牛津版八年级下学期英语Unit 6

试卷更新日期:2019-01-21 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 父母不应该阻止孩子们玩,因为那是他们的天性。

    Parents shouldn't because it's their nature.

  • 2. 尽管我们建议他戒烟,他还是继续抽烟。

    He though we advised him to stop it.

  • 3. 他—直在这儿无所事事吗?

    Does he here all the time?

  • 4. 她学得很快,更重要的是,学过的都记得。

    She learns quickly, and , she remembers what she has learnt.

  • 5. 她忠于祖国,保守着这个秘密。

    She has her country to guard the secret.

  • 6. 除了接受这个事实,我别无选择。

    I have the fact.

  • 7. 让你的想象力自由驰骋,画—幅未来世界的图画。

    Let your imagination to draw a picture of the future world.

  • 8. 年轻人可以通过养狗来学习如何照料别人。

    Young people can learn how to others by keeping dogs.

  • 9. 鲍勃死于由他的生活方式引起的心脏病突发。

    Bob a heart attack, brought on by his lifestyle.


  • 10. 选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空

    grow up, according to, bark at, complain about, a small number of, for these reasons

    (1)、 the report, a new bridge will be built over the river.
    (2)、Mark is foolish and lazy. , he hasn't got a job yet.
    (3)、He tried to drive the dog away, but it began to him.
    (4)、Lu Xun in Zhejiang Province and became a great writer later.
    (5)、It always rains for a long time in May. Everyone the weather.
    (6)、Only Hall Han's books have been translated into English.


  • 11. —The fish tasted _______, and we have eaten it up.

    —It is certain that she cooked it _______.

    A、good; well B、well; good C、well; well D、good; good
  • 12. —Who ran _______ of all in the sports meeting?

    —Sam did, I think.

    A、fast B、faster C、the fastest D、more fast
  • 13. The water is _______ and we can see the fish _______.

    A、clear; clearly B、clearly; clearly C、clearly; clear D、clear; clear
  • 14. —Who gets up _______, your father or your mother?

    —My mother.

    A、early B、earlier C、earliest D、the earliest
  • 15. Bob never does his homework_____ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.
    A、so careful as B、as carefully as C、carefully as D、as careful as
  • 16. His grandparents live _______ in a small house, but they don't feel _______.

    A、lonely; alone B、alone; lonely C、lonely: lonely D、alone; alone
  • 17. When the girls heard the news, they were so _______ that they smiled _______.

    A、exciting; happy B、excited; happy C、excited; happily D、exciting; happily
  • 18. The boy walked much _______ so that he could get to the party on time.

    A、quick B、quickly C、quicker D、more quickly
  • 19. I'm much _______ than my two friends, but I jump _______ of us three.

    A、taller; higher B、shorter; higher C、taller; high D、shorter; highest
  • 20. Remember this, children. _______ careful you are, _______ mistakes you will make.

    A、The more; the fewer B、The more; the less C、The much; the fewer D、The much; the less
