人教版PEP英语四年级下册 unit 6 shopping part A习题

试卷更新日期:2015-08-25 类型:同步测试

一、Look, read and choose. 找出下列每组单词中不同类的一个。

  • 1. 选出不同项

     A、pretty B、cheap C、sixty

    A、seventy B、help C、eighty

     A、ninety B、small C、long

     A、short B、big C、play

     A、banana B、want C、orange

二、Read and choose. 选择填空,将序号写在括号里。

  • 2. - How much           the shoes?
    - 30 yuan.(   )
    A、are B、is C、am
  • 3. He              play ping-pong. (   )
    A、like to B、L ike C、likes to
  • 4. —Can I help you?     
    —Yes,             . I want a skirt.
    A、please B、you can C、you can't
  • 5. I want           gloves for my baby. (   )
    A、a B、a pair C、a pair of
  • 6.          take this skirt. (   )

    A、She B、She's C、She'll


四、 Look, read and write. 根据图片或汉语提示写单词,使句子完整。(10分))

五、Read and choose. 选择适当的句子完成下面的对话。

  • 17. A、What  colour  do you like?

    B、Can I try it on?

    C、Do  you have a blue one?

    D、Can I help you?

    E、I like it.


    A: Welcome! 

    B: Yes, please. I want a skirt.


    B: I like blue.    

    A: Yes, we have all the colours.

    B: Oh! That one is so pretty.    

    A: Sure, here you are. Is it OK?

    B: Hmm...That's good. ​ 


  • 18. 把下面的单词连成完整的句子,注意单词首字母大小写和标点。

    (1)、jacket, very, is, pretty, that (.)

    (2)、too, is, expensive, it (.)

    (3)、much, are, gloves, those, how (?)

    (4)、twenty, the, are, yuan, pants (.)

七、Read and judge. 阅读理解,判断下题

  • 19. 根据短文理解,判断正误。

        Tomorrow is Childre's Day. I want to buy some nice gifts for my children. Look! This green sweater is nice. I'll give(给) it to Anna. I'll give this pair of shoes to Peter. The pink boots are pretty. I'll give them to Mary. Oh! This hat is so colourful! It's forty yuan. I'll give it to Mini. This T-shirt is nice. It fits John well.

    (1)、Tomorrow is the New Year's Day.

    (2)、I'll give a green sweater to Anna.

    (3)、I'll give a pair of shoes to Mary.

    (4)、The hat is forty.

    (5)、This T-shirt fits John well.