新目标版英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?(SetionA)

试卷更新日期:2015-09-21 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 从Ⅱ栏中找出I栏中短语的汉语意思并配对。

           I                       II

     A. police station          a. 付费电话

     B. post office                b. 在……对面

     C. pay phone                c. 邮局

     D. across from              d. 警察局

     E. in front of                 e. 在……和……之间

     F. between…and        f. 挨着

     G. next to                      g. 在……前面


  • 2. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子

    (1)、I want to post(邮寄) a letter. I'll go to the post o tomorrow afternoon.

    (2)、There is a nice h , many guests(客人)like living in it.

    (3)、My grandpa is ill(病的). He is in h now.

    (4)、If you're hungry(饥饿的),you can go to a r near here.

    (5)、Wangfujing is a busy s in Beijing. Many people go shopping there every day.


  • 3. 从方框中选择合适的介词完成句子

    on,  around,  between,  from,  behind

    (1)、The post office is across  the bookshop.

    (2)、My school is Bridge Street.

    (3)、—Is there a hotel   here?

    —Yes, there is.

    (4)、The park is   the restaurant and the supermarket.

    (5)、The Palace Museum(故宫)is  Tian'anmen Square(天安门广场). I say that Tian'anmen Square is in front of the Palace Museum.


  • 4. The supermarket is _____________ /nɪə/ our school.

    A、pear B、wear C、ear D、near
  • 5. There _____________ a teacher and some students waiting for the school bus outside.

    A、are B、am C、be D、is
  • 6. —Is it next to the library?      


    A、Yes, there is B、No, it is C、No, it isn't D、Yes, she is
  • 7. —_____________ are the pay phones?

    —They're between the park and the library.

    A、What B、Where C、When D、How
  • 8. —Where is the bank?

    —It's _____________ the post office.

    A、next to B、in C、on D、between
  • 9. The workers will build a new railroad _____________ the two cities.

    A、since B、between C、as D、during
  • 10. You can get money(钱) in the _____________ and you can live in the _____________.

    A、hotel; bank B、bank; hotel C、bank; library D、library; bank
  • 11. —Mum, I'm hungry. _____________ no milk in the fridge(冰箱).

    —Oh, I'll go and buy some at once(立即).

    A、There be B、It is C、There are D、There is
  • 12. I pay five dollars _____________ the book.

    A、at B、with C、for D、of
  • 13. The policeman often helps the old woman walk _____________ the bridge.

    A、across B、on C、in D、over
  • 14. —I can help you.

    —Oh, that's great! Thanks so much.


    A、No problem B、Sure C、Don't thank me D、OK
  • 15. —Where's Center Street?      


    A、How can I help you? B、Hi, excuse me. C、That's great D、It's not far from here.
  • 16. —Why are you standing(站立), Alice?

    —I can't see the blackboard(黑板 ) clearly(清楚地) . Two tall boys are sitting _____________ me.

    A、behind B、next to C、between D、in front of
  • 17. Look! The police _____________ after the thief.

    A、is running B、are running C、runs D、run
  • 18. There _____________ a pen and two pencils in the pencil case.

    A、are B、is C、be D、am


  • 19. 根据汉语完成句子


      Li Ming's uncle works at a .


      a here.


      any near here?


      around three in our .


    Our school is .


  • 20. 按要求改写句子

    (1)、Is there a hospital in your town?(作出肯定回答)

      , .

    (2)、Is there a park behind the supermarket?(改为复数句子)

      behind the supermarket?

    (3)、The police station is on Center Street. (对划线部分提问)

      the police station?

    (4)、There are some flowers (花) in the garden(花园).(改为一般疑问句)

      flowers in the garden?

    (5)、The police station is in front of the hotel and behind the hospital.(改为同义句)

    The police station is the hotel the hospital. 


  • 21. 补全对话

    Mr Yang:(1)

    Woman: Yes? How can I help you?

    Mr Yang:(2)

    Woman: Yes, there is. It's near the supermarket.

    Mr Yang: (3)

    Woman: It's a little (有点) far. It's on North Street. (4)

    Mr Yang: Sorry. Where's the bus station?

    Woman: Well, come on!(5)

    Mr Yang: It's so great! Thanks so much.

    Woman: No problem.

    A. Hello! Excuse me.          

    B. How can I get there?

    C. I can walk with you there.    

    D. Is there a hospital around here?

    E. You can go there by bus.


  • 22.


    Welcome to our school. It's in Banquan Town. Let's look at the map here. Our school is on Garden Street. It's across from the library. Behind our school, there is a big market. You can go shopping in it. There is a bank near our school. How far is it? It's about two kilometers from our school. There is also a big hotel around here. It's far from our school. Our school is in big, clean and beautiful. It's quiet, too. All of us study hard in it.

    (1)、Our school is on _____________.

    A、Center Street B、Garden Street C、North Street D、Green Street
    (2)、Our school is _____________ the market.

    A、near B、behind C、in front of D、between
    (3)、You can go shopping in the _____________.

    A、market B、hotel C、bank D、library
    (4)、The library is _____________ the school.

    A、behind B、in C、across from D、next to
    (5)、This passage (短文) is mainly about _____________.

    A、the bank B、the school C、the hotel D、the library