牛津上海版(深圳用)2018-2019学年小学英语三年级下册Moudle 4 Unit 12同步练习

试卷更新日期:2019-03-28 类型:同步测试



  • 4. 读一读,选出不同类的单词。
     A. make        B. open        C. help        D. there
     A. bad        B. house       C. good       D. little
     A. who         B. what        C. where       D. go
    A. wolf        B. pig         C. lion         D. door
     A. I          B. at          C. in         D. of


  • 5. Now you can make     houses.
    A、you B、your C、they
  • 6.     is my beautiful house.
    A、These B、This C、They
  • 7. We are good      .
    A、brothers B、brother C、sister
  • 8. You can't    in,big bad wolf!
    A、come B、coming C、going
  • 9. Today is my mother's birthday. I can          a cake for her.
    A、hear B、make C、see


  • 10. 当朋友邀请你参加聚会,但你不能去时,你应该说:     
    A、I don't want to go. B、Sorry, I can't go. C、I have no time.
  • 11. 当遇到紧急情况需要求助的时候,你应该大声呼喊:     
    A、Oh, no! B、Hooray! Hooray! C、Help! Help!
  • 12. 你不想让别人进来,你应该说:     
    A、Don't come in. B、Oh, no! C、Please come in.
  • 13. 你想让别人开门,你应该说:     
    A、Please open the door. B、Thank you. C、Don't open the door.


  • 14. 将左边和右边的句子连成对话。

    ①Now you can make your houses.         A. Yes, I am.

    ②Are you a sheep?                  B. Help! Help!

    ③Where's the wolf?.               C. Hooray!

    ④Here comes the wolf!                D. Ha, ha. No wolves.


  • 15. 连词成句。
    (1)、houses, now, can, you, make, your(.)
    (2)、strong, is, it, very(.)
    (3)、come, you, in, can't(.)