新目标(Go for it)版英语八年级下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Section B 课时练习

试卷更新日期:2019-03-20 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据所给提示,在空格中填写适当的单词,使句子完整、正确。

    (1)、You can ask for help (无论何时)you need it.

    (2)、The children had (已经)been asleep when I got home.

    (3)、Thomas Edison had made more than one thousand (发明)in his life.

    (4)、After so many (year) practice, Li Na becomes a well-known tennis player.

    (5)、Nobody thought my sister drawing. She learnt it by (her).


  • 2. 我们班四分之三的同学加入了这个俱乐部。

     of the students in our class joined the club.

  • 3. 对我来说,一方面这是一个挑战,另一方面这是一个学习的机会。

      For me,       it's a challenge,but

      it's a chance to study.

  • 4. 我不知道他是在家还是在办公室。

      I don't know he is at home  at the office.

  • 5. 这儿全年不下雪。

      It doesn't snow here     

  • 6. 在短时间内完成这项工作不容易。
  • 7. 简(Jane)去过那个小镇许多次。


  • 8. 从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    amuse,   fox,  especial,  wake,  temperature

    (1)、Of all the subjects, he likes English.

    (2)、The will fall below zero after the heavy snow.

    (3)、Nancy's daughter is at seven every morning.

    (4)、How many can you see in the picture?

    (5)、I have never been to an park before.

  • 9. 用sleep, sleeping, asleep或sleepy填空

    (1)、I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm feeling now.

    (2)、Don't make a noise. Grandpa is .

    (3)、I was too excited to go to .

    (4)、The teacher found Tom in class.

    (5)、He was so tired that he fell at his desk.