新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?单元过关检测卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2019-02-25 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片(   )
    A、 B、 C、


  • 6. When did Jack go to Sanya?
    A、In 2016. B、In 2017. C、In 2018.
  • 7. What did the boy do last weekend?
    A、Visited Uncle Wang. B、Fed the animals. C、Went to the water park.
  • 8. What does the girl want to do tonight?
    A、Go to the concert. B、Go to the cinema. C、Prepare for an exam.
  • 9. What did the boy buy in Hong Kong?
    A、A bag. B、A watch. C、A scarf.
  • 10. Who showed the boy around the museum?
    A、A robot. B、A guide. C、An astronaut.


  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Who lives in Canada?
    A、Sam's parents. B、Sam's grandparents. C、Emily's grandparents.
    (2)、When did Sam go to Canada?
    A、This summer. B、Last summer. C、Last winter.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How many times has Xiaohui been to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum?
    A、Once. B、Twice. C、None
    (2)、What is Xiaohui interested in?
    A、Drinking tea. B、Collecting tea sets. C、Making model planes.
  • 13. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where is the movie theater?
    A、Near Mike's house. B、Near Ann's house. C、Near their school.
    (2)、What is Mike going to do this evening?
    A、Have a music lesson. B、Study for an exam. C、Do his homework.
    (3)、When will they go to the movies?
    A、Tomorrow morning. B、Tomorrow afternoon. C、Tomorrow evening.
  • 14. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where has Li Ming been?
    A、Dalian. B、Hainan. C、Qingdao.
    (2)、What did Li Ming do there?
    A、Learned to swim. B、Visited the water park. C、Enjoyed the sunshine.
    (3)、What does Li Ming advise Liu Li to do?
    A、To take an umbrella. B、To take sunglasses. C、To take a map.


  • 15. 听下面一篇短文,短文后面有五个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
    (1)、How long have they been in Hong Kong?
    A、For a day. B、For three days. C、For a week.
    (2)、How many areas are there in the park?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Four.
    (3)、What did the speaker see in Fantasyland?
    A、All areas in the park. B、A movie. C、Mickey Mouse and his friends.
    (4)、What didn't the speaker do in the park?
    A、Ride a bike. B、Take photos. C、Take a boat ride.
    (5)、What did the speaker think of the trip?
    A、Exciting. B、Boring. C、Tiring.


  • 16. —I think this is________ usual experience.

    —But I don't think so. It's________ unusual one for me.

    A、an; an B、an; a C、a; a D、a; an
  • 17. At the festival, ________ people get together, laughing, dancing and throwing tomatoes at each other.
    A、three thousands of B、thousands of C、three thousands D、thousand of
  • 18. —Have you________ visited the Terracotta Army, Nina?

    —No, I've________ visited it.

    A、ever; never B、never; ever C、ever; ever D、never; never
  • 19. The weather in Maldives is fine all the time, so tourists can go there for their holidays________ they like.
    A、however B、whatever    C、wherever D、whenever
  • 20. To keep yourself________, you should walk slowly when crossing the street.
    A、peaceful B、rapid C、safe D、nervous
  • 21. —What do you think of the environment here?

    —Wonderful!________of the land________ covered with trees and grass.

    A、Two fifths; is B、Two fifth; is C、Two fifths; are D、Two fifth; are
  • 22. —Your family have________ Sydney on holiday. Why not join them?

    —I've________ the city many times.

    A、gone to; gone to B、been to; been to C、been to; gone to D、gone to; been to
  • 23. —Why is our government encouraging young couples________ more than one child?

    —I think it is because of the aging of population (人口老龄化).

    A、have B、to have C、had D、to having
  • 24. —Have you decided ________or not you will go with us yet?

    —Sorry, not yet.

    A、whether B、if C、when D、why
  • 25. —I haven't been to the amusement park in our city. It's too far.

    —________. Let's go there this Sunday, OK?

    A、Me too. B、So have I C、Me neither D、Neither I have


  • 26. 完形填空

        Have you ever been to an amusement park? There is an amusement park in the center of my city. I think it is wonderful and exciting.

        I visited the amusement park with my parents this summer. I 1 it was a sunny day. A long line of people were waiting to buy tickets. Most people brought 2 with them: they wanted to take some photos. Inside of the amusement park were many wonderful rides 3 water rides, a roller coaster (过山车) and sightseeing trains. My parents 4 sightseeing trains that carried passengers around the amusement park. 5 felt very relaxed. I liked water rides. You can't imagine how excited you feel 6 you travel through the water. The roller coaster was very 7 with adults and kids. A lot of people were waiting to get on. But some of them 8 stand up after getting off the roller coaster!

        We had a 9 day and I would love to visit the amusement park again. It was a perfect 10 to spend your day with your family.

    A、remember B、consider C、imagine D、believe
    A、tickets B、cameras C、foods D、pictures
    A、instead of B、according to C、as well as D、such as
    A、fixed B、liked C、invented D、collected
    A、He B、He C、They D、We
    A、if B、though C、unless D、because
    A、rapid B、popular C、dangerous D、strange
    A、shouldn't B、needn't C、mustn't D、couldn't
    A、fun B、terrible C、hard D、quiet
    A、story B、time C、fact D、place


  • 27. 阅读理解

        There are more than sixty cool places for kids in Virginia, and here are three of them.

        Busch Gardens is widely known for its roller coasters(过山车). It has some pretty fantastic rides. You need to be brave enough to enjoy them. Are you ready?


        The Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center offers the ride of your life, from 2,500 feet to 1 mile high! Bring your younger brother or sister, too. This ride is good for ages 4 and up.


        Feel like skiing(滑雪) in spring or summer? Come to Snowflex Center and have fun on the synthetic ski slope(人造滑雪坡) which is the only one in the United States. Can't ski? Don't worry! You can take lessons. We have many excellent teachers!

    (1)、Kids can ________in Busch Gardens.
    A、ride a roller coaster B、go paragliding C、feed small animals D、go skiing
    (2)、Kids need to be ________to enjoy the rides in Busch Gardens.
    A、brave B、outgoing C、creative D、rich
    (3)、Kids ________CANNOT enjoy the rides in the Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center.
    A、over 14 B、from 4 to 14 C、under 14 D、under 4
    (4)、What can we learn about Snowflex Center?
    A、People can go there to ski only in winter. B、The skis(滑雪板)there are very expensive. C、We can't find the same ski slope in America. D、If you can't ski, don't go to Snowflex Center.
    (5)、Which can be the best title(标题)?
    A、Have fun in Busch Gardens B、Cool places for kids in Virginia C、How to spend a great weekend D、Great theme parks for everyone
  • 28. 阅读理解

        Techeng Island(特呈岛)lies in the southeast of Zhanjiang. The villagers there used to make a living by fishing. But now, most of them make much money by doing business. They believe that their island is a gift from nature and they give thanks to it every day. In 2003, President Hu Jintao came to visit the island and pointed out that the government of Zhanjiang should take the is land into a "civilized new ecotourism island"(文明生态旅游新海岛). Since then, the island has opened a new page in history.

        Today, the island has become a popular place for tourists. It takes you about 15 minutes to get there by boat from Maxie Pier(码头)near Haibin Park. But it is a just 8­minute boat ride from Zhanjiang Port Pier. In the resort(度假村), you can not only enjoy the fantastic sights but also have a lot of interesting things to do, like walking on the beach, visiting the museum and enjoying the delicious seafood. The best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs(温泉)there.

        Welcome to Techeng Island! It's a place to visit!

    (1)、How did the villagers on Techeng Island make a living in the past?
    A、By doing business. B、By enjoying the fantastic sights. C、By fishing. D、By giving thanks to nature.
    (2)、When has the island opened a new page in history?
    A、In 2003. B、Since 2003. C、Nobody knows. D、In the past.
    (3)、How long does it take to get there by boat from Zhanjiang Port Pier?
    A、8 minutes. B、15 minutes. C、A long time. D、23 minutes.
    (4)、The hot springs can help you________.
    A、enjoy the sights B、relax yourself C、eat seafood D、visit the museum
    (5)、Techeng Island is a place________.
    A、that lies in the west of Zhanjiang B、where all the villagers live a poor life C、that young people may find boring D、that tourists like to visit
  • 29. 从方框中选择五个还原到短文中。

        In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island. A great many visitors come here for holidays every year. Why? The reason is that it is special. . In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. It's about 175 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide.

        Though the island is a popular place of interest, there is no airport on the island. The long beach along the east coast works as the airport. .

        On the island there are sand hills without any plants, but there are forests with old trees, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes, too. .

        Every year, visitors come to enjoy the island's natural beauty. People like camping and hiking here. . Animals were killed for food and this made them in danger of extinction(灭绝). They threw rubbish everywhere, and the lakes were seriously polluted.

        . Rules have been set up. For example, visitors are not allowed to use motorboats(摩托艇)or go fishing in the lakes, and they mustn't leave any rubbish.

    A. Planes arrive and leave from here

    B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished

    C. The island is completely made of sand

    D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems

    E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest

    F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island


  • 30. 补全对话

    A:Hi, Kate!

    B:Oh,I've been to many places,such as Xi'an,Hangzhou,Shanghai and Tibet.


    B:Really?What places have you been to?

    A:Very few. I've only been to Pingyao.


    A:In Shanxi. It's a small place,but it has a long history. It's one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a well­kept city wall.

    B:I've just seen a lot of natural scenery,but not much old Chinese culture yet.


    A. You've been to more places than I have.

    B. Well,you'll have a lot of chances if you like.

    C. I've never seen such places in China.

    D. Where's that?

    E. What places have you been to in China?

    F. Have you ever been there before?

    G. When did you go there?


  • 31. 你以前听说过夜间野生动物园吗?

    Have you ever the Night Safari?

  • 32. 你到达山顶碰到困难了吗?

    Did you to the top of the hill?

  • 33. 我的父母一年到头忙于工作。

    My parents are busy with their work .

  • 34. 在老师的帮助下,他在英语方面取得了很大的进步。

    With the teacher's help, he has in English.

  • 35. 新加坡是一个度假的绝好且安全的地方。

    Singapore is a wonderful and safe place .


  • 36. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式完成短文。

    usual, by, never, encourage, it, be, full, unless, example, visit

        I'm not always a fan of museums. I can't pay attention to what I am watching the subject matter is very interesting. And art museums? They have never my "thing". But that's not to say that I go to museums. I do have my favorite museums around the world. For , I like NewSeum in Washington, D. C. and Te Papa in Wellington, New Zealand. And sometimes there are several museums that are so or special that I can't let myself skip(略过)them. Here is one of the most special museums I have so far. It is the National Leprechaun(小矮妖)Museum in Dublin, Ireland.

        The museum is not a traditional one. Visiting the museum is more like a theater experience. The 45­minute tour takes you through the museum room room and your tour guide tells funny stories about leprechauns. Some rooms are of huge furniture(家具). In these rooms, you just look like a very little man. The guide also you to take photos as you make your way through the rooms. So I took a lot of interesting pictures that day.

        I really hope to visit the museum again!


  • 37. 假如你是李华,上周你和父母一起去西安旅行。请你根据下面的表格信息提示写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍一下西安这座城市。要求不少于80词,可适当发挥。


    In the center of Shaanxi Province, China


    9,983 km2


    the capital (首都) of 13 dynasties (朝代) with more than 1140 years;the eastern end of the ancient Silk Road

    Places of interest


    the Emperor Qingshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum (the Terracotta Army);

    Shaanxi History Museum (the culture and history of China);…

    City wall

    one of the oldest Chinese city walls;

    can see the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower;

    Climate (气候)

    four different seasons

        Have you ever been to Xi'an?

        I hope you'll have a nice trip to Xi'an.