
试卷更新日期:2019-04-22 类型:中考模拟



  • 6. 听较长对话,完成问题。
    (1)、What pollution are the two speakers talking about?
    A、Noise pollution. B、Water pollution. C、Air pollution.
    (2)、What are they going to do to protect the environment later?
    A、To make a programme. B、To raise some money. C、To make some signs.
  • 7. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Why did Mike go to Shanghai?
    A、To have a test. B、To have a meeting. C、To enter a competition.
    (2)、Who teaches him to sing songs?
    A、His teachers. B、His parents. C、His friends.
    (3)、How long did he stay there?
    A、For a week. B、For two weeks. C、For a month.


  • 8. 听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表

    Flight Information

    Flight number



    The plane was put off because of2.


    The 3will take the passengers to the hotel.


    Each passenger can get dinner and 4for free.

    The passengers might be 5the service of the Airline.

    A、CZ989 B、CZ938 C、CZ839
    A、strong wind B、heavy snow C、heavy rain
    A、taxi B、car C、bus
    A、juice B、water C、milk
    A、angry with B、pleased with C、proud of


  • 9. —He is such________ honest boy that he never tells lies.

    —I agree, I believe what he says.

    A、a B、an C、/ D、the
  • 10. When you shop online, you should write down your exact _______, or you can't receive the products.
    A、date B、secret C、address D、wish
  • 11. If a student is able to ________others what he's learnt from textbooks, it shows he has understood it well.
    A、post B、lend C、teach D、refuse
  • 12. —Have you watched the movie Aquaman?

    —Of course. I think nothing is _______than it and I'd like to watch it again.

    A、more exciting B、more boring C、less interesting D、less expensive
  • 13. She didn't know anything about the idea of zero waste ________she read a book about it.
    A、unless B、until C、after D、while
  • 14. Deng Lun is one of the post-90s stars who became famous ________his acting skill.
    A、according to B、in order to C、because of D、instead of
  • 15. —I tried many ways to solve the problem, but ________of them worked.

    —Never give up. You'll surely make it.

    A、both B、all C、neither D、none
  • 16. —Wow, so much pocket money I've got!

    —Lucky you, but as teenagers, we should use it ________.

    A、mainly B、properly C、immediately D、simply
  • 17. —Do you know the 19th Asian Games ________in Hangzhou in 2022?

    —Yes, we are all happy with the news.

    A、hold B、will hold C、will be held D、were held
  • 18. —Look! Is the man wearing a white shirt your father?

    —No, it ________be him. He is picking up my sister at the airport.

    A、may B、must C、can't D、mustn't
  • 19. The book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ________is one of Mark Twain's famous works interests him a lot. He has read it many times so far.
    A、what B、who C、whom D、which
  • 20. Nowadays China has made great progress in many fields. We really ________our amazing China.
    A、take pride in B、look forward to C、worry about D、win the heart of
  • 21. —It's true that being happy is an ability. So could you tell me________?

    —Yes. Just as President Xi says, "Happiness is achieved through hard work."

    A、how we can find happiness B、who can help achieve happiness C、when we can look for happiness D、why happiness is so important to us
  • 22. —The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out.

    —Don't worry, you can discuss with your classmates tomorrow, because________.

    A、seeing is believing B、practice makes perfect C、many hands make light work D、it's never too old to learn
  • 23. —Would you mind my turning up the TV? The concert has just begun.

    —________. Just go ahead.

    A、Please don't B、Better not C、I'm afraid not D、Of course not


  • 24. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

        As my husband, Doug, stood on the busy New York city street trying to stop a taxi, I tried to protect my daughter from the cold December wind and rain. I put my head down to kiss her tiny face.

        Frustrated and 1, my husband gave up his attempt to flag down a taxi. I knew the feeling. Just after her first birthday, we 2that our daughter Katie had a rare brain illness. Since that moment, Doug and I felt like runners in a marathon race where the finish line kept disappearing. We knew Katie was running out of 3. It had taken months before we finally 4 a name for the illness, but only a few specialists in the world knew 5 to fix it. Now, as we finally found a brilliant doctor to save our girl, we were in a strange 6in the cold rain.

        Just at the moment, a middle-aged woman pulled over and said, "Pardon me? May I offer you a ride?"

        7 we could say anything, she continued, "It's really no trouble for8. Just get in."

        It was then that I noticed her thick Irish accent,which9 me up like hot soup. We 10 said, "Thanks! Roosevelt Hospital, please," as we got in her car for the ride.

        "Are you going 11 the baby?" she asked us.

        I nodded my head, holding back my tears.

        At the hospital, we 12 her a dozen times for the ride, as the woman hugged me. I noticed her face was wet with tears. She promised to pray for us before she left.

        After three more visits to New York and two more 13surgeries,Katie is cured. But the 14of the Irish Angel still rang as a constant reminder of a tiny ray of light that appeared in our15days. We would pray for her just as she did for us.

    A、wet B、dry C、warm D、hot
    A、told B、are told C、were told D、have been told
    A、money B、time C、confidence D、courage
    A、looked for B、looked after C、found out D、filled out
    A、what B、why C、whether D、how
    A、country B、hospital C、town D、city
    A、Before B、After C、Until D、When
    A、me B、us C、you D、her
    A、picked B、called C、warmed D、woke
    A、simply B、hardly C、really D、already
    A、to B、for C、after D、with
    A、thanked B、praised C、respected D、accepted
    A、eye B、brain C、face D、heart
    A、voice B、advice C、message D、spirit
    A、busiest B、luckiest C、happiest D、darkest


  • 25. 阅读理解

        Li Ping and her family are going to spend holiday in Sydney during the summer holiday. She finds a hotel on Airbnb and this is the reply from the manager.

    From: Charlotte, hotel manager of Vinh & Stuart

    Hi Li Ping,

    Thanks for choosing our hotel. Your Sydney Home:

    *Amazing views of the Sydney Harbour, Opera House, and White Bay

    *Only 5 minutes to walk to Art Gallery, Australian Museum and 10

    minutes to Bondi Beach

    *Close to the Airport & all public transport like bus and train

    *Surrounded by busy cafes and popular restaurants

    *Free wifi throughout the entire hotel

    *Fully air-conditioned

    *Light Breakfast (cereals, fruits, toasts, teas & coffees)

    It is also important to mention the malls and the most famous shops in the world that are close to my hotel. My hotel is ideal for those who look for sightseeing, for those who want to shop, for those who come to business or local events.

    Things you do need to know before you book:

    ● The location is superb, but the Kings Cross area is busy on a Friday/Saturday night. While the hotel itself is quiet, and I doubt you might hear some noise from the street at night on the weekends. I think the location is totally worth it, but forewarned is forearmed, so they say!

    ● Bring enough clothes, we are now in winter.

    Please just send us a message if you've any question about staying with us or visiting Sydney.

    Can't wait to meet you!



    (1)、The hotel is _____________.
    A、far away from the airport B、close to Australia Museum C、surrounded by movie theatres D、built on Bondi Beach
    (2)、According to the passage, the hotel might be suitable for those who__________.
    A、prefer exciting sports B、look for amazing views C、like to play with kangaroos D、need sleep without any noise
    (3)、What's the purpose of the passage?
    A、To invite people to visit Sydney. B、To explain why they visit Sydney. C、To describe what Sydney is like. D、To tell people what the hotel is like.
  • 26. 阅读理解

        The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is celebrated by different cultures all over the world. For the last 40 years a farmer in England has arranged a special celebration on his farm.

        Each June, thousands of people travel to a field six miles from Glastonbury, a small town in southwest England. The local population grows from about 10,000 to over 185,000, with many people arriving from abroad during the weekend. They're taking part in the Glastonbury Festival, one of the biggest open-air festivals in the world.

        If you go, you will have the chance to see famous performers and enjoy lots of different activities. There are over 15 stages where you can listen to nearly any music, including jazz, hip-hop, folk and Latin music.

          ▲  . There are many other kinds of performing arts. There is a comedy stage, a cinema tent and a poetry area. You can watch one of Shakespeare's plays or have your face painted. You can take part in art activities or learn how to juggle. Children under 12 years old can get in for free. They can watch puppet shows or enjoy a picnic. If you want to celebrate the start of summer in a more traditional way, you can go to the stone circle on a hill above the festival and light a candle or lie down and look at the stars.

        While the festival is great fun, it's not exactly a luxury weekend. It is difficult to travel to and from the festival site on country roads and you can sometimes get trapped in traffic jams for hours. In bad weather, the field can turn into a mud bath. But once you are there, it is an experience of a lifetime.

    (1)、All the activities are held just to celebrate __________.
    A、the summer holidays B、the music festival C、a family celebration D、the longest day of the year
    (2)、Which is a more traditional way to celebrate the festival?
    A、Having a picnic on the field B、Looking at the stars on the hill C、Enjoying all kinds of music on the stage D、Watching Shakespeare's plays in a tent
    (3)、Which of the following sentence can be put in  ▲  in Paragraph 4?
    A、However, it is not just a music festival B、However, it just shows performing arts C、If you go, you can learn about local customs D、If you go, you can experience different cultures
    (4)、What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about ?
    A、The activities of the festival B、The reasons of the festival C、The problems of the festival D、The popularity of the festival
  • 27. 阅读理解

        At the age of fifteen, both his legs had been badly hurt in an accident. From that time on he begged, dragging himself along the roads.

        In the villages, people hardly gave him anything — he was too well-known. Everyone had grown tired of seeing him — day after day for forty years, dragging his disabled and ugly body from door to door on his wooden crutches. He was among people, yet loved and cared by no one. They called him "Bell" because he hung between his two crutches like a bell.

        For two days he had eaten nothing. No one gave him anything now. Women shouted at him from their doorsteps when they saw him coming:

        "Go away, you good-for-nothing beggar! Why, I gave you a piece of bread only three days ago!"

        It was December and a cold wind blew over the fields. Now and then he sat down for a few moments' rest. He only got one wish — to eat — but no one offered anything. For three hours he continued his painful journey but received not a half penny.

        When he had visited all the houses he knew, "Bell" sank down in a corner, having no idea what he was waiting for. Several hens ran here and there in front of him. "Bell" watched them at first without thinking of anything. Then a thought reached him —the thought that one of those hens would be good to eat if it were cooked over a fire.

        He took up a stone beside him and luckily killed the nearest hen at the first shot. The hen fell, flapping its wings. "Bell" picked up his crutches, approaching where the hen lay.

        Just as he reached it, he received a strong hit in the back which made him let go of the crutches and sent him flying half a meter away. The owner of the hens, kept kicking him angrily. The other villagers came up and joined the beating. In the end, "Bell", half dead, was shut in the town jail.

        The police had no idea that he might need food, and he was left alone until the following day. When in the early morning they came to him, he was found dead on the floor.

    (1)、What was the villagers' attitude towards "Bell"? They______________.
    A、grew tired of seeing him B、loved and cared about him C、became interested in him D、felt pity on him
    (2)、What does the underlined word "approaching" in Paragraph 7 probably mean?
    A、going past B、getting close to    C、staying away from D、coming back from
    (3)、What is the right order of the following events?

    ①The villagers beat him for what he did.

    ② He begged for hours but got nothing. 

    ③ He was found dead in the town jail.

    ④ He took up a stone and killed a hen.

    A、②③①④ B、①②④③ C、②④①③ D、②①④③
    (4)、What caused Bell's painful life even death according to the passage?(请用约40词回答)
  • 28. 阅读理解

        As our closest neighbor in space, the moon has been the subject of popular legends, songs and poems since ancient times. And it also attracts scientists deeply.

        But even after centuries of research, many questions remain to be answered about the Earth's only satellite.

        Perhaps the Chang'e-4 lunar probe will be able to find out more of its secrets. On Dec 8, 2018 the probe lifted off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province. It is the first probe to the far side of moon in human history.

        The Earth's gravity slows the moon's rotation, matching it to the speed of its orbit. Thus, the far side of the moon is always dark and has never been seen.

        It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space exploration. Long exposed to solar winds, the far side may have the special soil and minerals in its upper mantle.

        For this reason, Chang'e-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any minerals found beneath the probe. Chang'e-4 is also carrying flower seeds and potato and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a more likely destination for space travel in the future.

        However, because of communication problems, exploring the dark side will not be easy. As the far side is blocked off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China launched the relay satellite Queqiao in May, 2018, so that communication between Earth and the probe could go ahead.

        Power supply is also a challenge to the mission. Chang'e-4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. However, a lunar day has the length of 28 Earth days. It means that the probe will need to orbit the moon for over 20 days to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and so use its solar panels.

        According to Xinhua, theChang'e-4 lunarprobe landed on the far side of the moon on Jan 3, 2019 successfully, and everything goes well.

        The New York Times described the journey as "groundbreaking", and wrote that it would "give clues to the history and development of the moon".

    (1)、According to the passage, Chang'e-4 lunar probe will study_______.
    A、what is in the center of the moon B、whether there are plants on the moon C、how the solar winds affect the moon surface D、why the far side of the moon has never been seen
    (2)、It's difficult for scientists to explore the dark side of the moon because of _______.
    A、radio noise and power supply B、the moon's rotation and solar panels C、communication problems and solar panels D、communication problems and power supply
    (3)、Which of the following statement is probably TRUE according to the passage?
    A、The moon has been a popular destination for space travel. B、Chang'e-4 lunar probe is the first probe to reach the moon. C、It took Chang'e-4 lunar probe more than a month to reach the moon. D、The relay satellite Queqiao was launched earlier than Chang'e-4 lunar probe.
    (4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A、Landing on the Moon B、Lighting the Moon's Dark Side C、Carrying life to the moon D、Developing the lunar probe


  • 29. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    they  speak     whatever   humorous  century

    (1)、problems you meet, you should make an effort to deal with them.
    (2)、It's important for teenagers to look after when they are home alone.
    (3)、You can see objects and paintings from different in the Louvre Museum.
    (4)、Mr. Johnson was quite and we enjoyed his class because he always made us laugh.
    (5)、More and more foreigners study in Confucius Institute and Chinese widely all over the world now.
  • 30. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。

        Hui Ruoqi was a volleyball player. She was once the (第十五) captain of the Chinese national women's volleyball team. Her 18-year professional career ended on (二月)3rd, 2018. She won the Olympic gold medal in Rio in 2016.

        After the Rio Games, Hui also(带领) her home team Jiangsu to the top of the National Games in September, 2017. Since then, Hui was seldom seen and missed the (整个的) season of the China Volleyball League because of health reasons. Throughout her career, Hui had an operation on her left (肩膀) and two operations on heart.

        The 27-year-old girl is 192cm tall and (称重) 70 kilos. She is slim. Her beauty and excellent skill have made her one of (受欢迎的) female volleyball players in China. Hui is considered (作为) "volleyball goddess" by her fans.

        (虽然) she stopped playing volleyball, Hui still cares a lot about volleyball. She has set up a foundation﹡ in her name to support the development of women's volleyball. "I will care about the development of the foundation in 2018 and work hard (解决)some social problems." Hui said.


  • 31. 假如你是Mark,来自美国Phillips School,你所在的学生代表团即将结束在温州新星学校为期一周的学习交流活动,明天启程回国。请代表你的学校在欢送会上发言,发言稿需包括以下内容:






    Ladies and gentlemen,

    It's my honor to give a speech here.

        Thanks for listening.