
试卷更新日期:2018-11-18 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 选出与所听内容意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 2. 选出与所听句子意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 3. 选出与所听句子意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 4. 选出与所听句子意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 5. 选出与所听内容意思相符的图片(  )
    A、 B、 C、
  • 6. 选择最佳答案。 
    (1)、Cindy's last name is ________.
    A、Green B、Smith C、Brown
    (2)、Cindy is in No.________ Middle School.
    A、3 B、7 C、9
    (3)、Maggie is ________.
    A、Mike's cousin B、Cindy's friend C、Mike's friend
    (4)、Maggie has a yellow________.
    A、notebook B、pencil C、baseball
    (5)、The green baseball is________.
    A、in Cindy's bag B、on Mike's bag C、under Maggie's bag
  • 7. 选择最佳答案。 
    (1)、Where is Rick now?
    A、In Tianjin. B、In Beijing. C、In Shanghai:
    (2)、What does Rick think of volleyball?
    A、Interesting. B、Relaxing. C、Difficult.
    (3)、What does Rick watch on TV?
    A、Tennis games. B、Baseball games. C、Soccer games.
    (4)、How many(多少) ping-pong balls does Rick have?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five.
    (5)、What is Rick's telephone number?
    A、238-5365. B、328-3565. C、283-6553.
  • 8.       选择最佳答案。
    (1)、What color doesn't David like?
    A、Blue. B、Brown. C、Black.
    (2)、How many(多少)soccer balls does David have?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Five.
    (3)、What does David think of volleyball?
    A、Relaxing B、Interesting. C、Boring.
    (4)、What doesn't David like to eat?
    A、Bread. B、Chicken. C、Ice-cream.
    (5)、What fruit does David eat in the afternoon?
    A、A banana. B、An apple. C、An orange.


  • 9. Father buys _______ iPad for me. But I think _______ iPad is too expensive.
    A、an; the B、a; an C、the; the D、the; an
  • 10. This is my teacher, ______. She is from Cambridge.
    A、Mr Black B、Ms Black C、Black miss D、Black sir
  • 11. —Where ____you from?

    —Lucy _____ from the USA , I ___from China.

    A、are; is; is B、are; is; are C、are; are; am D、are; is; am
  • 12. Anna is my aunt's daughter, so (所以) she is my _______.
    A、parent B、sister C、brother D、cousin
  • 13. A______ has many words.
    A、pen B、pencil C、dictionary D、eraser
  • 14. — ______ May I use(使用) your bike?

    —Sure, here you are.

    A、Sorry B、Excuse me C、Thank you D、Nice to meet you
  • 15. We don't go to school_________ weekends.

    A、in B、on C、of D、for
  • 16. — _____ do you watch TV?

    — Almost every day.  

    A、How long B、How often C、When D、Where
  • 17. — Don't shout in the hospital.

    — __________.  

    A、It doesn't matter B、That's all right C、Sorry, I won't D、Excuse me
  • 18. We have to ______ the questions before answering them.  
    A、look after B、look up C、look through D、look at


  • 19. 完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

        Mr. Smith lived in a village(村庄). He had a few farms(农场) and about twenty people working for him. He often told them 1hard and be honest(诚实的).

        One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon it was time 2 lunch. He put 3 nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later, he came back again but he couldn't find the bread. "Who ate 4 on the table?" he shouted.

        Some of the workers answered, "We didn't."  The others said, "We saw nothing."

        "Well," said Mr. Smith, "5 are a lot of mice(老鼠) in the rooms, you know. So I put some poison(毒药) in the bread. 6 they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them."

        As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry. "Oh, dear!"

        "7?" asked Mr. Smith.  "We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die." One of them cried.  "8," Mr. Smith said 9 a smile, "I only 10 you. Use your head."

    A、work   B、working C、worked    D、to work
    A、in B、at  C、for     D、with
    A、two B、many   C、a D、some
    A、food  B、the bread   C、drinks  D、apples
    A、They   B、We C、What D、There
    A、That  B、Before  C、If  D、Until
    A、How are you B、What are you doing C、Did you have lunch   D、What's wrong with you
    A、Excuse me B、Don't worry(担心) C、Congratulations      D、Great
    A、with B、for C、in D、on
    A、have fun with B、play a trick on C、kill  D、have lunch with


  • 20. 阅读理解






















































    (1)、Gina has ________ classes a day.
    A、three B、four C、five D、six
    (2)、Gina usually has P.E.________.
    A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、in the evening D、on Wednesday
    (3)、From 10:30 to 11:00,Gina usually has ________.
    A、a break B、music C、art D、math
    (4)、The third class lasts(持续) ________ minutes(分钟).
    A、thirty B、fifty C、fifty­five D、thirty five
    (5)、Every week Gina has four ________ classes.
    A、English B、history C、math D、geography
  • 21. 阅读短文, 选择正确答案。

         Hello, everyone! My name is Sam. This is my study. It's big and clean. The walls are white and the floor is yellow. Just near the window, there is a computer table. A nice computer is on it. My favorite thing is to play computer games. It's very interesting. There is a bookcase on the left of the computer desk. You can see lots of books and pictures on it. I often do my homework or study in my study. I get much knowledge(知识). I like my study very much.

    (1)、What color are the walls of Sam's study?

    A、White. B、Red. C、Blue. D、Yellow.
    (2)、Just near the          , there is a computer table.

    A、bed B、door C、bag D、window
    (3)、Sam likes to           best.

    A、play the piano B、play computer games C、play games with my friends D、play basketball
    (4)、There are           on the bookcase.

    A、lots of books and pictures B、lots of books C、lots of pictures D、lots of pencils and pictures
    (5)、From the passage, we know          .

    A、Sam only studies in his study B、Sam's study is not very big C、Sam likes his study very much D、there is a bookcase on the right of the computer desk
  • 22. 根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。

        Jack's friend Sally isn't fine these days.

        One day she asks Jack for help. And she tells (告诉) Jack about her eating habits. For breakfast, she always eats some bread. For lunch, she always has some chicken. She likes eating ice-cream and a hamburger in the evening.

     “They're not healthy for you, Sally,” Jack says.

     “I know, but I like them,” Sally says.

     “What about vegetables? Do you like eating carrots?” Jack asks.

     “No, I don't,” Sally says.

     “Sally, don't eat ice-cream. You must eat some vegetables and fruit. They are good for you.” Jack says.

     “I think you're right,” Sally says.

        In the next days, Sally always eats vegetables and fruit. And she is well now.

    (1)、Sally is Jack's         .

    A、sister B、cousin C、friend D、aunt
    (2)、What food doesn't Sally like?

    A、Chicken. B、Hamburgers. C、Carrots. D、Bread.

    A、Chicken and ice-cream. B、Bread and chicken. C、Bread and hamburgers. D、Vegetables and fruit.
    (4)、What can we know from this passage?

    A、Sally doesn't have breakfast. B、Sally has rice and salad for lunch. C、Jack helps Sally to do sports. D、Jack thinks ice-cream is not healthy.
    (5)、What's the best title for this passage?

    A、Jack's Food B、Sally's Food   C、Vegetables and Fruit D、Have Good Eating Habits
  • 23. 阅读短文完成下列问题

    Beckham in a Football Movie

        Do you like football? You must know David Beckham. But did you know that he was in a movie? He was David Beckham in the movie Goal.

        Beckham said, "I want to teach kids how to play football when I finally hang up my boots." "I believe that Goal can send a positive message to kids around the world.”

        Beckham, 37, said, "I think that Goal can make football more popular in America and Asia. I am very happy because I can help do it.”

    (1)、What is the Goal?

    A、A book B、A person C、A name D、A movie
    (2)、What's the meaning of "hang up my boots"?

    A、不再踢球 B、再踢球 C、挂起靴子 D、绞死
    (3)、How old is Beckham?

    A、The story doesn't tell us. B、Thirty-seven. C、Twenty-two. D、He is not old.
    (4)、What's Beckham's first name?

    A、David. B、Beckham. C、Goal. D、We don't know.
    (5)、What's the meaning of the underlined word "positive" in the passage?

    A、积极的 B、负面的 C、普通的 D、吃惊的


  • 24. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

    In China, September 10th is a special day. It's Teachers' Day. Teachers' Day began in 1985. It is a great day for all the teachers and also a happy time for us students. How do we spend Teachers' Day every year?

        On that day, we go to school early in the morning, and put a bunch (束) of flowers on our teacher's desk to give him or her a big surprise. Some of us help him or her to do some easy work. And others stand at the school gate to say hello to teachers when they go into the school.

        In the afternoon, we have a party. We sing and dance with the teachers.

        All of us are very happy. The teachers say that the best reward (奖励,奖赏) for them is to see our great progress(进步).

    (1)、When did Teachers' Day start?

    (2)、Which country celebrate Teachers' Day?

    (3)、what do we do on that day ?

    (4)、What is the best reward for teachers ?

    (5)、Do we sing and dance with the teachers in the afternoon?



  • 35. 写作






    要求:  内容完整,意思连贯,第3点用1-2句适当发挥;

    4) 70词左右。开头结尾已给,不计入总词数。

    Dear Mike,

    I would like to tell you about my schoollife