
试卷更新日期:2018-10-30 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

        There are popular TV programs about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they are interesting and useful.

        There is a TV program called “PoliceFive”. It goes for five minutes once a week. A TV reporter talks about crimes (犯罪) in the city. He asks people for help because the police station needs their help.

        During the week the TV reporter shows pictures of lost paintings, lost cars and other lost things. When people see pictures of such things on TV, they may remember something and tell the police about it. With their help the police may catch(抓住) more thieves.

        Sometimes the police find a car or something expensive that was lost, and the TV reporter shows them on TV. Then the owner may see them and get them back.

    (1)、“PoliceFive” is     .
    A、the name of a police station B、the time of a TV grogram C、the name of a TV program D、the name of a TV reporter
    (2)、People can see “PoliceFive    .
    A、once a week B、seven times a week C、five minutes every day D、every day
    (3)、This TV program is about     .
    A、cars B、pictures C、crimes D、reporters
    (4)、The police     through this TV program.
    A、let people know who was lost B、ask for people's help C、make the TV audiences(观众) feel interested D、find lost things
    (5)、The police want to     through this TV program when a lost thing is found.
    A、find the owner B、catch the thief C、let people remember D、give out the thing found
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Now many people like the game Angry Birds. Here is a piece of good news for them-soon there will be a lot of Angry Birds-themed activity parks around the world.

        The first two parks opened in Finland last year, and a few other parks are going to open in the UK. However, people still don't know when and where Angry Birds-themed activity parks will open in the UK.

        “As a kind of online game, it is popular with people of all ages. It's really an interesting game. And the parks will be interesting places for everyone around the world,” said Peter Vesterbacka, an officer of Angry Birds Company. He also said, “We want to make Angry Birds a part of pop culture. We're just getting started.”

        Angry Birds-themed activity parks have many interesting places for children to play. They like them very much. People can see the characters and colors from the game in the park. People can also play the Angry Birds game on large screens in the park. The company wants to invite people to not only play it on the sofa, but to go out, move around and have fun. So everyone will be happy in Angry Birds-themed activity parks.

    (1)、Where did the first two Angry Birds-themed activity parks open?
    A、In the UK. B、In Finland. C、In Australia. D、In the USA
    (2)、Angry Birds is     .
    A、an online game B、an online movie C、a talk show on TV D、a game show on TV
    (3)、Lots of people think Angry Birds is very     .
    A、boring B、easy C、interesting D、difficult
    (4)、The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to(指的是) “    ”.
    A、the characters B、the screens C、the interesting games D、the interesting places
    (5)、From the passage, we can know     .
    A、Angry Birds is only popular with young people B、Peter Vesterbacka works for Angry Birds Company C、there is no screen in Angry Birds-themed activity parks D、Angry Birds-themed activity parks will open in the UK in 2015
  • 3. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项。

        Here are the New Year's resolutions of my four friends.

        My name is Dave and I am from the United Kingdom. I'm going to drink more water and less cola. I'm also going to brush my teeth before breakfast and after dinner, and wash my hands before eating.

        My name is Tina and I am from the United States. I want to make more friends this year. I'm going to be nicer to the other children in my class. I'm going to be friendly to children who need friends-like someone who is shy or new to my school.

        I'm Selina and I am from the United States. I'm going to work harder this year. I'm going to do all the homework that our teachers ask us to do. If I have any problems with my subjects, I'm going to ask my teachers for help.

        My name is Toby and I am from Singapore. I'm never going to play computer games. When I feel angry or stressed, I'm going to find better ways to relax, like exercising, reading or discussing my problems with my friends.

    (1)、Dave is going to brush his teeth     a day.
    A、once B、twice C、three times D、four times
    (2)、Selina is going to     this year.
    A、drink more water B、work harder C、make more friends D、do more exercise
    (3)、     are both American.
    A、Toby and Selina B、Tina and Dave C、Toby and Dave D、Tina and Selina
    (4)、Who is Toby going to talk with about his problems?
    A、His friends. B、His teachers. C、His parents. D、His classmates.
    (5)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A、Dave is going to wash his hands before eating. B、Selina is going to ask her teachers about her study problems. C、Tina is going to be friendly only to children who are new to school. D、Toby doesn't want to play computer games any more.


  • 4. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。

        One of the Great British Bake Off winners Nadiya is telling us something about her life and her book Bake Me a Story.


    A: My kids like reading books, and they also like staying with me in the kitchen when I cook. So I think if I write a book with both stories and recipes (食谱), parents and kids can enjoy cooking together in the kitchen and then read a story when they wait for the food to cook.

    Q: You baked (烘烤) the Queen' s birthday cake!

    A: It' gave me great pleasure to bake for the Queen and to be a part of history. I would like to bake for David Attenborough too!


    A: The blueberry and orange soda bread. It's quick and easy, and it's very delicious.


    A: Of course not! To see the looks on their faces and hear the happy noises they make when they eat the cakes makes all the hard work worth (值得) it.


    A: My most important advice is "Don't be worried about cleaning up "the kitchen. Try things out in the kitchen and have fun!"

    A. How was it and who else (其他的) would you like to bake for?

    B. What made you decide to write the book Bake Me a Story?

    C. What is your favorite recipe from the book?

    D. Do you have any advice (建议) for those who want to get into baking?

    E. It takes so long to bake a cake, so do you feel unhappy when you see people eat it so quickly?


  • 5. 阅读下面的短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big grass area. Suddenly, the student asked the teacher, “Teacher, I wonder 1 I can find my soul mate(灵魂伴侣)? Can you please tell me?”

        2 for a second, then the teacher answered, “Well, it's a pretty hard and easy question.”

        The student 3 hard.

        The teacher continued, “Look that way, there is a lot of grass there. You just walk there but please 4 walk backwards(向后地), just walk straight ahead. On your 5, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one.”

        The student replied, “OK ,wait for 6.” Then he walked straight ahead to the grass field.

        A few minutes later the student came back.

        The teacher said, “Um, I don't see any beautiful 7 on your hand.”

        The student explained, “On my journey, I 8 a few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a 9one, so I didn't pick it up. But I didn't realize that I was at the 10of the field, and I hadn't picked up any 11you told me not to go back so I didn't go back.”

         “That's what happened in 12life,” the teacher told the student.

        What is the message of this story?

        Grass is people 13 you. Beautiful Grass is people that draw your attention. Grass field is time.

        In looking for your soul mate or your right job, please don't always 14and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you'll 15 your lifetime ,because “Time Never Goes Back.” So the moral (寓意)of the story is LOVE & take the chance that you have now! Treasure it, don't wait until you lose it.

    A、what B、how C、why D、where
    A、calm B、still C、silent D、peaceful
    A、guessed B、considered C、worked D、thought
    A、never B、sometimes C、often D、usually
    A、road B、way C、path D、field
    A、him B、her C、me D、you
    A、tree B、grass C、flower D、leaf
    A、saw B、planted C、discovered D、received
    A、worse B、better C、sweeter D、greener
    A、beginning B、top C、middle D、end
    A、but B、though C、because D、so
    A、magic B、main C、true D、real
    A、around B、for C、by D、with
    A、change B、compare C、correct D、miss
    A、save B、manage C、waste D、own


  • 6. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

    (1)、Mr Wang is than any other teacher, we are all afraid of him.

    (2)、The word "hardly” m “almost not” in English.

    (3)、Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are b famous sports stars.

    (4)、You're very t in speaking English.

    (5)、I found it was a f way.

  • 7. 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。

    (1)、If you love a person, whether he is (富有的)or poor, you will always love him.

    (2)、Her brother took part in the (军队).

    (3)、Kate likes watching (卡通片).

    (4)、I don't like the (人物)of the movie.

    (5)、Mo Yan is a (成功的)writer.


  • 8. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

    (1)、—Would you mind (do) the dishes?

    —OK, I'll do them right away.

    (2)、Now parents are  (spend) more and more money on their children's education.

    (3)、One of the (glass) on the table is broken.

    (4)、That was a business (discuss).

    (5)、Li Ming enjoys the guitar very much.( play)


  • 9. 假如你是某英语俱乐部的成员李华,本周你们要就“The ways to keep healthy”这个话题进行讨。论,请你根据以下图示写一篇英语短文为此次发言做准备。


    The ways to keep healthy

        Hello, everyone!


        That's all. Thank you for listening to me.