初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 1 I haven't done much exercise sincce I got my computer同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-03-28 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 将你看到的中文转换成英文
  • 2. 将你看到的中文转换成英文
  • 3. 将你看到的中文转换成英文


  • 4. 将你看到的中文转换成英文
    (1)、 胃痛   
    (2)、 感冒
    (3)、 量某人的体温   
    (4)、 快餐食品
  • 5. 将你看到的中文转换成英文
    (1)、 锻炼   
    (2)、 对……有害
    (3)、 每天三次   
    (4)、 去看医生


  • 6. 将你看到的中文转换成英文

      I've got a  and my head  .


         have you  this?


      I've    about three days !


      Let me    .


      much exercise   I got my computer last year.


  • 7. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子
    (1)、If you are ill,you must s  the doctor.
    (2)、You have a fever.You'd better take your t
    (3)、My fever is gone,but I still have a headache and c  .
    (4)、The boy was  (生病的),so he stayed at home.
    (5)、He often does morning exercises,so he is in good  (健康).


  • 8. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空

    how long,catch a cold,fast food,take one's temperature,take the medicine

    (1)、After  three times a day after meals,I felt much better.
    (2)、Don't eat too much every day.It's bad for our health.
    (3)、一  can l watch TV today,Mum?

      一You can watch CCTV News for only half an hour.

    (4)、--Have you ,Tom?

      一Yes,it is already 39℃.I must see the doctor at once.

    (5)、Today it's very cold.Put on some warm clothes or you'll


  • 9. 用所给词的适当形式填空
    (1)、Reading in the sun is (harm)to your eyes.
    (2)、She has  (be)ill for about two weeks.
    (3)、Take the medicine three (time)a day.
    (4)、Stop (eat)fast food.You'll be healthier.
    (5)、My grandparents do some  (exercise)to keep  (health) every day.


  • 10. 一What's the matter?

      一I have a      .I have to go to the doctor.

    A、head B、tooth C、cold D、nose
  • 11. Our English teacher is very nice.We       friends since three years ago.  
    A、were B、became C、have been D、have made
  • 12. If you feel tired,you may stop       .  
    A、have a rest B、to have a rest C、have rest D、having a rest 
  • 13. My parents      Tianjin for 50 years.  
    A、have been in B、have been to C、have gone to D、have been
  • 14. How long          you here since you            to Beijing?

    A、did; live; came B、did; live; have come C、have; lived; came D、have; lived; have come
  • 15. It's almost eight years     we saw each other last time.
    A、before B、since  C、after D、when
  • 16. This is a      accident.Ten people are hurt       .  
    A、serious,serious B、serious,seriously C、seriously,serious D、seriously,seriously
  • 17. --Smoking is bad for your      .

    一You're right.I decide to give it up.

    A、healthy B、health C、head D、mouth
  • 18. —          have you been away from your home town?

    一 For about 13 years.

    A、How soon B、How far C、How long D、How often
  • 19. Grandma is ill.I have to      her at home.  
    A、look for B、look up C、look at D、look after


  • 20. 根据汉语提示完成句子
    (1)、Have you   (量你的体温)?
    (2)、Take  (更多的锻炼)and you will be healthy.
    (3)、Mary   (生病)since three days ago.
    (4)、Many students spend  (太多)time on computers every day.
    (5)、If you don't feel well,please (去看医生).


  • 21. 补全对话

    D:What's wrong with you?



    P:Since last night.

    D:Have you had breakfast?

    P:No,I don't want to eat anything.

    D:(5 minutes later)

      OK.open your mouth and say“Ah…"


    D:Nothing serious.Just a cold.Have a good rest and drink more water.You'll feel better soon.

    P:OK,thank you,doctor.

    A.Take the medicine three times a day.

    B.My head hurts badly.   

    C.Is it serious,doctor?   

    D.How long has it been like this?   

    E.Now let me take your temperature,please.