinks she will get good results.

     Ben gets to know that his grandfather wants to give him a gift of $1,500.

     Danny and Mike are good friends, but they just had a fight and were unhappy yesterday.

     Gina started to work as a waitress in a restaurant last month, but now she wants to get a new job.

    A.   Bees

    Buzzing bees mean that money is coming. Maybe the person who dreams will get some money from others.

    B.   Butterflies

    A butterfly means some news(消息) will come soon. Open butterfly wings(翅膀) mean good news.

    C.   Cats

    A sleeping cat means problems with a good friend. It's not easy to get them over.

    D.   Dogs

    A barking dog means problems are coming. Maybe it's about the person himself/herself or his/her family. What a bad luck!

    E.   Horses

    A running horse means the dreamer wants to get something new in his/her life.

    F.   Birds

    Flying birds mean love and kindness. A singing bird is often a symbol of love.


  • 13. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

        Dave lives with his parents. 1 father and mother work in a company 2 their home. So they have to 3 home early in the morning when Dave is still in bed. And they arrive home late 4. So Dave 5 look after himself and do some 6. After he    7 in the morning, he cooks breakfast himself. Then he leaves for school 8 a school bus. Dave has 9 at school. After school he usually does some sports with his 10 for about an hour 11 two, like playing football or basketball. Then he goes home to cook the supper for    12.

    Now he is good at 13 and his parents enjoy his dishes very much. In the evening, after his homework, he usually 14 some videos. He 15 action movies. And Jackie Chan is his favorite film star. At about ten in the evening, he goes to bed. Dave is a good boy, isn't he?

    A、You B、My C、His D、Her
    A、far away from B、behind C、beside D、near
    A、get B、leave C、go D、arrive
    A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、at night D、in the day
    A、likes    B enjoys B、doesn't mind C、has to
    A、housework B、homework C、cleaning D、watching
    A、arrives B、goes to bed C、gets up D、goes to school
    A、by B、in C、with D、on
    A、breakfast B、lunch C、supper D、dinner
    A、family B、students C、parents D、friends
    A、or B、and C、but D、past
    A、himself B、the family C、mum D、dad
    A、sports B、football C、cooking D、basketball
    A、sees B、looks C、reads D、watches
    A、loves B、can't stand C、doesn't mind D、doesn't like

六、语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  • 14. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Thank you watching CCTV's Around China. I'm a reporter from CCTV. Now, we're  Penghu, Tai­wan. The beach here is really beautiful and clean. It's rai­ning these days. Today is (sun), and the weather is hot and humid. There are lots of people here on vacation. Some are (take) photos, some are swimming in the sea,  others are lying on the beach. Look! A group of young (man) are playing beach soccer. They are only (wear) sports shorts and sunglasses, they look really cool and play so (good) in this heat. This is  very beautiful and interesting place. lt's also a good place (relax). I like here so much that I hope to come here again.

七、单词拼写,根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式 (每空限填一词)。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


  • 25. 假如你是张丹,你的美国笔友丹尼(Danny)在你的微信里看到你弟弟张宇的照片,他想和你弟弟成为朋友。请你根据下面表格所给的信息,向他介绍一下你的弟弟。


    Zhang Yu




    No.1 Middle School


    get up (6:10)

    breakfast (eggs, apples, milk)

    go to school (6:50; bus)


    music (sing, guitar)

    sports (basketball)

    animals (pandas/ cute)




    Hi, Danny. Let me introduce(介绍)my brother Zhang Yu to you.