新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?单元过关卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2019-02-26 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、China. B、Australia. C、South Africa.
  • 7. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、It's smart. B、It's very cute. C、It's very lazy.
  • 8. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、Bananas. B、White. C、Tigers.
  • 9. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、Sounds good. B、I'm fine. C、It's an interesting place.
  • 10. 听句子,选择正确的应答语(   )
    A、She's OK. B、She is twelve. C、She's kind of shy.


  • 11. How does Zhang Jiang usually go to the zoo?
    A、By train. B、By bus. C、By bike.
  • 12. How much is the skirt?
    A、15 yuan. B、10 yuan. C、5 yuan.
  • 13. What animals does Sandra like?
    A、Lions. B、Tigers. C、Giraffes.
  • 14. Where does Gary want to go?
    A、To the library. B、To the zoo. C、To the clothes store.
  • 15. What animals does Sally's dad want to see first?
    A、Pandas. B、Elephants. C、Koalas.


  • 16. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What does the boy like?
    A、Pandas. B、Basketballs. C、Hamburgers.
    (2)、Why does he like them?
    A、Because they're interesting. B、Because they're cute. C、Because they're nice.
  • 17. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、When do they go to the zoo?
    A、This Sunday. B、This Friday. C、This Saturday.
    (2)、Who likes tigers?
    A、Bob. B、Jenny. C、Sam.
    (3)、How will they go to the zoo?
    A、Ride their bikes. B、Walk there. C、Take the bus.


  • 18. 听短文,完成表格


    What animals does he / she like?

    What does he / she think of the animals?



    big and .

    Bob's father



    Bob's mother



    Bob's brother



    Bob's sister




  • 19. —Look,________elephant is in the picture.

    —Oh,________elephant is really cute.

    A、an; the B、an; an C、the; an D、the; the
  • 20. —Let's go to the ________ this weekend.

    —OK. I want to see the koalas.

    A、station B、club C、zoo D、kitchen
  • 21. —What animals do you like?

    —________. They're from China. They're black and white.

    A、Lions B、Giraffes C、Tigers D、Pandas
  • 22. —________ do you want to see cats?

    —Because they're lovely.

    A、When B、How C、Why D、What
  • 23. —Hey,Gina! What ________ do you like?

    —I like giraffes.

    A、sports B、animals C、vegetables D、classes
  • 24. —________ is your penfriend Linda from?


    A、Where B、What C、When D、Why
  • 25. —What do you think of Tony?

    —He's a ________ boy. He is good at every subject.

    A、lazy B、healthy C、smart D、tidy
  • 26. —The jacket is ________ big for me. Can you give me a small one?

    —OK. Here you are.

    A、kind B、a kind of C、kind of D、kinds of
  • 27. —Helen,don't ________ to come here before 6:30.

    —OK. I'll arrive on time.

    A、remember B、want C、listen D、forget
  • 28. —Is the class from 2:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m.?

    —________. Don't be late for the class.

    A、Good luck B、Sorry,I don't know C、Have a great time D、Yes,you're right


  • 29. 完形填空

        I like pandas very much. They are very 1. Many of them live in Sichuan, 2. Pandas are beautiful animals. They are white and 3. They have big bodies(身体), 4sometimes they can also be quick. Pandas like to eat bamboo 5. They also like to sleep.

        Sometimes pandas go to other countries(其他国家). People there6 like pandas very much.

        There are not many pandas in the world. Now people know they are 7danger. They hope to help pandas 8 a good life. My uncle works in a panda center. It's9to go to the center. I can 10 many cute pandas there.

    A、scary B、small C、cute D、busy
    A、Australia B、China C、Africa D、Japan
    A、blue B、yellow C、black D、red
    A、or B、but C、so D、because
    A、leaves B、eggs C、chicken D、grass
    A、also B、too C、very D、either
    A、of B、in C、out D、to
    A、sleep B、want C、live D、eat
    A、fun B、kind C、scary D、boring
    A、look B、listen C、see D、read


  • 30. 阅读理解

    Hi,I'm Bruce. I'm from South Africa. I'm good at sports and I can run very fast. Many people are afraid of me because I look scary.

    Hello,I'm Peter. I'm from Thailand. I'm friendly. Do you want to make friends with me? I can play soccer with you. I'm good at it.

    I'm Buzz. I'm from South Africa,but now I live in a zoo in the USA. I'm shy and quiet. I like listening to music. And I can dance.

    I'm Toby. I'm from China. Do you like Chinese kung fu? I can show you. Many people like me. They think I'm cute and beautiful. Do you think so?

    (1)、Bruce is good at________.
    A、sports B、music C、art D、math
    (2)、Peter is________.
    A、scary B、friendly C、shy D、cute
    (3)、Where is Buzz from?
    A、South Africa. B、Thailand. C、Australia. D、The USA.
    (4)、What can Toby do?
    A、Play soccer. B、Dance. C、Do kung fu. D、Swim.
    (5)、The four animals don't tell us________.
    A、where they are from B、what they are like C、what they can do D、how old they are
  • 31. 阅读理解

        Dogs are our friends. Many people like them. Look at these two nice dogs.

        The first dog's name is Estrella. She is from Peru. She doesn't have front (前面的)legs, but she is happy. She can move like a kangaroo(袋鼠). She lives in an animal shelter(收容所). It's only 2 kilometers from a zoo. Estrella is a big star in the shelter. People like the dog. Many people want to help her. They go to the shelter to see her and bring her money(钱). With the money, Estrella and other animals in the shelter can have a good life.

        The second dog is Freddy. He is from the UK. He is five years old. But he is very big. When he stands on his back legs, he is over 2m tall. Freddy lives with his sister. Their favourite food is beef(牛肉). They need lots of money for good every year.

    (1)、Where does Estrella live?
    A、In a zoo. B、In a park. C、In a shelter. D、In the street.
    (2)、What do people bring to Estrella?
    A、Food. B、Money. C、Water. D、Clothes.
    (3)、Where is Freddy from?
    A、Peru. B、Australia. C、China. D、The UK.
    (4)、What food does Freddy like to eat?
    A、Rice. B、Pork. C、Fish. D、Beef.
    (5)、What can we know about these two dogs?
    A、Freddy eats no beef. B、Estrella has only two legs. C、Freddy lives with his parents. D、Estrella likes to play with kangaroos.


  • 32. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)。

        My favorite animals are swans (天鹅). They are white. They can swim very well. I think they look like beautiful girls in white dresses (连衣裙). They have a pair of wings (翅膀) and they can also fly (飞) well. I believe  (认为) they are angels (天使) from the sky (天空). They bring us love and make (使) us happy. They are always friendly to us. We can't kill them, because they are our friends. I love them!

        I also like dogs. They are not beautiful, but they are the best friends. They keep the thieves (小偷) away. Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight. They can hear (听见) in the noise (喧闹声) and see in the dark (黑暗). If we are in danger, they will help us at once (立刻). So, I love them.


    Why I like

    Characteristics (特征)

    Can do


    They are white, and look like .

    They have a pair of wings.

    They are friendly.

    They can .

    They can bring us love and make us happy.


    They are not beautiful, but they are the best friends.

    They have .

    They can keep the thieves away. They can .

    They can help us when .


  • 33. 人们砍伐很多树木,这样动物正失去它们的家园。

    People many trees,so animals are losing their homes. (cut)

  • 34. 我们必须拯救处于危险中的动物。

    We must save the animals . (danger)

  • 35. 这些杯子是玻璃做的。

    These cups are glass. (make)

  • 36. 这个女孩只有四岁,且有点儿可爱。

    This girl is only four years old,and she is cute. (kind)

  • 37. 有些动物很神奇,它们从不会迷路。

    Some animals are very magic. They . (get)


  • 38. 补全对话

    A: Hi, Jack. .

    B: OK, that sounds good. I like animals.


    B: I like tigers.

    A: They're so scary.

    B: Because they are cute and beautiful.


    B: Yes. They're friendly and smart.

    A: There is a new elephant in the zoo. It can play soccer.

    B: Really?

    A: Yeah. It likes to play with people.

    B: Great!

    A. Can I play soccer with it?

    B. What animals do you like?

    C. Let's go to the zoo this Sunday.

    D. Do you like elephants?

    E. Why do you like them?


  • 39. 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填空。

    animals,   good,   from,   favourite,   study,   grass,   like,   day,   she,   meat

        Han Dan comes China. She is a clever and beautiful girl. She in a middle school. She has four pen pals. They are from different countries and like different . Linda is from America. Her favourite animal is the penguin. The penguin ice very much. Lily comes from Australia. The koala is favourite animal. The koala likes to eat leaves. And it sleeps during the , but it gets up at night. Bob is from India. His favourite animal is the elephant. is the elephant's favourite food. Tom is a Canadian boy. He likes the tiger . The tiger likes to eat . What is Han Dan's animal? It is the panda. Bamboo is the panda's favourite food.


  • 40. 假如你是李文,你的外教Mr. Robin让你用英语为同学们介绍一种中国特有的动物。以下是你找到的关于金丝猴的资料,请根据资料写一篇演讲稿,为大家介绍一下金丝猴。


    金丝猴Golden Monkeys








