
试卷更新日期:2019-01-17 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. The box is as ________as that one.
    A、heavy B、heavier C、more heavy D、heaviest
  • 2. Lucy is the ________ of the three.
    A、tall B、taller C、tallest
  • 3. Lily is ____in our class.
    A、taller B、the tallest C、the taller
  • 4. —What's the weather like?
     —It's hot and      .
    A、windy B、sunny C、cloudy
  • 5. —Is she quiet?

    —No, she isn't. She is very      .

    A、quiet B、worried C、active
  • 6. Tom's dog is        than Mike's.
    A、thiner B、thinner C、more thin
  • 7. Would you like                 orange juice?
    A、any B、some C、an
  • 8. He _____ as ____ as his sister.
    A、play; good B、play; well C、plays; well
  • 9. Helen studies as        as Alice.
    A、good B、better C、best D、well
  • 10. He works        in his class.   
    A、harder B、hardest C、the most hard D、the harder
  • 11. Jim jumps the _______.
    A、high B、higher C、highest
  • 12. She speaks ______ in her family.
    A、quicker B、more quickly C、the most quickly
  • 13. Who do you think does ______ in the class?
    A、best B、the best C、better
  • 14. She looks after the children ______ of the four woman.
    A、the best B、better C、best
  • 15. I speak ______ in my class.
    A、the most loudly B、most loudly C、louder
  • 16. When we are together, he talks the ______.
    A、most loudly B、more loudly C、loudly
  • 17. The young woman in red takes______ care of the baby of the three woman.
    A、the most carefully B、carefully C、most carelessly
  • 18. The house on the left is       as      as the house on the right.
    A、three time, tall B、three times, higher C、three time, high D、three times, high
  • 19. Stop at the ________ light.
    A、green B、red C、yellow
  • 20. We don't need     wishes.
    A、any B、a C、some
  • 21. Can you write      ?
    A、good B、more good C、better D、best
  • 22. Listen to the radio     .
    A、careful B、carefullier C、more carefully D、most carefully
  • 23. He does the housework      between the two children.
    A、well B、good C、best D、better
  • 24. Wash your clothes     .
    A、clean B、cleaner C、more cleanly D、most cleanly
  • 25. It was         . There were some black          .
    A、cloudy; clouds B、cloud; clouds C、cloudy; cloud
  • 26. —What's ________ with you?

    —I am sad.

    A、wrong B、right C、bad
  • 27. Tim is ________. He should see a doctor.
    A、happy B、ill C、afraid
  • 28. Students should study ________ and stay        too.
    A、strong; healthy B、hard; health C、hard; healthy
  • 29. You can be my _____pen friend .
    A、Chinese B、China C、America
  • 30. Can you tell me more about _____festivals ?
    A、America B、American C、China
  • 31. I haven't got_____dragon kites .
    A、any B、some C、much
  • 32. My running shoes are      old,I need to buy new      .
    A、very, one B、much,ones C、too,ones
  • 33. Water is _____ for us.
    A、use B、useful C、used
  • 34. Reading in bed is ____ for our eyes.
    A、useful B、bad C、good
  • 35. The old man walked ____ on the wet floor.
    A、careful B、carefully C、carefuly
  • 36. —Have you got ________ cherries?

    —Yes, I have.

    A、some B、any C、much D、a little
  • 37. We have had ________ pork. That's enough.
    A、a few B、a little C、few D、little
  • 38. I like winter. But I like summer ________ of all seasons.
    A、well B、good C、better D、best
  • 39. ________ meat and ________ vegetables will make a bad diet.
    A、Too many, not enough B、Too much, not enough C、Too much, enough D、Too many, enough
  • 40. His diet is not ________. He is much unhealthier than before.
    A、good enough B、enough good C、bad enough D、enough bad