人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter Part B 同步测试(二)

试卷更新日期:2017-03-17 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。

         A. February    B. January      C. birthday

         A. make    B. noodle      C. come

         A. party    B. when      C. what

        A. second    B. first      C. March



  • 6. When is your birthday?
    A、This is in May. B、It's on March 4th.
  • 7. What is the first day in a week?
    A、It's April 1st. B、It's Sunday.
  • 8. What will they do on Children's Day?
    A、They will sing. B、We'll dance.


  • 9. 从方框里选出适当的答案。

    A. June 1st.   B. December 2nd.

    (1)、On Amy's birthday,the weather is cold. She can get many gifts. When is Amy's birthday?

    It's on

    (2)、I like summer. My birthday is in summer. When is my birthday?

        It's on

  • 10. 选词填空。

    25th       10th        second

    (1)、Monday is the day of a week.
    (2)、Teachers' Day is on September.
    (3)、Christmas Day is on December.
  • 11. 选择正确的选项填空。

    A. play    B. are     C. has     D. open     E. walk

    (1)、My cattwo new kittens.
    (2)、The kittens six days old.
    (3)、Their eyes are on April 26th.
    (4)、They can with Robin.
    (5)、The kittens can now .


  • 12. 把下面的日期填入它所在的季节。(只写序号)

    A.Mar.12th     B.Apr.21st      C.Oct.30th       D.Feb.20th

    E.May23rd      F.Jun.20th      G. Jul. 21st     H. Dec. 23rd



  • 13. 根据例子写出下列日期的英语形式。

    例:2月10日February 10th

    ①1月2日    ②3月10日 

    ③8月21日  ④9月3日 


  • 14. 根据表格,回答问题。



    my birthday

    April 20th

    my mother's birthday

    February 23rd

    my father's birthday

    August 21st

    my grandpa's birthday

    November 10th

    (1)、When is your birthday?
    (2)、When is your mother's birthday?
    (3)、When is your father's birthday?
    (4)、When is your grandpa's birthday?


  • 15. 把日期与对应的节日连线。

    ① January 1st      A. China National Day

    ② June 1st      B. April Fool's Day

    ③ October 1st     C. Teachers' Day

    ④ April 1st      D. Children's Day

    ⑤ September 10th     E. New Year's Day


  • 16. 根据表格内容判断下列句子是否正确。

    (1)、Tom's birthday is after Lily's.
    (2)、John's birthday is before Children's Day.
    (3)、Betty's birthday is after Christmas.
    (4)、John's birthday is before Betty's.
    (5)、Lily's birthday is on Dec. 3rd.
  • 17. 阅读对话.判断正误。

    (1)、Two people in Bob's family have their birthdays in March.
    (2)、Bob's mother's birthday is on March l2th.
    (3)、Bob's mother always buys a present for Bob on his birthday.
    (4)、Bob's mother always plants a tree to remember Bod's birthday.
    (5)、Bob is twelve years old.
  • 18. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。


      My name is Tony. It's Children's Day today. I am very happy today. Because it's my ninth birthday, too. In the morning, our school has a big party at school to celebrate the special day. In the afternoon, my friends come to my home and give me many presents. They sing the birthday song and give me the best wishes Father plays the piano. Mother makes delicious food. I think I am the happiest boy.

    (1)、Tony is    years old.
    A、eight B、nine C、ten
    (2)、Tony's birthday is on    .
    A、June 1st B、July 1st C、August 2nd
    (3)、     come to give Tony many presents.
    A、Teachers B、Friends C、Parents
    (4)、     makes delicious food.
    A、Father B、Mother C、Cousin
    (5)、They have the party at school    .
    A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、at night
  • 19.


        I am making a birthday chart for my family. There are eight people in my family. My birthday is on June 9th. My mother's birthday is on June l4th. My father's birthday is on June 23rd. My grandfather's birthday is on April 12th. My grandmother's birthday is on May 12th. My uncle Bill's and aunt Mary's birthdays are on the same day—October 1st. My cousin's birthday is on November 11th. My grandparents live with my uncle and aunt in America, So I usually send e—cards to them for their birthdays. I love my family.

    (1)、I am making a birthday cake now.
    (2)、My mother's birthday is on June 9th.
    (3)、My father's birthday is on June l4th.
    (4)、My uncle Bill's birthday is on China's National Day.
    (5)、I can't have a birthday party with my grandparents on their birthdays.