
试卷更新日期:2019-01-17 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. I     as     as John yesterday.
    A、was, happy B、am, happy C、was, happier D、am, happier
  • 2. What     you do yesterday evening?
    A、do B、did C、doing
  • 3. Did you     the piano yesterday?
    A、play B、playing C、to playing D、played
  • 4. We went to the park and     beautiful flowers and tall trees.
    A、see B、saw C、seeing D、sees
  • 5. In the past, I     a pen to write a letter.
    A、used B、use C、uses D、using
  • 6. Yesterday I ______my grandma all day.
    A、helped B、help C、helps
  • 7. Did he _____his mum yesterday?
    A、called B、calling C、call
  • 8. —What _____ they _______yesterday?

    —They played football.

    A、did, do B、did, did C、do, do
  • 9. John ______to school by bike yesterday.
    A、goes B、went C、go
  • 10. The bell _______at ten o'clock.
    A、ring B、rang C、ringing
  • 11. Yesterday, I _____to the park.
    A、went B、go C、going
  • 12. We ______lots of places last week.
    A、visiting B、visited C、visit
  • 13. They ______back last Sunday.
    A、came B、come C、coming
  • 14. Did you ______your T-shirt?
    A、wash B、washing C、washed
  • 15. He ______TV yesterday.
    A、watching B、watched C、watches
  • 16. Did they _____any bananas?
    A、bought B、buy C、buying
  • 17. My brother ______two ice creams yesterday.
    A、buy B、is buying C、bought
  • 18. There         many houses on the mountain two years ago.
    A、are B、was C、were
  • 19. Sam         a parrot and played with it.
    A、saw B、sees C、seeing
  • 20. My brother usually        up at six in the morning, but he       up at seven this morning. He was late for school.
    A、gets; got B、got; gets C、gets; gets
