新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 单元检测卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2019-02-26 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. What did Jeff see by the river this morning?
    A、A snake. B、A mouse. C、Some butterflies.
  • 7. How long did Donna play badminton on Saturday afternoon?
    A、Half an hour. B、One hour. C、Two hours.
  • 8. Where was Jack yesterday?
    A、In a zoo. B、In a cinema. C、In a hospital.
  • 9. What did Betty do on Sunday?
    A、Studied for a test. B、Went swimming. C、Went to the zoo.
  • 10. How did Sam go to the cinema last weekend?
    A、By car. B、By bike. C、By bus.


  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How was the weather last weekend?
    A、Sunny. B、Rainy. C、Snowy.
    (2)、What did Tom do last weekend?
    A、Went to the beach. B、Cleaned his room. C、Did his homework.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where was Lucy last weekend?
    A、At the store. B、At home. C、At school.
    (2)、What did Michael do on Saturday afternoon?
    A、Played basketball. B、Saw a movie. C、Visited his grandparents.
    (3)、How was Michael's weekend?
    A、It was great. B、It was boring. C、It was not good.


  • 13. 听长对话,完成表格信息

    Jack's weekend


    He studied for the test in the morning.

    In the afternoon, he visited a .

    In the evening, he had to look after his (18) .


    There were chickens on the farm. He helped his grandma feed them and pick up on the farm.


  • 14. 听短文,选择正确答案
    (1)、What is Alan like?
    A、Lazy. B、Smart. C、Unfriendly.
    (2)、What subject does Alan like?
    A、History. B、Music. C、Science.
    (3)、What does Alan usually do in his free time?
    A、He watches TV. B、He reads books. C、He listens to music.
    (4)、Who did Alan's family visit last weekend?
    A、His aunt. B、His friends. C、His grandparents.
    (5)、What did Alan do after dinner?
    A、Played chess. B、Went to the movies. C、Did housework.


  • 15. —What do you think of English?

    —It's a useful ________,so we must learn it well.

    A、question B、language C、message D、problem
  • 16. The story was ________ funny that we all laughed.
    A、so B、quite C、very D、pretty
  • 17. —________did Tim play with after school?

    —Jack. He's Tim's best friend.

    A、How B、What C、Who D、Why
  • 18. —What does your mother do?

    —She works ________ an art teacher ________ a school.

    A、with;at B、like;in C、for;at D、as;in
  • 19. —Who kept so many chickens?

    —My aunt________.

    A、is B、was C、does D、did
  • 20. —Did you watch the badminton game between Li Zongwei and Lin Dan on March 17th,2018?

    —Yes. ________ exciting game it was!

    A、How B、What C、How an D、What an
  • 21. —You look________,Henry. You didn't sleep well last night,right?

    —Yeah! Last night I only slept for three hours.

    A、interested B、lovely C、quiet D、tired
  • 22. My mother was busy. She ________ the house all day.
    A、cleans B、is cleaning C、cleaned D、will clean
  • 23. Ms. Jones told me it was important for a student ________late.
    A、not arrive B、not to arrive C、doesn't arrive D、don't arrive
  • 24. —How was the basketball game?


    A、Let's go B、Lucky you C、Sounds great D、It was boring


  • 25. 完形填空

        Hello! I'm in Sanya now. My parents and I arrived here 1 plane yesterday. My uncle met us at the airport (机场). We were a little2 , so we had a rest after we arrived at my uncle's home.

        Yesterday evening,we had dinner in a Chinese 3. The food was delicious there. After dinner,my cousin and I watched a(n) 4 soccer game on TV,because soccer is our favorite sport. When I 5 this morning,it was 7 o'clock. After breakfast,my family went to the beach. We swam in the sea and played volleyball on the beach6. We had a great time there. This afternoon,we 7 a walk along a busy street. There were many shops on both sides of the street. I loved this kind of street 8 shops sold all kinds of things at very good prices. I 9 some gifts for my friends.

        Now we're camping by a lake. My parents are putting up 10. We will spend a good night here. How relaxing it will be!

    A、on B、for C、by D、with
    A、tired B、lucky C、happy D、scared
    A、bank B、restaurant C、library D、hospital
    A、lazy B、strict C、quiet D、exciting
    A、put up B、stayed up C、woke up D、got lost
    A、luckily B、early C、usually D、happily
    A、spent B、took C、kept D、crossed
    A、although B、so C、but D、because
    A、bought B、told C、showed D、left
    A、trees B、pictures C、tents D、clothes


  • 26. 阅读理解

    Last week,Lucy had a three day vacation. Let's read her diary.

    Friday, June 13th                                                                                                   Sunny

        My parents and I went to the Great Wall. We went there by bus. It took us about one hour. I was very excited when I saw the Great Wall. I took a lot of photos there. And I saw many visitors from different countries.

    Saturday, June 14th                                                                                              Windy

        We went to Tian'anmen Square to watch the national flag go up. To get there early, we got up at 5:00 a. m. and arrived there by taxi. After watching it, we had breakfast in a small restaurant. After that, we did some shopping. My mother bought a sweater for my grandmother.

    Sunday, June 15th                                                                                               Cloudy

        We visited the Palace Museum in the morning. It was great. At noon we had dumplings for lunch. They were very delicious. In the afternoon, we went boating in Beihai Park. It was relaxing.

    (1)、Where did Lucy and her parents go last week?
    A、Nanjing. B、Shanghai. C、Beijing. D、Wuhan.
    (2)、How did Lucy and her parents get to the Great Wall?
    A、By taxi. B、By bus. C、By bike. D、By car.
    (3)、What was the weather like on June 14th?
    A、Sunny. B、Rainy. C、Cloudy. D、Windy.
    (4)、What did Lucy and her parents do in Beihai Park?
    A、Went fishing. B、Ate some dumplings. C、Went boating. D、Did some shopping.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、It took Lucy's family about two hours to get to the Great Wall by bus. B、Lucy's family visited two places on June 15th. C、Lucy's family got up at 6:00 a. m. on June 14th. D、Lucy bought a sweater for her mother during the trip.
  • 27. 阅读理解

        This happened (发生) about two years ago. I went to an art festival in France with my friends. The festival would last (持续) 5 days.

        When we arrived, the weather was great. It was very hot and sunny, so we went to the mountains for camping. But in the mountains the weather changed (变化) quickly. That night there was a terrible storm. At first we didn't worry about it, but it started to rain heavily and there was a strong wind. Later, water started coming into the tent. In the end, we had to leave and take our things to a hotel. There weren't any rooms free, so they let us sleep in the dining room. The next morning, it was sunny again. But our tent wasn't there. The wind blew it away last night.

    (1)、Where did the writer go for the art festival?
    A、To China. B、To the UK. C、To the USA. D、To France.
    (2)、How was the weather when the writer arrived?
    A、Rainy and windy. B、Snowy and cold. C、Rainy and cool. D、Sunny and hot.
    (3)、The underlined word "storm" means "________" in Chinese.
    A、暴风雨 B、雨夹雪 C、冰雹 D、大雾
    (4)、Where did the writer sleep that night?
    A、At home. B、In a hotel. C、In the tent. D、At a friend's home.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、The art festival was one week long. B、The writer didn't enjoy the camping. C、The writer couldn't find his bag the next morning. D、The bad weather in the mountains lasted two days.


  • 28. 任务型阅读

        My name is Frank. It was a very interesting trip.

        We flew to Hawaii. When we got there,we found a nice hotel. We stayed there for four days. After breakfast,we went to the beach. My sister and I swam in the sea and played games on the beach. My mom sat in the chair and read her favorite book.

        We visited many beautiful places and ate a lot of food there. I also made two friends there. They were very friendly and they invited us to their houses. The trip was very nice. We want to go there again next year.

    A. We got up early every day.

    B. It was my first time to take a plane, so I felt very excited.

    C. The food was different from ours, but it was delicious.

    D. My father took photos of us.

    E. Last summer, I went to Hawaii with my family.


  • 29. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。

    A:Hi, Susan.


    A:What did you do?


    A:Really? Can you tell me something about the activity?

    B:Yes. The activity was in Huayu Bookstore. And people put all the postcards in a box. Then we took turns to read them.


    B:Yes. In this way,people can make new friends and hear interesting stories.

    A:I also want to join in an activity like this.

    B:There is an activity in the bookstore every month.

    A:Sounds great.

    A. I joined in an interesting activity(活动).

    B. How about going there together next month?

    C. How interesting!

    D. Everybody wrote a story on a postcard(明信片).

    E. How was your weekend?


  • 30. 妈妈正在睡觉,别把她弄醒了。

    Mother is sleeping. Don't . (wake)

  • 31. 当那个罪犯逃跑时,我们把他抓住了。

    When that criminal, we got him. (run)

  • 32. 亨利正在教弟弟放风筝。

    Henry is teaching his brother. (fly)

  • 33. 听了海伦说那件事,我们吃了一惊。

    We when we heard Helen say that. (get)

  • 34. 迈克正在房间里上蹦下跳。

    Mike is in the room. (jump)


  • 35. 根据短文内容或括号内所给提示填入合适的单词。

        One day,I got a phone call before getting up. It was a taxi driver. He said he had my friend's phone. My friend left her phone in his taxi. The driver (call) others but I was the first one to answer it.

        It was a (rain) morning. Too many people were waiting to a taxi. The driver could make (much) money (钱) on such (如此的) a day. But he asked me (get) the phone. And he said he could bring it to me. I told him my address and (quick) got dressed to meet him.

        I thanked him his kindness (善良) when he arrived. I was happy for my friend. She came to this city only two weeks ago. So the phone was very to her.

        I wrote an e­mail to tell her I got her phone. She said she felt warm to be in such a city. I felt warm on such a cold, rainy day, too.


  • 36. 假如你是魏华,上周五下午你们班在教室里召开了一次班会。请你根据下面的提示信息,写一篇不少于70词的英语短文,简要地介绍一下班会情况。





    参考词汇:class meeting班会;talk about谈论;think about思考;way方法;useful有用的;finally最后;exam考试;get good grades取得好成绩