
试卷更新日期:2019-01-17 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —What is your mother     

    —She is making a cake.

    A、make B、making C、makes
  • 2. Miss Wang is     the books on the desk.
    A、puts B、put C、putting
  • 3. Miss Wang is     them about some paintings.
    A、tell B、telling C、tells D、to tell
  • 4. Are you ______angry?
    A、feels B、feel C、feeling
  • 5. Christmas is _______.
    A、coming B、comes C、come
  • 6. We are ______vegetables.
    A、eating B、eats C、eat
  • 7. Look, the girls are           .
    A、dance B、dances C、dancing
  • 8. What ______John ______?
    A、is; doing B、are; doing C、are; does
  • 9. He's _______noodles.
    A、makes B、make C、making
  • 10. He is _______a boat.
    A、playing B、rowing C、row
  • 11. Look, the students are          an English party.
    A、having B、has C、have
  • 12. Look, the cat is ________ the mouse now.
    A、chases B、chasing C、chase
  • 13. We are ____ breakfast.
    A、have B、having C、has
  • 14. The students are _______a story.
    A、saying B、telling C、speaking D、talking
  • 15. He is _____to China .
    A、fly B、flying C、flew
  • 16. My brother         English yesterday. Now, he's        English again.
    A、learnt.., learns B、learns.., learning C、learnt.., learning
  • 17. Jim is        a break now. But he often        sports at this time.

    A、has; plays B、having; plays C、having; playing
  • 18. Look! Ben       in the living room.
    A、is watching TV B、will watch TV C、watches TV
  • 19. Mr. Tan is        his boat in the sea.

    A、shining B、sailing C、sleeping
  • 20. Look, the doctors        now.

    A、are running B、is running C、running
