外研(新标准)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级上册Module 5 Lao She's Teahouse单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2018-12-14 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Let's ________ noise. Someone is sleeping.

    A、not make B、not to make C、not making
  • 2. My friend gave ________.

    A、a ticket for me B、me a ticket C、my a ticket
  • 3. —It's getting dark now. Why not stop ________ home?

    —OK. Let's go.

    A、go B、going C、to go
  • 4. The show was so funny that it made everyone ________ again and again.

    A、laugh B、laughing C、laughed
  • 5. He tried his best and he succeeded in working out the problem ________.

    A、by the end B、at the end C、in the end
  • 6. Our teacher often asks us ________ time.

    A、don't waste B、not waste C、not to waste
  • 7. Australia is one of ________ countries in the world.

    A、larger B、the larger C、the largest
  • 8. —I'll have a ten-day holiday. But I don't know ________.

    —How about Paris?

    A、when to go B、where to go C、what to do
  • 9. —Don't forget ________ your history book tomorrow morning.

    —OK, I won't.

    A、to bring B、bring C、bringing
  • 10. Sally always wants _______around the world because she enjoys ________different places.

    A、travelling;to see B、to travel;to see C、to travel;seeing


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。

        Charlie Chaplin spent over 70 years acting both on stages and in films. But do you know 1 he began his artistic(演艺生涯) career?

        When Chaplin was five years old, his father died. His mother thought she was rather ill, had to go on with her work as a 2 in order to make a living and she took little Chaplin along with her because no one took care of him at home.

        Once when she was giving a performance on the stage. 3 chocked(卡住) her throat, and she could not go on. People whistled(吹口哨) and 4. At that time, little Chaplin ran to the stage and 5 his mother. He wanted to help her. He cleverly sang as his mother did. He acted 6 that the audience all laughed merrily. They tossed(扔) coins to the stage 7 his humorous acting and pleasing voice.

        Seeing this little Chaplin said to the audience. “Wait till I 8 please.” All the audience burst out laughing at his words. When the boss helped him and left the stage. Chaplin said. “The boss must have put 9 into his pockets, so I have to go to ask him.” And he did leave the stage for a while. The audience laughed themselves to tears at his performance.10 they welcomed little Chaplin wherever he went. This was how Charlie Chaplin began his career.

    A、Where B、why C、how
    A、doctor B、teacher C、singer
    A、something B、someone C、coin
    A、smiled B、shouted C、laughed
    A、caught up with B、held C、stood by
    A、as good B、as well C、so well
    A、for B、because C、that
    A、pick them up B、drink some water C、have a rest
    A、the stage B、the money C、the film
    A、Later B、After C、From then on


  • 12. 根据短文内容,判断句子的正误

        Lao She Teahouse is in the centre of Beijing. People can learn Chinese culture easily here. The teahouse opened in 1988,is  named after the Teahouse, a play by the famous writer Lao She. Now people here not only drink tea, but also listen to music, watch magic shows and enjoy Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics and kung fu.

        Travel information


    No.3,Qianmen West Street,Xicheng District,Beijing




    Take the No.17, 22, 43, 826 bus and get off at the Qianmen stop,or take subway Line 2 and get off at Qianmen Station.



    Opening Hours



    Start at 14:30 and 19:30


    From 40 yuan to 130 yuan

    (1)、Lao She opened Lao She Teahouse.

    (2)、In Lao She Teahouse,people can watch football matches.

    (3)、If you want to go to Lao She Teahouse,you can't take the No.15 bus.

    (4)、Johnson wants to visit Lao She Teahouse. He must get there before 10:30 in the evening.

    (5)、If your parents want to visit Lao She Teahouse,they should take 40 yuan with them.

  • 13. 阅读理解

        Good news!For the coming film festival,there are some promotions(促销) in Times Cinema. This festival lasts seven days, from Friday, June 20th, 2014 to Thursday, June 26th, 2014. Here is the poster.




    Captain America


    Where are we going, Dad?

    Spider man





    (50% off for





    June 20th

    June 22nd

    June 24th

    June 21st

    June 22nd

    June 25th

    June 21st

    June 22nd

    June 26th

    June 20th

    June 23rd

    June 24th


    9:00 am

    4:30 pm

    8:20 pm

    10:00 am

    7:10 pm

    9:30 pm

    9:20 am

    3:10 pm

    5:30 pm

    7:50 am

    9:50 am

    11:50 am


    50% off on Tuesday for all

    Free for children under 6 years old

    A free bottle of soft drink for students with student ID during the film festival

    For more details,please call us on 555 0679.

    (1)、Which movie can you watch on the afternoon of June 24th?

    A、Frozen B、Captain America C、Where are we going,Dad?
    (2)、You can find the following information in the poster except  ________.

    A、the prices of the films B、the place of the cinema C、the time of the film festival
    (3)、If you want to watch Captain America with your father and your five-year-old brother, you need to pay  ________.

    A、¥80 B、¥160 C、¥120
    (4)、When can you watch films with 50% off?

    A、On June 20th. B、On June 23rd. C、On June 24th.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE about the poster?

    A、All the people can be offered a free bottle of soft drink. B、All the people will pay for the tickets during the film festival. C、People without student ID can also enjoy the special price on Tuesday.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse

    53A,Dongdaqiao Road,Chaoyang District

    A quiet traditional teahouse near the busy Silk Market

    Tel:6507 4872

    Lao She Teahouse

    3rd floor,3 Qianmen West Street,Xicheng District

    Regular nightly performances of traditional Beijing Opera

    Tel:6303 6830

    Ji Gu Ge  Teahouse

    132—136 Liulichang,Xicheng District

    Traditional pottery and gift tea sets for sale

    Tel:6301 7849

    Sanwei Bookstore

    60 Fuxingmen West Street,Xicheng District

    Teahouse-bookstore with live music on Friday and Saturday evenings

    Tel:6601 3204

    Tian Hai Teahouse

    Sanlitun Road,20 metres north of Workers' Stadium Beilu,Chaoyang District Intersection

    Performances of traditional music by local artists on Friday and Saturday evenings

    (1)、If you want to buy traditional pottery after drinking tea,which teahouse would you like to go to?

    A、Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse. B、Lao She Teahouse. C、Ji Gu Ge Teahouse.
    (2)、You want to watch the performances by local artists at weekends,and then you can go to ________.

    A、Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse B、Lao She Teahouse C、Tian Hai Teahouse
    (3)、A foreigner shows great interest in Beijing Opera,so you can take him to ________.

    A、Sanwei Bookstore B、Lao She Teahouse C、Ji Gu Ge Teahouse
    (4)、Kelly from Australia likes reading and being quiet, so where would you like to advise her to go?

    A、Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse. B、Sanwei Bookstore. C、Ji Gu Ge Teahouse.
    (5)、You want to take four of your foreign friends to shop for silk stuff,and after that,you would like to have a cup of tea and rest. Which phone number can you dial to ask if they have a table for five?

    A、6601 3204. B、6301 7849. C、6507 4872.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Beijing Opera used to sound strange to Dou Yi. The 14-year-old Beijinger said whenever she came across Beijing Opera on TV. she changed the channel(频道).

        But since Dou entered the Xuanwu branch school of Beijing No.15 Middle School, she has been studying Beijing Opera in music class every week.

        Dou and her classmates listen to Beijing Opera and learn the basics(基础知识) from professional actors.

        “We laugh sometimes because the tunes(声调) are really hard to learn. ” said Dou.

        “After all. I am no longer a layman(外行). ”she said.

        Since 2008, schools around the country have been teaching students Beijing Opera. Clearly. Dou's school has been taking the job seriously.

        Yang Ning, 14, is Dou's classmate. She has been studying Beijing Opera since she was 8.She is a member of the school's Beijing Opera club.

        Yang said she had learned a lot from Beijing Opera.

        “I learn a lot of history from the operas. ”she said.“ I've also found out about many ancient poems. since there are so many of them in the operas.”

        Yang doesn't think everyone can learn to sing Beijing Opera well. But she does say that it's helpful for all people to learn about it.

        “The more you learn about it, the more you understand it. It would be a great pity if it did!” she said.

    A.But she said that now she would watch Beijing Opera on TV.

    B.If people do study it,this old art form won't disappear.

    C.Like most of today's teenagers,Dou loves pop music.

    D.It's part of a plan to introduce the country's artistic traditions to young people.

    E.Her father wanted her to learn Beijing Opera.

    F.They also sing along with the operas.

    G.Beijing Opera is a kind of traditional Chinese culture.


  • 16. 根据对话内容,从下面方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。

    A.Whose novels do you like reading?

    B.He is a famous American writer.

    C.I'm seeing the Beijing Opera.

    D.No idea.

    E.It's hard for me to understand it.

    F.I like Beijing Opera.

    A:Hi, Betty. What are you doing on the Internet?


    A:Beijing Opera?Many old people like it. Do you like it?

    B:Yes, I like it very much. What about you?

    A:Sorry, I don't. By the way(顺便问一下), do you like reading books?

    B:Yes, I like reading novels.

    A:Me too.

    B:Mark Twain's. I like his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(《汤姆·索亚历险记》) best.

    A:Can you tell me something about him?

    B: He was also good at telling jokes(笑话).

    A:When and where was he born?What is he famous for?

    B:Let's search them on the Internet.

    A:Good idea.



  • 22. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,所有单词在填入前不需进行词形转换,每个单词只能用一次,每空只能填一词。

    feel    novels    writing    impossible    find

        Maupassant(莫泊桑) was one of the well-known writers of short in the nineteenth century in France. His novels made readers excited and enjoyable.

        During his school days, he decided to become a writer. Then he began to write something. Because of the Franco-Prussian War(普法战争), he had to stop .After the war, he went to Paris to look for a job, where he met some great writers and learned a lot from them.

        Working as a clerk(职员), Maupassant was too busy and he had no time to more material(素材) for his story. And he found it to finish his dream. So he left his office to spend all his time on his interest. At the age of thirty-four, he became quite famous.


  • 23. 根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。
    (1)、in Liuzhou,Li Ning,was born  (李宁出生于柳州。)(连词成句)

    (2)、succeeded,she,in the end  (她最后终于成功了。)(连词成句)

    (3)、English,he,translated the book,into  (他把这本书译成了英语。)(连词成句)

    (4)、is,one of,his most famous stories,also,this,at the same time(同时这也是他最著名的故事之一。)(连词成句)

    (5)、when,I,have no idea,the story,took place  (我不知道这个故事什么时候发生的。)(连词成句)


  • 24. 假如你最喜欢的男演员是邓超,请你根据提示以“My favourite actor”为题写一篇70词左右的英语短文。




    4)因参加电视节目《Keep Running》而更加受人欢迎。

    My favourite actor