
试卷更新日期:2018-11-30 类型:期中考试


  • 1. I _____ TV a moment ago.
    A、watch B、watched C、looked
  • 2. Did you ____ a banana yesterday?
    A、ate B、eat C、eats
  • 3. _______ left and then _______ right before you cross the street.
    A、Look at, look at B、Look on, look on C、Look, look
  • 4. My sister wants to ________ this pair of blue trousers.
    A、look on B、put on C、take on
  • 5. Look, the cat is ________ the mouse now.
    A、chases B、chasing C、chase
  • 6. That is the ____ new cap.
    A、boy B、boys' C、boy's
  • 7. Can you ____ a new clothes for her?
    A、make B、made C、making
  • 8. ____ a nice poster!
    A、What B、How C、What's
  • 9. Let's talk ________this question(问题).
    A、with B、about C、at




  • 20. 选词填空

    Long long ago,    showing… to,    thinks hard,    make clothes,   

    laugh at,    lived in,    shouted at

    (1)、The lion the old man, "You picked a flower. Now give me your child."
    (2)、, there was a temple on the mountain.
    (3)、My mother is a tailor. She can .
    (4)、I can't go out in old clothes, people willme.
    (5)、At Mike's home, he ishis family photohis friends.
    (6)、The question is not easy. He but still doesn't know the answer.
    (7)、An old man and a little boythe house.


  • 21. 将下列汉语翻译成英语
  • 22. 英译汉     
    (1)、go well
    (2)、Summer Palace
    (3)、heavy rain
    (4)、holiday fun
    (5)、have a fashion show


  • 23. Sam wore a lot of bottles time last Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)

    Sam a lot of bottles time last Saturday?

  • 24. Helen watched TV last night.(对划线部分提问)

    Helen last night?

  • 25. It was interesting.(改为否定句)

    It interesting.

  • 26. I caught some fish there yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

    you fish there yesterday?

  • 27. He ate a cake last Sunday.(用every day替换last Sunday)

    He a cake every day.


  • 28. walked, clothes, king, city, the, his, the, new, through, in(.)   (连词成句)
  • 29. too, does, on, she, shopping, the, Internet (.).(连词成句)
  • 30. where, on, did, Monday, you, go(?).(连词成句)
  • 31. street, there, people, the, lot, were, a, of, in (.)   (连词成句)
  • 32. try, clothes, please, magic, these, on (.)   (连词成句)


  • 33. 阅读理解

        Kate lives in London with her parents. She is a schoolgirl. Today is Kate's birthday and she's fifteen years old. Her father's name is Smith. He works in a hospital. People think he is a good doctor. Kate's mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has two brothers and a sister, and they study in China. Her elder(大) brother speaks Chinese very well and has many friends there. He is a college (大学) student. But her younger brother and sister are middle-school students. Both of them are studying Chinese very hard and want to be teachers of Chinese in their country(国家).

    (1)、Today Kate is _________________.
    A、fifteen B、sixteen C、seventeen D、eighteen
    (2)、What is her father? ___________ .
    A、A teacher B、A nurse C、A doctor D、A worker
    (3)、What do her younger brother and sister want to be?
    A、Teachers of English B、Teachers of Chinese  C、Teachers of maths D、Teachers of art
    (4)、Where does her elder brother have many friends? ____________.
    A、In his country B、In the hospital C、In China D、In the US
    (5)、Her younger brother and sister want to teach _______ people Chinese.
    A、English B、American C、Chinese D、China


  • 34. 要求:用至少五句话来描述五年前和现在的自己。可以从外貌特征,兴趣爱好等方面来介绍。要注意正确的使用时态。