
试卷更新日期:2018-11-23 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 根据长对话选择最佳答案。
    (1)、What does Cindy always do on Sunday?
    A、She plays computer games. B、She plays volleyball. C、She watches TV.
    (2)、Why don't they play volleyball?
    A、They think it's boring. B、They want to buy clothes. C、They don't have a volleyball.
    (3)、What color sweaters are on sale?
    A、Yellow. B、Brown. C、Purple.
    (4)、How much are the purple skirts?
    A、$6. B、$10. C、$12.
    (5)、When is Art Festival?
    A、This Friday. B、This Saturday. C、This Sunday,
  • 2. 选出与所听句子意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 选出与所听句子意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. What does Alice have?
    A、A tape. B、An eraser. C、A ruler.
  • 5. How much are the tape player and the radio?
    A、$35. B、$45. C、$50.
  • 6. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、Two cards. B、Two dollars. C、On the table.


  • 7. Miss Li teaches _______ English. All of us like _____ very much.

    A、us, him B、our, him C、our, her D、us, her
  • 8. I have a new basketball. Do you have ___________?

    A、them B、it C、one D、ball
  • 9. - Is that        pencil?

    - No, it isn't.

    A、you B、your C、he D、she
  • 10. __________is a bottle of cock, please?   

    A、How many B、How much C、How D、How about 
  • 11. - This is my friend, Jim.

    - Jim,           

    A、How are you? B、I meet you. C、Nice to meet you. D、I'm fine.
  • 12. What's this ___ Japanese(日语)?

    A、on B、in C、with D、/
  • 13. ________ food is important for us. It's good for our________.

    A、Health; healthy B、Health; health C、Healthy; health D、Healthy; healthy
  • 14. — How many tomatoes do you want?

    — __________.

    A、Nine B、Three yuan C、Yes, I do D、OK
  • 15. - What's your name, please?

    - __________

    A、I'm a teacher. B、His name is Paul. C、How do you do? D、I'm Li Lei.
  • 16. - What's that?  

    - ________English book.

    A、It's a B、That's an C、It's an D、That's a
  • 17. -        , Bob. Is this your eraser?

    - Yes, thank you.

    A、Good morning B、Excuse me C、Nice to meet you. D、I'm ok.
  • 18. — Is _________?   

    — Yes, it is.

    A、this your book math B、your this math book C、this math your book D、this your math book
  • 19. — Where is the notebook?

    — It's _________.

    A、under sofa  B、on the sofa C、on sofa     D、in sofa
  • 20. I often have some milk and bread _______ breakfast.  
    A、for B、to C、with D、in
  • 21. — What can I do for you, Madam?

    — I just want        .

    A、two pair of sock B、two pair of socks C、two pairs of sock D、two pairs of socks
  • 22. — _________ your model plane?

    — It's in the room.

    A、Who's   B、That's C、Where's   D、Where're
  • 23. There is __________ orange on the table. It's______ yellow.        

    A、a; an B、an, 不填 C、a, 不填 D、an,a
  • 24. Is your mother going to buy some _________ and ____________?
    A、tomatoes; mangoes B、tomatoes; mangos C、potatos; mangoes D、potatoes; mango
  • 25. —What are _________ over there (那边) ?

    —They're computer games.

    A、these B、those C、this D、that
  • 26. He was born _______ a cold winter morning _____ 2005.
    A、in; in B、on; on C、in; on D、on; in
  • 27. -Let's play tennis.

    -_______. I don't like it.

    A、That sounds good B、That sounds boring C、That sounds interesting D、That sounds relaxing
  • 28. — Does your brother like playing         soccer?

    — No, but he often plays           guitar at home.

    A、/; / B、the; / C、the; the D、/; the
  • 29. -What's your favorite subject?

    -_____ Because it's easy and interesting.

    A、Toys. B、Math. C、T-shirt. D、/
  • 30. I           a big nose. He          a big nose.

    A、have, have B、has, have C、have, has D、has, has
  • 31. -       your English teacher?

    -Miss Li.

    A、What's B、Who's C、Whose's D、Do


  • 32. 完形填空

        Look here, please! Can you see the man in black? 1 is Mr. Lee, my English teacher. He teaches(教) us 2 five days a week. He is a very good teacher.  3 is he? He's forty-five. He is 4 American. He has a car (小汽车) 5 yellow. Tom and Tim are 6 sons. 7  are in No.1 Middle School (一中). They can  8 Chinese,   9 they can't speak it well. Today they    10at school, because it is Sunday.

    A、He   B、She C、This
    A、classes    B、English  C、Chinese
    A、What           B、How  C、How old
    A、 B、an C、the
    A、Its  B、It's   C、they're
    A、my    B、her  C、his
    A、He B、They      C、We
    A、speak        B、say  C、tell
    A、and    B、but     C、don't
    A、are   B、aren't    C、don't


  • 33. 阅读短文,下列问题

        Today is Saturday. It is Children's Day, I get up very early. I go to school at about six. Our school is very cleanand beautiful. Birds in the trees sing all the time. Every student wears a white coat. Girls wears beautiful skirts. We sing and dance, run and jump. We look like happy birds.

        Our party begins at half past seven. First, we listen to our teachers, and then the programme(节目) begins. Many people sing together on the stage(舞台) . They sing and dance very well. All the teachers and students like watching and listening to them. After the party we play games in the classroom. All of us enjoy the day very much.

    (1)、What day is it today?

    (2)、When does the party begin?

    (3)、What do the children do after the party?

    (4)、Do the children have a good time?

    (5)、What does the school look like?

  • 34. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。


        Mary is an English girl, but she lives(居住) in China. She is six. Her mother says to her, “You are six now, Mary, you are going to school. I think it is very good. It's a nice school.”

      “Is it a Chinese school?” Mary asks.

      “Yes, it is.” Her mother says.

        It is September(九月) and the new school year begins. Mary goes to school every day. She likes her lessons(功课) and her classmates(同学) very much. Her classmates like her, too. Mary can speak a little Chinese. She likes China. She likes the people of China and Chinese food very much.

    (1)、Mary lives in __________.

    A、England B、France C、Canada D、China
    (2)、Mary studies in _________.

    A、a French school B、a Chinese school C、a Japanese school D、an English school
    (3)、Mary likes her _______ and _________.

    A、school, class B、lessons, classmates C、students, lessons D、teacher, school
    (4)、Mary can speak a little__________.

    A、Chinese B、English C、Japanese D、French
    (5)、She likes_______ and _________.

    A、Chinese, Chinese people B、China, China food C、Chinese food, Chinese people D、the students of China, the food of China
  • 35. 阅读这篇描写Jim课外生活的短文,然后根据文章内容完成下表

        Jim usually has a busy week.

        Monday is a happy day for Jim because he wants to be a famous(著名的)hockey player.

        Tuesday is a happy day for Jim because he likes to play the piano.

        Wednesday is a happy day for Jim because he enjoys swimming.

        Thursday is a happy day for Jim because he likes her English teacher.

        Friday and Saturday are happy days for Jim because he likes to watch TV.

        Saturday is a happy day for Jim because he likes to help his mother.

        Sunday is a happy day for Jim because he can buy his favorite things. Every day is a happy day for Jim.


    plays hockey


    has a piano lesson
















  • 36. 任务型阅读

    Dear Jennifer,

        Thanks for your letter. In your letter, you ask me what subjects we like best. There are differences between boys' and girls' favorite subjects in school. Many young girls like math, music, and languages (语言). Most young boys like physical education. But many sixteen-year-old boys like science and math. Many sixteen-year-old girls like foreign language, but science and math is not their favorite subjects. Why do girls and boys have different favorite subjects? We don't know.


    young girls




    young boys




    sixteen-year-old girls




    sixteen-year-old boys





  • 37. 从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子

    useful,  fun,  busy,  hour,  lesson

    (1)、—When do you have an art ?

    —On Friday afternoon.

    (2)、I have no time. I'm really.

    (3)、The teacher says the math is very , but I think it's difficult.

    (4)、Our Chinese teacher is Mr. Wang.He is great.

    (5)、After class we play volleyball for an.


  • 38. 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A. Can you play it well?

    B. What's your favorite food?

    C. What's your favorite sports?

    D. And you?

    E. Do you like it?

    A: Excuse me, David.

    B: Football.

    A: Basketball.


    A: No.  I'm not good at it. But I love this game.


    A: Hamburgers.

    B: No, I like dumplings.


  • 39. 句型转换

    (1)、My favorite teacher is Miss. Yang . (对划线部分提问)

            your favorite teacher?

    (2)、Mary's favorite subject is music.(对划线部分提问)

           Mary's favorite subject?

    (3)、I like math because it's interesting. (对划线部分提问)

           you like math?

    (4)、They have P.E. on Monday and Friday.(对划线部分提问)

       they P.E.?

    (5)、She likes swimming best.(改为同义句)

     Her sport is


  • 40. 根据汉语提示完成句子


      Tuesday today and I'm really .


    We music


    Every morning, my grandfather watches TV .


       your help.


    that OK you?

  • 41. 根据括号内所给汉语提示,用英语完成句子

    (1)、(星期天)is the first day of a week.

    (2)、My brother doesn't like (科学).

    (3)、I'm not (空闲)today. I have lots of(很多)work to do.

    (4)、Jennifer's (最喜欢的)day is Monday, because she can play football.

    (5)、I like music very much.  It's (使人放松的).


  • 42. 短文改错。

        I am a boy . I'm thirteen year   old. I come from English  . I'm a student . I has  a round face , a big nose , a small mouth , and small eyes . I have a sister .His  name is Amy .She is twelve . She is a student , to  . My sister and I look different . She have  a round face , a small nose ,a small mouths  and big eyes .We are in a   same school ,and  in different grades .We have a nice house (房子) and an  happy family .


  • 43. 根据下列表格提示,以Alicia's Saturday为题写一篇60词左右的英语短文。
    提示: from…to… 从…到…

    时间 活动内容
    8:00--11:00 做家庭作业
    14:00--17:00  与朋友一起踢足球
    19:00--21:00  在家看电视