浙江省新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):完形填空

试卷更新日期:2018-12-12 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 完形填空

        Hello, everyone! Nice to1you. I'm Mike. I'm an English2. I have(有 )  a sister.3name is Gina Smith. Gina is her4name. Her ID card5is 3310028655. She 6very nice. I like her very much. Look! This is 7watch. It's black. Black is my favorite(最喜爱的)8. Oh, what are these? Are9books? No, they10. They're notebooks.

    A、meet B、thank C、excuse D、look
    A、girl B、boy C、name D、family
    A、Your B、My C、Her D、His
    A、family B、last C、middle D、first
    A、clock B、number C、school D、game
    A、is B、am C、are D、/
    A、an B、a C、/ D、the
    A、name B、watch C、pen D、color
    A、they B、this C、that D、the
    A、is B、isn't C、are D、aren't
  • 2. 完形填空。

    Dear Sir,

        Today I see an ad (广告), I know you1two swimming teachers for your club on weekends. I want to join your 2 club. My last name is White. My 3name is Gina. I am 20 years old. I like swimming and I 4 swim well. I like kids and I am 5 with kids. I can help 6 learn to swim. I can 7play the drums. I can teach them to play the drums. I like English and I can8stories very well. My e-mail address(地址)is gina009@sina.com.If(如果) I can 9 in your club, please 10 me. My telephone number is 275-1097.


    Gina White

    A、help B、see C、need D、have
    A、swimming B、piano C、English D、art
    A、first B、family C、last D、English
    A、may B、may not C、can D、can not
    A、fine B、good C、nice D、OK
    A、them B、him C、her D、you
    A、too B、not C、also D、either
    A、spell B、sing C、speak D、tell
    A、am B、is C、are D、be
    A、call B、bring C、meet D、thank
  • 3. 完形填空

        Hello! I'm Jim. This is a 1 of my room. It is a2room. A bed, a desk and a chair are in it. There is a 3on the bed. It is very nice. My schoolbag is on the4. Is a black schoolbag.5are English books. They6 on the desk. What else(其他的) is on the desk? Two pens. They are blue and white.7my plant(植物)? It's on the floor. The chair is on the8, too. Oh.9! What are10 the chair? My brothers' CDs!

    A、book B、picture C、name D、tape
    A、nice B、OK C、orange D、girl
    A、photo B、ball C、jacket D、map
    A、bookcase B、chair C、bed D、desk
    A、Those B、That C、This D、It
    A、is B、isn't C、are D、aren't
    A、How B、What C、Where's D、Where're
    A、desk B、floor C、bed D、sofa
    A、spell B、look C、see D、know
    A、on B、under C、in D、at
  • 4. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Hello, my name is Diana. I have a brother, Steve. We grow up together,1we are very different. For example, I'm outgoing, but he is2. I love English. I3studying English when I was little and I'm studying harder now. My brother didn't like it at first. However, when I learned some English songs, I often sang to him. Now he not only loves to listen to English songs, but4likes to sing! My brother can swim very well. I was not good5swimming in the past. Last summer, he took me to the6every day and helped me learn 7to swim. Now I can swim8than all my friends! I enjoy telling jokes. My brother can never remember a9, but he likes to listen to them. Every day I make him10by telling him jokes.

    A、so B、or C、but D、because
    A、sad B、silly C、strange D、shy
    A、finished B、minded C、started D、forgot
    A、also B、only C、either D、still
    A、to B、at C、for D、with
    A、library B、cinema C、pool D、hill
    A、how B、what C、where D、when
    A、bigger B、slower C、better D、higher
    A、name B、joke C、letter D、chance
    A、cry B、shout C、jump D、laugh
  • 5. 完形填空

        Look at the1. It's a picture 2 a classroom. 3can you see 4the classroom? I can see 5desks and chairs in the classroom. Some books are6the desks. What other things can you see? I can see two 7on the wall. Where are the brooms? They are 8the door. There is a teacher's desk in the front of the 9. This is10 classroom.

    A、map B、picture C、student D、girl
    A、of B、in C、or D、at
    A、Where B、What C、How D、Who
    A、on B、of C、in D、at
    A、some B、much C、a D、the
    A、on B、at C、between D、behind
    A、maps B、people C、teachers D、CDs
    A、under B、on C、in D、behind
    A、desks B、students C、classroom D、teachers
    A、me B、him C、Lily D、my
  • 6. 完形填空

        Next to our school there is a store.It's 1 , but there are lots of school things 2 it.Do you and your friends 3 books,pens or 4?Please come to the store.They 5those things at a very good 6.Big erasers are just two yuan7.And small erasers are only one yuan.The pens are just on sale 8 three yuan.Oh,I like that cartoon pencil sharpener.9 at the price! It's only two yuan. I'll take 10.Do you want school things?Just come here and see for yourself.

    A、short B、small C、long D、big
    A、in B、of C、on D、under
    A、have B、take C、need D、look
    A、pencils B、watches C、clothes D、fruit
    A、like B、buy C、sell D、need
    A、store B、price C、table D、school
    A、one B、every C、each D、two
    A、for B、at C、to D、of
    A、Look B、Watch C、See D、Call
    A、them B、it C、me D、you
  • 7. 完形填空

        Frank1a good friend. His name is Paul. They like2.Frank thinks baseball is3.He likes baseball. Paul4to play tennis. He thinks tennis5relaxing. They6play soccer. They think it's difficult. Frank7watch TV. He thinks it's boring. Paul8a computer game. He likes to play it. Frank and Paul9volleyball. They10to play volleyball at school.

    A、have B、has C、is D、are
    A、an sport B、sports C、a sporting D、an sporting
    A、boring B、difficult C、interesting D、not easy
    A、like B、love C、likes D、loving
    A、am B、is C、are D、be
    A、don't B、doesn't C、love D、like
    A、isn't B、doesn't C、aren't D、don't
    A、have B、has C、playing D、play
    A、plays B、play C、have D、has
    A、like B、likes C、loves D、loving
  • 8. 完形填空

        This is my bedroom. You can see 1pictures on the wall. The light(台灯)is 2the desk. The football is 3the chair.4the bed? It's near(在……附近) the table. My father and 5bedroom is near my bedroom. 6flowers and a bed are in 7room. Some windows (窗户)are 8 the wall. A yellow door 9in the wall, too. I like my bedroom 10.

    A、a B、an C、/ D、some
    A、from B、on C、of D、about
    A、in B、under C、about D、for
    A、What's B、Where's C、How's D、Who's
    A、mother B、sister C、mother's D、sister's
    A、A piece of B、A C、Some D、An
    A、their B、they C、them D、your
    A、on B、in C、under D、behind
    A、is B、are C、be D、am
    A、very B、much too C、very much D、much very
  • 9. 完形填空

        Mother Hare's two children were a month old. They lived with their parents in a deep hole (洞) . "Children," said Mother Hare, "It's time for you to live by yourself. Listen carefully to1Father says. Father Hare said, "When you leave, make yourself a deep hole like our hole. It will keep you safe2danger.

        The first little hare did not want to3He thought, "I will make a house near the forest." He found some twigs (树枝) and put them all together to make a house. It4him a day to finish the work. After that, he was 5 so he went to the meadow (草地) to eat. Someone else was in the meadow: a hungry fox. "Come here," said the fox. "Let's have dinner together. You will be dinner!" The hare ran fast into his house.6the fox took the house down and ate the hare for dinner.

        The second little hare said, I will make myself a house in the tree. He built a house in the tree from twigs. When he finished, he went to the meadow to7 food. The hungry fox waited in the meadow and tried to get8for dinner. The second hare wanted to run back to his house in the9.But unluckily, he was so afraid that he couldn't climb up the tree. Then the fox got him and ate him for dinner,10.

        It's good to have your ideas and do the things you like. But sometimes you need to take your parents words into heart.

       It may save you from the wrong way.

    A、why B、that C、what D、where
    A、from B、to C、behind D、of
    A、hear B、forget C、remember D、listen
    A、took B、spent C、used D、paid
    A、happy B、free C、hungry D、relaxed
    A、And B、Because C、So D、But
    A、look after B、look for C、look at D、look up
    A、it B、her C、you D、him
    A、forest B、meadow C、tree D、hole
    A、too B、also C、either D、yet
  • 10. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    “Keep your eye on your paper”is one of the rules that Mrs Archer has taught us. It's a simple rule, 1 it's not a rule everybody chooses to follow.
    This morning, I felt 2 was watching me too closely during an English exam. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat 3 me. My eyes caught his and he 4, “Let me see your answers!”
    I gave him a 5, not sure if he was joking or not, and returned to my test. This time I moved a little more 6 towards my paper. “I can't see!”James said in a low voice.
    “What am I going to do?”I 7. Cheating was wrong. I'd studied hard for the test, but James 8. I put my arm around my paper so that he couldn't see the 9. I knew I did what I felt was right. Maybe it made James 10.
    When the exam ended, I stood there for a moment, wondering 11 to say. But I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong. My 12 searched for the right words.
    “Sorry, James, but you know me 13 to understand how I feel about cheating,”I said slowly and gently. “But maybe I can help you study before the 14 test.” “OK, Brian,” he smiled slightly, “You are right. I should study hard.”
    I stood there for a moment, finally able to breathe again. I was happy that my friendship with James 15.

    A、but B、so C、because D、unless
    A、nobody B、anybody C、everybody D、somebody
    A、in front of B、behind C、before D、around
    A、whispered B、talked C、spoke D、answered
    A、book B、note C、hand D、smile
    A、closely B、clearly C、mostly D、lively
    A、said to him B、asked the teacher C、thought to myself D、talked to me
    A、had B、hadn't C、has D、hasn't
    A、answers B、name C、pictures D、questions
    A、happy B、angry C、excited D、silly
    A、why B、when C、how D、what
    A、eyes B、body C、mind D、memory
    A、well enough B、good enough C、hard enough D、bad enough
    A、first B、last C、next D、second
    A、destroyed B、wasn't destroyed C、has destroyed D、can't destroy