人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part A同步测试(三)

试卷更新日期:2017-04-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 英译汉。

    (1)、go outside 

    (2)、be careful

    (3)、have lunch  

    (4)、some soup


  • 2. 给下列句子选择合适的答语。

    ① What time is it?                   A. Yes. you can.

    ② Can I go outside now?        B. OK.

    ③ Have some lunch.               C. It's 10:00.

  • 3.


  • 4.

    Be careful! It's very


  • 5. 选出每组中不同类的一项。

        A. cool    B. can    C. hot

      A. weather    B. cold    C. warm

       A. cold    B. hot    C. today


  • 6. This is the          report. It's warm today.
    A、weather B、class C、library
  • 7. It's        . Put on a hat.
    A、cold B、hot    C cool
  • 8. It's 20℃. It's       
    A、hot B、cool C、warm


  • 9. 今天5℃, 天气预报员会说:It's hot today.
  • 10. 北京今天天气温暖, 你可以这样告诉朋友:It's warm in Beijing today.


  • 11. 判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同。

    (1)、tall   wall   fall
    (2)、farm   arm  far
    (3)、Girl  card  nurse
    (4)、bird   car   ball


  • 12. 给下列句子选择合适的中文意思。

    ① What time is it?      A. 小心!很烫。

    ② Can I go outside now?     B. 几点了?

    ③ It's cold outside. C. 我现在能出去吗?

    ④ Be careful! It's very hot. D. 外面冷。

八、阅读表格. 选择合适的选项。

  • 13. 阅读表格. 选择合适的选项。

    (1)、Beijing is            today 
    A、warm B、hot C、cold
    (2)、Hainan is            today   
    A、cool     B、 cold C、hot
    (3)、Harbin is             today   
    A、hot B、cold    C warm
    (4)、Lhasa is               today.     
    A、cool B、warm C、hot


  • 14. 抄写下列句子。

    ① Have some lunch.

    ② Can l go outside now?

    ③ It's hot outside.

    ④ It's cold in Harbin today.



  • 17.   英译汉。
    (1)、cool and rainy
    (2)、how about
    (3)、New York
    (4)、25 degrees


  • 18. 给下列句子选择合适的答语。

    ① What's the weather like in New York? A. No, it's not. It's warm.

    ② Hi, Lily. This is Chen Jie B. It's rainy.

    ③ How about Toronto ?Is it hot?      C. Hi Chen Jie.

    ④24 degrees! That's cold!      D. Yes, it is

  • 19. It'stoday.

  • 20. It'sin  London.

  • 21. 将图片与对应的单词连线。

          A. rainy

          B. snowy

          C. windy

          D. cloudy


  • 22.                     the weather like in Qingdao?
    A、What    B What's B、what's
  • 23. It's cool and              
    A、  snow B、sun C、rainy
  • 24. What's the weather          in Harbin?
    A、/ B、like C、look like
  • 25. It's                      in Sydney.

    A、hot and sunny    B、cold and hot C、warm and snowy


  • 26. 世界天气预报员会这样预报天气:Today it's hot and sunny in Beijing.
  • 27. 外面天气炎热, 妈妈会对你说:You can not swim outside.


十六、阅读短文, 判断正误。

  • 28. 阅读短文, 判断正误。

    Here's the world weather Today it's cool and rainy in London. It's cold and snowy in Moscow. It's cold and windy in Beijing. It's cloudy in Singapore.

    (1)、It's cold and rainy in London.
    (2)、It's cold and snowy in Moscow today.
    (3)、It's cold and cloudy in Singapore.


  • 29. 抄写下列句子。

    ① What's the weather like in Sydney?

    ② Can I go outside now?

    ③ It's hot and sunny in Beijing.

    ④ Is the weather cold in Harbin?

  • 30. 根据图片和提示词完成对话。—What's the weather like today?

    (hot, sunny)

  • 31. Is it cool and windy outside?
