
试卷更新日期:2018-11-23 类型:期中考试


  • 1. What is the man's favorite sport?
    A、Swimming. B、Running. C、Playing football.
  • 2. What should the boy do first?
    A、Watch TV. B、Clean the room. C、Do the homework.
  • 3. Who does the girl think runs the faster?
    A、Jim. B、Alan. C、John.
  • 4. How often does the bus run?
    A、Every ten minutes. B、Every twenty minutes. C、Every thirty minutes.
  • 5. Which movie theater does the woman think is the best in town?
    A、Cinema City. B、The Big Screen. C、Movie City.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What are the evening discussions about?
    A、Popular music. B、Popular writers. C、Popular movies.
    (2)、How often do they usually meet?
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Three times a week.
    (3)、When will Jack go to the evening discussion?
    A、On Tuesday and Saturday. B、On Tuesday and Friday. C、On Friday and Saturday.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What are they going to have tomorrow evening?
    A、To have a meeting. B、To have a birthday party. C、To have a big dinner.
    (2)、How did the woman know tomorrow is Ben's birthday?
    A、Ben told her. B、Li Ming told her. C、Mr. Chen told her.
    (3)、Why won't Ben go to see the flower show with the girl?
    A、Because he doesn't like the flower show. B、Because he has to go to the movie. C、Because he has to do the housework.
  • 8. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Which of the following is true about Hollywood?
    A、It's the biggest city in California. B、Not all the film stars live there. C、All the films are made there.
    (2)、Why can we see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles easily?
    A、Because there is big bowl there. B、Because postcards show you. C、Because there is a big sign(标记)on the hill.
    (3)、What can we know about the Hollywood Bowl?
    A、A theatre. B、A hill. C、A sign.
    (4)、Which is not mentioned(提及)about Hollywood ?
    A、Films. B、Services. C、Concerts.


  • 9. 阅读理解

        Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon cat. You can see her on many kinds of things, like bags, clothes, food and books. People all over the world love the cute Hello Kitty.

        Forty-one years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty. In the same year, it appeared(出现)on a wallet. To people's surprise, in the artist's design, Hello Kitty is a girl! That's why people always see her standing with two feet.

        Hello Kitty was in the third grade in her school. Her favorite food was apple pie. She lived with her parents and twin sister near London. It was quiet there. Hello Kitty had a big family.

        On weekends, her father often drove his car to take them to visit her grandparents in the forest.

        It was interesting that Hello Kitty had a pet cat like herself.

        The artist said 44 years ago, many Japanese worked and lived in Britain, so she made Hello Kitty a British person. Hello Kitty has a very happy life now. She's the symbol of all the good things.

    (1)、People all over the world love Hello Kitty because     .
    A、it is the symbol of all good things B、it is on many kinds of things C、it is a famous cartoon cat D、it was made by a Japanese company
    (2)、When did Hello Kitty first appear?
    A、In 1974. B、In 1975. C、In 1976. D、In 1978.
    (3)、Where did Hello Kitty's grandparents live according to the passage?
    A、In Japan. B、In Britain. C、In China. D、In Sanrio.
  • 10. 阅读理解

        There once lived an old man in a nice house. Behind the house there was a big garden. He planted many plants there. He took care of his flowers all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥) them.

        One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was blind(瞎). He was very     about this and asked, "You can't see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?"

        The old man smiled and said, "I can tell you some reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that's you."

        "Me? But you don't know me," said the young man.

        "Yeah, it's true that I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels(天使)that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us."

        The blind man's work opened our eyes and pleased our heart, which also made his life happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical words. Beethoven himself couldn't hear his wonderful music, but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness?

    (1)、How many reasons did the old man mention?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (2)、What was the correct order in which these events happened?

    A. The old man told the reason.

    B. The young man went by the garden.

    C. The old man watered the flowers.

    D. The young man found the old man was blind.

    A、b-c-a-d B、c-b-a-d C、b-c-d-a D、c-b-d-a
    (3)、Which is the best word we can put in the blanket "     " in Paragraph 2?
    A、excited B、surprised C、worried D、relaxed
    (4)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、The Wise Young Man B、The Nice Flowers C、The Blind Gardener D、A Kind of Happiness
  • 11. 阅读理解

        Having good manners(礼节)is an important part of life. You know that you should never shout in public(公共场合). But what about when it comes to the online world? When you use social media apps(社交媒体应用), like WeChat and Sina Weibo, you must also remember to mind your manners.

        For example, sometimes I need to add a new friend on WeChat. But I haven't met him or her yet in real life. So when I send them a friend request(请求), I tell them clearly who I am and how I got their contact info(联系方式).

        Just like in real life, the key to keeping good manners online is to be thoughtful. But sometimes, people forget this.

        One of my friends likes to send really long voice messages on WeChat. It is difficult to keep up with all his messages and remember everything. I think this is a bit bad!

        There are many other things that you shouldn't do on social media. Take a look and remember to do your best to be polite.

        Don't share your friends' WeChat contact info with people you don't know. Ask your friend first before sharing.

        Don't add someone new to your group chat without asking the other members. They might not want new people to join the group.

        If you use English, don't use all caps. IF YOU WRITE LIKE THIS, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SCREAMING. DON'T DO IT.

    (1)、From Paragraph 1, we can learn that     .
    A、shouting in public is bad B、shouting online is good C、WeChat is more popular than Sina Weibo D、internet users don't have manners
    (2)、When adding a new friend on WeChat, we should     .
    A、ask for a face-to-face meeting B、ask for the person's real name C、say clearly how we got their contact info D、send them a real letter later
    (3)、What example does the writer use to show bad manners?
    A、Sending a lot of pictures. B、Telling others' information. C、Remembering others' messages. D、Sending long voice messages.
    (4)、What does the story mainly talk about?
    A、Having good manners in public. B、Having good manners online. C、Some popular social media apps. D、How to send a short message.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        Books come to life in Australia once a year, when students dress up as their favorite characters and come to school. They are taking part in Book Week. Each year in August, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating(庆祝)this big activity. Book Week is run by the Children's Book Council of Australia.

        And the best part? Everyone dresses up in costumes(服装), even the teachers. Many dress as characters from books or films, like Willie Wonka, Snow White, Robin Hood, Peter Pan and even C-3P0 from Star Wars.  "He wanted to go as something from Star Wars," Veronica Sagredo said of her son Marlon. "Last year he went as a gladiato(r  角斗士), because he likes history books." Others dress up as famous Australian heroes(英雄)to celebrate the country's history. "It is a fun way to focus on reading and the children really enjoy it, whether they like reading or not," an Australian junior school teacher Nicole Grima said.

        Some students do a lot to have the best costume. And teachers plan activities or make competitions to show how important it is to read. Children's Book Council chairperson, professor Margot Hillel, said books would always be loved. "Hugging(拥抱)it, smelling it, turning the pages and sharing it with an adult(成人)," she told the Daily Telegraph.

        Each year, there are awards for the best Australian children's book. This year was the 70th year of the awards.

    (1)、How do the kids in Australia dress up in August to celebrate Book Week?
    A、As Halloween characters. B、As their favorite book characters. C、As characters in Shakespeare plays. D、As people from their families, like their parents.
    (2)、What does the school teacher Nicole Grima think of the activity?
    A、Students actually don't like this activity. B、It is interesting for students to improve their reading. C、It makes students focus on the costumes rather than reading. D、It is neither important nor meaningful for students' studies.
    (3)、Why did the teachers develop so many activities on Book Week?
    A、To keep the kids busy. B、To help the kids learn the importance of reading. C、To turn Book Week into Drama Week. D、To make full use of their costumes.
    (4)、What does the underlined word "award" mean in Chinese?
    A、赠品 B、 庆典 C、 奖励 D、书市


  • 13. 任务型阅读

        Many people think self-confidence self-confidence(自信) come from? is the key to a happy, successful life. But where does I'm Lucy. Self-confidence means that I can do something well. It's even better if someone else tells you that you're good at something, too. When people listen to me and pay attention to my ideas, I know they like me. When people don't listen, I sometimes feel sad.

        I'm Jeff. Respect from my family and friends makes me feel the best. I don't care if I'm the best football player, or I don't get the highest grade on a test, or don't succeed at everything I do.

    If someone says something unkind about you, you don't mind that much because you know they're wrong — that means you have self-confidence.

        I'm Sue. I really feel good when my mum gives me a hug and says, "Have a nice day!" before I leave the house. Also, one day in a store I asked a salesman where to find something, and to my surprise, he said, "You have a beautiful smile." These kinds of things have to come naturally and from the heart, but they make a big difference in the way a person feels.

        Believe that no matter who you are, you can build your own self-confidence.

    根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺, 内容完整。

    A.   You should remember "You can do it if you think you can".

    B.   Here's what some students have to say about it.

    C.   For the rest of the day I was happy.

    D.  I only care that I have tried my best and people respect me for it.

    E.   Listening shows they care about me.


  • 14. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

        When my brother and I were children, we spent a few weeks each summer in the countryside with our uncle. He was a geologist(地质学家)and loved to go on long1 to find stones to add to his collection at the university. More often than not, we2 him.

        One day, we left early, and this time, our uncle gave us two  3. "You can help me carry the samples(样本)," he told me.

        "Surely, 4" I said. The whole day, we walked around the countryside, and every now    and then, our uncle put stones in our bags. We were a bit surprised that sometimes he also took some stones out5 our bags, but we thought he had just found6 samples.

        We reached the house in the late afternoon. The backpacks were7 heavy that we were really tired out when we put them on the8 . Yet our uncle's backpack was half-empty.

        "Why did you give us so many stones?" we asked.

        "I didn't 9 did," he said, waiting for a while before going on. "You did not know it, but I made you go through a little attitude(态度)10 today."

        "What do you  11an „attitude test'?" we wanted to know.

        "It is something that someone12 did to me. You see, I listened to every word you said.   And whenever you complained(抱怨)about anyone or anything, I added a stone to your bags. And whenever you talked about something in an attitude of positive(肯定)thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks."

        We did. They were 13.

        "I hope you remember this little attitude test. You see, your negative(否定)thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your14just like those stones and start to care what you say and    how you say things."

        This little lesson was one of the most important lessons I ever had. And I remember my uncle with great15 for teaching us one of the most important lessons in life – the power of attitude.

    A、walks B、talks C、stops D、stories
    A、expected B、followed C、touched D、found
    A、backpacks B、baskets C、guides D、ways
    A、What's up B、Where to C、How can D、Why not
    A、with B、of C、from D、into
    A、better B、less C、bigger D、dirtier
    A、so B、such C、like D、very
    A、floor B、desk C、ground D、back
    A、You B、We C、They D、He
    A、jump B、message C、lesson D、test
    A、make B、mean C、think D、know
    A、once B、just C、quite D、really
    A、empty B、wet C、full D、dark
    A、work B、mind C、talent D、hand
    A、love B、body C、arm D、dream


  • 15. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的内容(1个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。

        As we all know, it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know to keep healthy. Firstly, I think we must have enough food to keep (we) energy for breakfast. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat  (many) fresh fruit and vegetables but less junk food. Don't forget to wash your hands meals. Secondly, it's necessary for us  (take) exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.   (third), I think staying up is bad for our health.  we can't get enough sleep, we may have a headache. We should go to bed early get up early. Lastly, (listen) to music or chatting can also make us (feel) relaxed.



  • 26. 21世纪报就"初中学生的业余时间都去哪儿了?"进行调查,请根据调查结果写一篇报告,并结合自身情况谈谈你的想法和建议。




    3)词数:80 词左右。

    Free time



    Do homework


    Go to different kinds of after-school classes


    Do sports


    Other activities