
试卷更新日期:2019-01-17 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —I want to see the film. It's interesting.

    —________ I am hungry now. I want to eat first.

    A、And B、So C、But
  • 2. I'm going to the park ________ my friends.
    A、with B、and C、but
  • 3. I like ice cream, ________ it's sweet.
    A、and B、but C、because
  • 4. —How can I get to the bookstore?

    —Go Straight .______turn right.

    A、But B、So C、Then
  • 5. Are they going by bus ________ on foot?
    A、of B、or C、and
  • 6. You've got a letter from New York , _____it's not from Daming .
    A、but B、and C、or
  • 7. The nature park is __________ beautiful.
    A、because B、so C、but
  • 8. Do you go to bed at 9        at 9:30 in the evening?

    A、and B、or C、but
  • 9. Do the lions like eating meat        hay?

    A、too B、or C、Either
  • 10. Which do you want, the big moth          the small moth?

    A、and B、or C、/
  • 11. I don't like winter    it's too cold.
    A、and B、because C、so
  • 12. My mother can drive a car,         she can ride a bike, too.
    A、and B、but C、or
  • 13. I like chilies ________ they are spicy.
    A、but B、because C、so D、and
  • 14. We are unhealthy. We can't run ________ jump.
    A、and B、or C、so D、
  • 15. —________ doesn't Alice go to school?

    —________ she is ill.

    A、Why, Because B、Because, Why C、How, Yes
  • 16. I don't have brothers ________ sisters.
    A、or B、also C、too
  • 17. I like the room, ________ it is not big or bright.
    A、because B、so C、but
  • 18. ________ hat do you like, the brown one ________ the black one?
    A、Which, and B、What, or C、Which, or
  • 19. —Does Linda like the black bag ________ the green bag?

    —She likes ________ black one.

    A、or, the B、and, the C、or, /
  • 20. I like eating ice cream, _______I eat a little at a time.

    A、so B、or C、but
  • 21. You're taller ______ your brother.

    A、than B、and C、more
  • 22. I like noodles _____ I don't like rice.
    A、have B、or C、but
  • 23. I don't live in China, __________ I like Chinese.
    A、and B、but C、so
  • 24. I have two        , a ruler          a notebook in my desk.
    A、candy , and B、candy , 不填 C、candies , and
  • 25. Tom visited the farm ___ his family yesterday.
    A、with B、for C、and
  • 26. Mike is tall__________ strong.
    A、and B、or C、but
  • 27. Miss Li is busy ________ she still helps us a lot.
    A、but B、and C、or D、so
  • 28. I enjoy watching football matches ________ hate volleyball matches.
    A、and B、but C、so D、like
  • 29. Look, the boy is looking left, ________ right.
    A、and B、or C、but D、then
  • 30. There aren't any trees ________ flowers in the garden.
    A、or B、and C、so D、but