浙江省新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单选题(二)

试卷更新日期:2018-12-12 类型:期末考试


  • 1. This is ________ orange and that is ________ jacket.
    A、a;a B、an;an C、a;an D、an;a
  • 2. —        ?

    —It's brown.

    A、What color is it B、How are you C、What's this
  • 3. There are nine ______ books in the library.
    A、hundreds B、hundred C、hundred of D、hundreds of
  • 4. —Helen, have a good day.

    — ________________________________.

    A、Good morning B、Thanks. You, too C、Nice to meet you D、I' m fine
  • 5. —Is this your book?

    —No, it isn't ________.It is Mary's.

    A、my B、mine C、me D、I
  • 6. This dictionary isn't ________.It's Eric's.
    A、he B、she C、hers D、her
  • 7. This is ________ keys.
    A、a set B、set of C、sets D、a set of
  • 8. —Look! Those       my      .

    —Oh, I see.

    A、is; box B、is; boxes C、are; box D、are; boxes
  • 9. —Are these your dictionaries?

          .They are Lily's.

    A、Yes, these are B、Yes, they are C、No, these aren't D、No, they aren't
  • 10. When can they finish ________ these clothes?
    A、sell B、sells C、selling D、to sell
  • 11. We       history and math this afternoon.
    A、play B、see C、need D、have
  • 12. —Where are her ________?

    —Look!They are on her feet(脚).

    A、skirts B、trousers C、shoes D、sweaters
  • 13. Kate is_______ friend. ________ is an English girl.          

    A、I; She B、I; Her C、my; She D、my; Her
  • 14. —________ your father?

    —No, he is my uncle.

    A、Who's B、Is he C、What's D、Is she
  • 15. There's _________800-metre-long road behind _________hospital.  

    A、an, an B、a, a C、an, the D、a, the
  • 16. —What's your brother's name?

         name is Bob.

    A、He B、She C、His D、Her
  • 17. Tom and Jack    friends.
    A、is B、am C、are D、be
  • 18.     name is Helen and    name is Frank.
    A、Her; her B、His; his C、Her; his D、His; her
  • 19. My friend Bob has _______ short hair and _______ big nose.
    A、a; a B、an; an C、the; the D、/; a
  • 20. — I love school and I'm going to be a teacher.

    —Oh, that ______ a good idea.

    A、sounds B、listens C、sounds like D、hears
  • 21. —Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle's child?
    —Yes, it's my      .

    A、cousin B、sister C、brother D、daughter
  • 22. —Is this your book, Jane?

    —________.Thank you!

    A、Yes, this is B、Yes, it is C、No, this isn't D、No, it isn't
  • 23. I am a teacher, ________ he ________.
    A、but; isn't B、or; isn't C、but; don't D、and; don't
  • 24. There is a map ______ China ______ the wall.
    A、of; on B、of; in C、of; of D、for; on
  • 25. —________ do you like ________ music?

    —Because it's relaxing.

    A、How;listening B、What:listen C、Why;listening D、Why;listening to
  • 26. —The baseball game is great.

            Boys in my family all love it.

    A、Thank you. B、That's for sure. C、It's very nice of you. D、Have a great time.
  • 27. Her father and mother ______ drinking black tea.
    A、are both like B、are all like C、both like D、all like
  • 28. He needs________ hamburgers because he is very hungry.
    A、two more B、more two C、other two D、two another
  • 29. —It's time for lunch, Mum! I am hungry.


    A、I'm sorry to hear that. B、OK. Let's make some sandwiches. C、That's all right. D、Never mind.
  • 30. Mr.Green doesn't like his car now.He wants to ________ it.
    A、buy B、sell C、take D、get