牛津译林版2018-2019学年小学英语六年级下册Unit 5 A party同步练习2

试卷更新日期:2018-09-17 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Willy told a story ______ the party.

    A、in B、on C、at D、before
  • 2. Here ______ some fruit and toys for you.

    A、have B、has C、is D、are
  • 3. It's a nice day. Let's ______ a picnic this afternoon.
    A、going to have B、having C、have D、to have
  • 4. Just then, the rain ______.

    A、stopped B、is stopping C、stops D、is going to stop
  • 5. It's ______ Tuesday morning. Yang Ling doesn't ______ to school.
    A、on; go B、/; goes C、on; goes D、/; go
  • 6. ______ you ______ basketball tomorrow afternoon?

    A、Do; play B、Are; play C、Are; going to play D、Will; playing
  • 7. You can be ______ minutes late for the parents' meeting.
    A、a few B、a little C、few D、little
  • 8. ______ the window, you can see the colorful flowers.
    A、Look out B、Look out of C、Look for D、Look at
  • 9. What ______ on the coming Children's Day?

    A、do you do B、are you doing C、are you going to do D、you doing
  • 10. Let's ______ a play on Christmas Day.

    A、put on B、put off C、put up D、take on


三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。


  • 21. 情景匹配

    ⑴When is Jack going to watch the film?    A. My aunt.

    ⑵What are you going to do this evening?  B. Tomorrow evening.

    ⑶Where is Mike going?      C. I'm going to play the piano.

    ⑷We are going to have a party.   D. He's going to the playground.

    ⑸Who is going to Beijing next week?   E. Have a good time.


  • 22. 阅读理解

        Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shopping with her on Sundays. Her husband pays for the things that she buys. Now they are in a shop.

        “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilson asks his husband.

        “All right. And how much is it?” he answers and gives money to the shop assistant.

        When Mrs. Wilson asks him about something good or bad, he often says “All right. And how much is it?” to her.

        At about 8 o'clock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty, and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然地) his wife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?”

        “All right. And how much is it?” his husband answers quickly.


    (1)、Mrs. Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays. 
    (2)、Andy is Mrs. Wilson's husband. 
    (3)、Mrs. Wilson pays for all the things she buys. 
    (4)、Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food. 
    (5)、Mrs. Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon.