
试卷更新日期:2018-10-30 类型:期中考试


  • 1. Tom is from London,but ______ is in Beijing now.
    A、his B、him C、he D、he's
  • 2. —What's your favourite    ?


    A、colour B、sport C、subject D、city
  • 3. I want to talk      my teachers.
    A、at B、with C、in
  • 4. Fish is healthy     I don't like it.    
    A、and B、but C、so D、or
  • 5. How many lessons do you have       weekdays?    
    A、on B、in C、to
  • 6. —Let's play football!

    —Sorry, I'm       .

    A、healthy B、last C、new D、tired
  • 7. Sam       a dog, and his cousins        a cat.
    A、has got;has got B、has got: have got C、have got;has got D、have got;have got
  • 8. —      ?

    —A theatre.

    A、What's on the desk B、What's next to the hospital C、Where is the theatre D、Where is the boy
  • 9. That's     office, but     office is small.    
    A、a;the B、the;a C、an;the D、the;an
  • 10. Let's thank Miss Yang       her help.    
    A、for B、in C、of D、on
  • 11. —Is your mother a teacher?

    —______. She teaches English.

    A、Yes, she can B、No, she can't C、Yes, she is D、No, she isn't
  • 12. These are some ___ of my family.
    A、photoes B、photos C、photo
  • 13. My brother's job is    a hospital.    
    A、at B、about C、from D、to
  • 14. Li Wei is not in _________ class.
    A、I B、me C、mine D、my
  • 15. —______ he English?

    —No,______. ______ Chinese.

    A、Is;he is;He isn't B、Is;he isn't;He is C、Are;he isn't;He is D、Are;he is;He is


  • 16. The little boy entered the house, unhappy. His mother was 1 cakes in the kitchen. She smiled as she 2 but stopped when she saw his face. “Tyler, 3 happened? Is everything okay?”
    “Nothing is okay, mom.” said the boy, “Today, in our science lesson, Mrs. Green was talking about the 4 .She said that the whole world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we can do to help. I thought all the way, but there is 5 I can do to make a difference.”
    “Let me tell you 6 .” the mother said after thinking for a while. “One morning a man was walking down a beach, there he saw thousands of dying starfish covering the beach, they were pushed up by the 7 , and it was too far up for them to make their way back by 8 . The man shook his head as he walked along, ‘What a pity! So many starfish will die on the beach.' The man felt very sorry 9 those starfish. He went on walking and just at that time he was 10 to find a boy in front who was throwing the starfish back into the sea as 11 as he could, ‘how silly you are! My 12 , the man said, ‘There are so many starfish, can you throw all of them back?' The boy didn't stop but kept throwing, " 13 I can't help them all .I can make a difference to this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.”
    “Thinking for a moment, the man 14 to help return the starfish to their home. He smiled and said to himself, ‘Sometimes the biggest lesson in life comes from the 15 person.

    A、drinking B、making C、selling D、washing
    A、turned around B、turned down C、turned on D、turned off
    A、what B、when C、where D、why
    A、air B、land C、water D、environment
    A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing
    A、a lie B、a joke C、a story D、a truth
    A、wind B、rain C、waves D、sands
    A、himself B、itself C、ourselves D、themselves
    A、of             B、for   C、from  D、forward
    A、afraid B、surprised C、sad D、angry
    A、slow B、fast C、soon D、high
    A、father B、mother C、son D、daughter
    A、Or B、So C、Because D、Though
    A、began B、continued C、forgot D、waited
    A、shortest         B、tallest  C、smallest   D、biggest


  • 17. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

        My name is Lisa and I'm thirteen. I'm from New York. I like playing basketball. My brother Tom likes playing football. I play basketball with my classmates after school. On Saturday, I play football with Tom. But today is hot, and we don't play it.

        My name is Jim and I'm twelve. I'm from London. I like playing football best(最). My sisters Mary and Helen l like to go swimming. I play football with my friends after school. On Sunday, I go swimming with my sisters. But today is cold and we don't go swimming.

    (1)、Lisa is       years old.
    A、13 B、12 C、11 D、10
    (2)、Who is Tom?
    A、Lisa's friend B、Lisa's classmate C、Lisa's cousin D、Lisa's brother
    (3)、What's Jim's favourite sport?    
    A、Basketball. B、Swimming. C、Football D、Table tennis.
    (4)、Mary and Helen go swimming on            
    A、Thursday B、Friday C、Saturday D、Sunday
    (5)、It's           in London today.    
    A、cold B、hot C、cool D、warm
  • 18. 阅读短文,判断正误

      Hello! I'm Betty Green. I'm eight years old. This is a picture of my family. Can you find me? Yes, I'm here, in Row (排) One. I'm in a skirt. Look, here is my brother, Tony. We're in the same row. We are in front of the man and the woman; they are my father and my mother. They're both good English teachers. They and Tony are in the same school. But they are in different grades. A cat is behind my parents. It's two. And we can't see it in the picture. It's from America. I like it very much.

    (1)、Tony is a girl.

    (2)、In the picture, the boy and the girl are in Row One. 

    (3)、Mr and Mrs Green are in different grades.

    (4)、Betty has an American cat at home.

    (5)、Tony is a teacher.

  • 19. 阅读理解

        My family is not very big. There are only three cats. I'm a white cat. My name is Snow White. My husband (丈夫) is a black cat. His name is Captain Black Cat. We have a pretty (漂亮的) daughter. Her name is Lily. She is black and white. She's two years old. We live a happy life.

        Every day we work hard to catch the mice (捉老鼠).  We help people live a happy life in this house.

    (1)、In the cat's family there are __________ cats.

    A、one B、two C、three D、four
    (2)、Mother cat is __________.

    A、white B、black C、black and white D、snow
    (3)、Mother cat and father cat have a __________.

    A、son B、sister C、teacher D、daughter
    (4)、Lily is __________ years old.

    A、one B、a C、two D、three
    (5)、The black cat is Lily's __________.

    A、mother B、friend C、husband D、father



  • 30. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Hi, everyone. Healthy food and drink(be)important. I like rice, meat and(vegetable). Meat is delicious(连词)it's my favourite. I eat it every day.(carrot)are my favourite vegetable. They are good(介词)my eyes. I often drink water.


  • 31. 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:Tom.what are our lessons this morning?


    A:I love PE.  How about you?

    B:  And l want to be a Chinese  teacher.   


    B:Three lessons.

    A:Oh, I see .What do you want to do after school?

    B:Go to the library. 

    A:I want to play football.

    B:Have a good time!

    A.I love Chinese.

    B.What about you?

    C.What's your name?

    D.I like to play football.

    E.Chinese,English and PE.

    F.She is my English teacher.

    G.How many lessons do we have this afternoon?


  • 32. 句型转换

    (1)、We have got some milk in the fridge. (改为否定句)

    We milk in the fridge.

    (2)、She has got some chocolate in her hand. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

    she chocolate in her hand?

    —Yes, .

    (3)、Let's buy some bananas for the children. (改为同义句)

    Let's buy .

    (4)、We have bread and milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)

    do have breakfast?

    (5)、my, fish, to, and, want, is, some, buy, I, favourite(连词成句)


  • 33.

    根据图片提示以"My School Day"为题写一篇短文,50个词左右。(用第一人称)