新目标版英语七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like?(Section B)

试卷更新日期:2015-09-23 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 基本词汇



















    (19)、blonde hair




    (23)、first of all



    (26)、be good at

    (27)、big eyes

  • 2. 基本句式


      Jackie Chan .


    Tina face and small .




    They may describe person .


    Let me tell you she .


  • 3. 框中选择合适的词语抄在图片下面

    curly black hair, tall and thin, big eyes, wear glasses, short and heavy







  • 4. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子

    (1)、Han Hong is a great s. I like her songs (歌曲) a lot.

    (2)、There are two big eyes on my son's r face. They are beautiful.

    (3)、—This sweater is a little small. Could you show me a one?


    (4)、The baby is too young. She only has two teeth in her m.

    (5)、—What does the criminal look like?

    —I don't know how to d him.


  • 5. 用所给词的适当形式填空

    (1)、Xiao Shenyang is an actor. He is also a (sing).

    (2)、Qi Baishi is good at painting. He is an (art).

    (3)、That young man killed a child. He is a (crime).

    (4)、Sometimes the same person can be described (different) by different people.

    (5)、He is a (really) murderer(杀人犯).


  • 6. 根据汉语提示完成句子

    (1)、My brother is good at (画) pictures.

    (2)、She takes out her book and (放) it on the table.

    (3)、Lucy has big black (眼睛).

    (4)、In the (结束),Tom won(赢)the game.

    (5)、 (每个) person has different (方式;路线)to see things.


  • 7. Li Jie __________ a round face and blonde hair.

    A、has B、wears C、are D、is wearing
  • 8. —__________ Peter of medium height?

    —Yes, he __________.

    A、Does; does B、Has; has C、Is; does D、Is, is
  • 9. —__________ does your new English teacher look like?

    —She is a pretty lady(漂亮的女士)with long hair.

    A、How B、What C、Who D、Where
  • 10. After the artist draws a picture, he often puts it __________ the newspaper or __________ TV.

    A、on; on B、on; in C、in; on D、in; in
  • 11. We smell (嗅) with our __________ and we see with our __________.

    A、mouths; faces B、noses; faces C、eyes; noses D、noses, eyes
  • 12. Each of us __________ an English name. They are different.

    A、has B、have C、like D、had
  • 13. The man tried (尝试) several times (几次) to start the car, and he succeeded (成功)__________.

    A、in the past B、in the end C、at first D、at once
  • 14. Our English teacher has __________ hair.

    A、curly short brown B、curly brown short C、short curly brown D、brown short curly
  • 15. The two pairs of shoes are tight(紧的)for me. Can I try __________ pair?

    A、other B、another C、the other D、others
  • 16. —What does Joe Brown look like?

    —Let me tell you __________.

    A、what does he look like B、what his name is C、what he likes to do D、what he looks like


  • 17.


    I am Alice. I like Wechat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you can use it for free. It can be used in my mobile phone. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom Wang. Through Wechat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. It's amazing.

    I am David. I love Micro blog. I update my Micro blog when I am free. We can share instant (即时的) messages with each other. I often look through Yao Chen's Micro blog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Micro blog, for example, "I'm in blue today. I didn't pass the exam." Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc. with my friends. It is fun.

    I'm Lily. I don't like Wechat or Micro blog. I don't believe them. There are so many crimes(愚蠢行为) on Wechat. Many people are cheated (欺骗) because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. It is not a real world. As to Micro blog, I don't think it is a good way to make friends. And you should write something no more than 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I don't want my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的) girl.

    (1)、Who loves Micro blog?

    A、Alice. B、David. C、Lily. D、Leekom Wang.
    (2)、What does Alice think about Wechat?

    A、It's fast and convenient. B、It's fashionable but slow. C、It's safe and useful. D、It's fun but expensive.
    (3)、Why doesn't Lily believe Wechat?

    A、Because many people are cheated on Wechat easily. B、Because she doesn't like to say anything to her friends. C、Because she doesn't think it is a good way to make friends. D、Because she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to others.
    (4)、Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A、We chat has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. B、David can share his feelings instantly on Micro blog. C、Lily prefers reading to writing. D、There is a word limit on Micro blog.
    (5)、From the passage we can learn David is _______.

    A、a low-key boy B、an open-minded boy C、a stupid boy D、a lazy boy


  • 18. 任务型阅读

        Have you heard of (听说) the persons who made the Chinese people impressed(感动的)in 2012? Let me tell you some of them.

        Chen Binqiang(陈斌强),a young man, works in a school. He is thin and of medium height. He always wears glasses. ① He goes to work carrying (背) his mother by electric bike every day. He has done so for five years.

        He Yue(何玥)is a primary school student. She is young but she does a great thing.② She has long black hair. She has saved three people by herself (她自己).

        Zhou Yuehua (月华) is one of the most beautiful country doctors (最美乡村医生). She is of medium height and build. It's hard for her to walk like the normal(正常的) persons. But she brings good medical service(医疗服务)to the villagers with her husband (丈夫) Ai Qi.

    (1)、What does Chen Binqiang look like?


    (2)、Is He Yue a teacher or a student?


    (3)、Is it hard for Zhou Yuehua to walk like the normal persons?





  • 19. 书面表达

        请以My best friend为题,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文,内容包括年龄、外貌特征和爱好等。