
试卷更新日期:2019-01-17 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Mark doesn't like          horses, but his brother         .
    A、riding, does B、riding, doesn't C、riding, rides
  • 2. —What are the lions doing?
    —They are      .
    A、fighting B、jumping C、walking
  • 3. I can ____ a little English .
    A、say B、speak C、talk
  • 4. His father ________ a new computer.
    A、there is B、has got C、have got
  • 5. Did you _______ your room last weekend?
    A、clean B、cleaned C、cleans
  • 6. He _____ as ____ as his sister.
    A、play; good B、play; well C、plays; well
  • 7. Roots can ________ the plant in the ground.
    A、help B、grow C、hold
  • 8. ________ there a bookstore near here?
    A、Are B、Do C、Is
  • 9. It's red. We must stop and ________.
    A、go B、wait C、slow
  • 10. In Alaska, USA, it ________ a lot.
    A、snow B、snows C、snowing
  • 11. Don't ________ the door.

    A、see B、open C、touch
  • 12. —How do you _________ Beijing?

    —By plane.

    A、get B、get to C、go
  • 13. He's going to ________ the Great Wall next week.
    A、visit B、visits C、visiting
  • 14. Robin and I ________ going to read a poem.
    A、is B、are C、am
  • 15. We will all ________ together tonight.
    A、are B、be C、see
  • 16. My aunt ________ going to make mooncakes.
    A、is B、are C、am
  • 17. You can ________ together with your family.
    A、happy B、get C、are
  • 18. My family ________ going to get together and have a big dinner.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 19. My mother ________ to work by subway. His mother ________ to work by taxi.
    A、go; go B、goes; goes C、go; goes
  • 20. —Where does he ________?

    —He works on a boat.

    A、work B、do C、works
  • 21. What ________ your mother do?
    A、does B、is C、do
  • 22. ________ Betty study English every day?
    A、Does B、Do C、Are
  • 23. He ________ dancing.
    A、to like B、like C、likes
  • 24. My brother ________ students to make kites.
    A、teaches B、teach C、learn
  • 25. He often ________ hiking.
    A、go B、went C、goes
  • 26. My uncle is a farmer. He sometimes ________ to the animals.
    A、read B、reading C、reads
  • 27. The pretty woman ________ going to the nature park.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 28. I must ________ attention to the traffic lights.
    A、pays B、pay C、paying
  • 29. ________ straight and you can see the museum.
    A、On B、Go C、Turn
  • 30. I like ________ and ________.
    A、danceing; swimming B、dancing; swiming C、dancing; swimming
  • 31. How ________ your mother go to work?
    A、do B、is C、does
  • 32. The light is green now. Let's ________.
    A、go B、wait C、stop
  • 33. The students are _______a story.
    A、saying B、telling C、speaking D、talking
  • 34. What day ________it yesterday?
    A、is B、was C、Where D、are
  • 35. I ____ in the classroom a moment ago.
    A、was B、were C、is
  • 36. Here _____the flag of China .
    A、is B、are C、be
  • 37. Mary _______reading story books .
    A、liked B、likes C、like
  • 38. I ______many photos of Sam yesterday .
    A、took B、take C、takes
  • 39. She ______a long time ago .
    A、stopped B、stoped C、stop
  • 40. —______he show you his photos in China?

    —No , he didn't.

    A、Do B、Does C、Did