牛津版(深圳•广州)初中英语九年级下册Module 3 Sport and health Unit 5 Sport单元综合能力检测题(音频暂未更新)

试卷更新日期:2018-09-25 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What sport does the girl like? (football/badminton/table tennis)
    (2)、Which sport do they choose at last? (go jogging/play football/go swimming)
  • 2. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、In which exam did the boy get a full mark? (Maths exam/English exam/Chinese exam)
    (2)、Which activity will the boy take part in during the English Week? (the English speech contest/the English songs competition/the English play)
  • 3. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where were the first Olympic Games held? (in ancient Greece/in ancient Rome/in ancient China)
    (2)、How long do the Olympic Games last now? (two weeks/three weeks/a month)


  • 4. 听下面一段对话或独白,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答问题。
    (1)、How will the students go to Yuexiu Park?
    (2)、Where will they have lunch on that day?
    (3)、What will they do in the afternoon?
    (4)、When will they go back to school in the afternoon?


  • 5. —Why didn't you hand in your homework, David?

    To be honest, I forgot to take it with me because I got up late and hurried to school this morning.

    A、To be serious B、To tell the truth C、To my surprise
  • 6. —What do you know about Mr and Mrs Green?

    —The couple have no children and they have been in China for at least three years.

    A、husband and wife B、old and young C、father and daughter
  • 7. —Excuse me, could you please show me the way to Xinhua Bookstore?

    —Of course. Walk along this road and turn left at the second crossing. It is on your right, opposite the Children's Palace.

    A、next to B、far from C、across from
  • 8. —Five of my classmates have entered for the sports meeting.

    —Why didn't you join them to fight for the honour of your class?

    A、taken part in B、played against C、given up
  • 9. —The boy is dying to see his mother who has been on business for nearly a month.

    —She will be back this afternoon.

    A、is able to B、fails to C、can't wait to
  • 10. —The patient made a rapid recovery and left the hospital a week later.

    —That's because his mother took good care of him day and night.

    A、bad B、quick C、slow
  • 11. —What did you do after the meeting yesterday?

    —It was 6 p. m. when the meeting was over, so I had a dinner with my friends at a nearby restaurant.

    A、continued B、started C、ended
  • 12. —It's a shame that the game had to be cancelled because of the bad weather.

    —Take it easy.

    A、pity B、mistake C、surprise


  • 13. A ________ is a beautiful place. A lot of people spend their holiday there.
    A、resort B、pool C、continent
  • 14. When you ________ at an airport, you arrive and show your ticket before going on a flight.
    A、take off B、wake up C、check in
  • 15. —Jim paid his license ________, and walked out with a brand-new driving license.

    —How much did he pay for it? He'd better take care and not lose it again.

    A、attention B、fee C、concern
  • 16. —If you want to be a champion, you must beat Mary, one of the best players, in the ________.

    —This is the last game. I'll try my best.

    A、beginning B、semi-final C、final
  • 17. —Li Hua was late for school this morning. What was the matter?

    —She ________ a stone on her way to school and got hurt.

    A、fell over B、stuck with C、acted as
  • 18. —I find it hard to ________ on the icy path. I fell down several times yesterday.

    —You'll get used to it very soon.

    A、sit around B、keep calm C、keep my balance
  • 19. —It is difficult for me to ________ friendship with strangers.

    —Actually it's not that difficult. Just smile and say hi to them.

    A、build up B、give up C、put up


  • 20. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        We had a sports meeting last Saturday. It was a big 1 in our school.

        Wu Ying, who is usually the best runner in our class, 2 fell and hurt her leg me day before the sports meeting. It was ten o'clock in the morning. It was 3 for the girls' 800-metre race with two laps (圈). My classmates asked me to run the race. But I'm not a good runner. 4 should I do?

        "Just try!" my teacher said. " 5 in yourself!" my classmates said.


        On the first lap, the girl from Class 2 was in the front. She ran much faster than I did. 6 I did my best to catch up with her in the race.

        "Come on!" When I passed the seats of my classmates. I could 7 them shouting. "Run! Run!"

        I was just running and running. I must catch up with her. At that time l was not far behind her. At the end of the 8 lap, we were neck and neck.

        "Come on! Come on!" I could still hear my classmates shouting.

        "Come on! Come on!" I said to myself too.

        There, the finishing line was right before us. We 9 it at the same time. Both she and I took the third place.

        "Hooray!" the students called out to me. "Well done!"

        But I was too 10 to go any farther and fell to the ground.

    A、class B、event C、final
    A、freely B、gently C、unluckily
    A、time B、day C、hour
    A、Why B、What C、Which
    A、Think B、Laugh C、Believe
    A、because B、but C、or
    A、smell B、taste C、hear
    A、first B、second C、third
    A、passed B、shouted C、missed
    A、excited B、sleepy C、tired


  • 21. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Kite surfing (风筝滑浪) is a kind of water sport. It began in the 1980s, but didn't get popular until the end of last century. It is also known as kite boarding, and in some European countries as fly surfing. Kite surfing works through wind power by using a large kite to pull a rider on the water at a high speed.

        At first, kite surfing was a difficult and dangerous sport. Now it is becoming easier and safer because of the safer kite design. For an able and strong person, kite surfing can be a very fun and extremely exciting sport, just like skating on the water with a feeling of flying. It has become more and more popular.

        Compared with other water sports, kite surfing is easier to learn. A beginner can understand how to operate the kite with 5-10 hours of training. And anybody aged from 13 to 65 can learn. It is not expensive to get me equipment for kite surfing, which costs $1,000 to $2,500. The fee for training lessons is from $200 to $500 for two or three hours. With the development of its equipment, kite surfing is becoming even safer. After some training, you can enjoy its excitement and challenging feeling.

        With the rising popularity of kite surfing, most major seaside cities have kite surfing clubs. In China, Xiamen is the only place that has the kite surfing club, which provides professional (专业的) kite surfing training and equipment.

    (1)、Kite surfing has a history of about ________ years.
    A、30 B、50 C、100 D、130
    (2)、Kite surfing works through the power of ________.
    A、water B、wind C、sun D、the kite itself
    (3)、Why is kite surfing getting easier and safer?
    A、Because the price is getting lower and lower. B、Because more and more people can enjoy its excitement. C、Because its equipment has developed. D、Because there are more and more professional kite surfing clubs.
    (4)、Which is the best title for me passage?
    A、The way of operating kite surfing B、The development of kite surfing equipment C、The history of kite surfing in China D、The exciting sport—kite surfing
  • 22. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Sports are all around us. We watch and read sports news. There are also sports clubs and even sports-only channels (频道) on TV. In many countries, players make millions of dollars every year.

        Sports play an important role in our daily lives. But why are sports so popular? They're only games, right?

        We have made a survey. Here are the readers' answers from all over the world.

    Vlad (Ukraine)

        Sports bring people together. In 2006, our team was able to play in the 2006 World Cup for me first time. Everyone was very happy. Rich and poor, old and young, men and women—everyone was in the streets—having celebrations together!

    Mike (USA)

        Sports bring people together, but they divide (分离) them too. Fans of different teams fight all the time—they shout and hit each other. And here's an example: My brother plays high school baseball. Last week, his team played an important game. At the game, two parents fought about a decision (判决). Come on…Baseball is only a game!

        Sports are so competitive (竞争性的) these days. It's all about winning. Then the game isn't fun at all.

    Ahtoh (Russia)

        Right now, some of the world's best soccer players are from European countries, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup games will be held in Russia. Yes, some players make a lot of money—maybe too much, but sporting events (like the World Cup) bring not only tourists but also money to these host countries. And that is good for Russia.

    (1)、This article is a ________ about sports.
    A、survey B、diary C、story D、book
    (2)、What does Mike want to express by telling the example?
    A、Sports don't bring people together but divide them. B、It's impolite to fight with each other in sports games. C、When sports are all about winning, it's not fun at all. D、Mike himself doesn't like playing or watching games.
    (3)、What difference can sporting events make according to Ahtoh?
    A、They can make sports become more competitive. B、They can bring tourists and money to the host countries. C、They can make players become the richest people in the world. D、They can cheer up people's lives.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、The passage mentions three basketball players' opinions. B、The 2022 FIFA World Cup games will be held in Russia. C、People have different opinions about sports. D、Mike has the same idea about sports as Vlad.
  • 23. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        During the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible.

        But sometimes our hope for getting more gold medals can result in our more disappointment (失望) if the athletes fail to get them. For example, when Liu Xiang, China's track hero, pulled out of the 2008 Beijing Olympics because of his injury (伤势), he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans.

        But things are different now. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, we saw a healthier and more lenient (宽容的) Chinese attitude towards the sportspeople, fully in line with the Olympic spirit—that is—friendship, participation, fair play and never give up.

        China didn't win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of criticizing (批评) the athletes, most of the fans were happy with their efforts. "They have tried their best. Athletes don't feel good after they miss the gold medal." That's the attitude of most audience. It shows the maturity (成熟) of a person, and is also a development of a country.

        Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans' hearts, even though she only won a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke final. Her fans on her Sina Weibo have increased from 100,000 to over 6 million. Many sports fans like her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions.

        "The attitude towards the Olympics has got to a higher level. We are happy to see this warm change." said an article in People's Daily.

    (1)、When sports fans were watching the Olympic Games on TV, they ________.
    A、cheered for themselves B、had a celebration party C、wished their athletes to win D、played sports with the family
    (2)、What can we know about Liu Xiang from the passage?
    A、He didn't complete his event in the Beijing Olympics. B、He was asked to give up the competition. C、The audience had little hope for him. D、He never disappointed Chinese sports fans.
    (3)、People like Fu Yuanhui because of her ________.
    A、winning a bronze medal B、kindness to the fans C、Sina Weibo D、attitude to competitions
    (4)、The passage is mainly about ________.
    A、the changing attitude towards sportspeople in China B、the importance of winning gold medals C、the maturity of a person and a country D、the development of sports in China
  • 24. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        The idea of an Olympic mascot was officially approved (官方批准) at the 73rd Session of the International Olympic Committee (国际奥委会) in Munich (慕尼黑) in 1972. Since then, mascots have become a major element (元素) of the Olympic brand. Mascots act as a vehicle for communicating the Olympic spirit to the general public, especially children and youth. They have come in many shapes and sizes. They all show the theme (主题) of the Olympic Games and the special geographical features, history and culture of the host city.

        Here is the list of some mascots for the Olympics.

    20th; 1972;




    23rd; 1984;

    Los Angeles;


    North America

    26th; 1996;

    Atlanta; America;

    North America;

    27th; 2000;

    Sydney; Australia;


    29th; 2008;

    Beijing; China;


    31st; 2016;

    Rio: Brazil;

    South America

    (1)、The underlined word "vehicle" has the similar meaning as "________”.
    A、train B、child C、house D、tool
    (2)、From the above, we know the Olympic Games are held every ________ years.
    A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6
    (3)、The Beijing Olympic Games have 2 more mascots than those for ________ Olympic Games.
    A、Sydney B、Los Angeles C、Atlanta D、Munich
    (4)、Which of the following information is NOT true?
    A、The 1996 Olympic Games were held in America. B、The 27th Olympic Games were held in Europe. C、Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games. D、There are two mascots for Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
  • 25. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Three powerful ocean storms hit the Caribbean, the coast of the southeastern United States and southeastern Mexico. They come as the state of Texas recovers from Hurricane Harvey (飓风哈维). The huge storm caused serious flooding and billions of dollars in damage in Houston, the country's fourth-largest city.

        Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean goes from June 1 to November 30. And most storm activities happen in me month of September.

        Hurricanes are the most powerful storms in the Earth's atmosphere. The storms have different names depending on where they take place. Scientists call all these storm tropical cyclones (热带气旋).

        If the storms form over the Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Ocean, they are called hurricanes. Storms that form in the western Pacific Ocean are known as typhoons. In the Indian Ocean, they are called cyclones. Although they have different names, all these storms form in the same way.

        Scientists at the American space agency NASA describe tropical cyclones as huge weather "engines" that use warm, moist (潮湿的) air as fuel.

        They can only form over warm, tropical waters near the equator (赤道).

        A tropical cyclone develops when warm moist air near the surface of me ocean rises. This creates an area of unusually low air pressure.

        Higher-pressure air from surrounding areas pushes in to take the place of the warm, rising air. It becomes warmer and moister and rises, too.

        The rising, moist air goes high into the atmosphere, where temperatures are low. This creates wind. The moisture forms clouds. The developing weather system begins to spin because of the Earth's rotation (旋转).

        As the storm spins faster and faster, an "eye" of the storm develops at its centre. This is a calm area of very low pressure. Higher pressure air from above flows down into the eye.

    (1)、In the Atlantic Ocean, hurricanes are likely to take place in ________.
    A、February B、April C、September D、December
    (2)、According to the passage, we can know that ________.
    A、Hurricane Harvey caused huge damage to Mexico B、scientists usually name the storms according to how powerful they are C、Hurricane Harvey probably formed in the Atlantic Ocean D、the "eye" of a storm is an area of very high pressure
    (3)、What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 5 refer to?
    A、Scientists at the American space agency NASA B、Tropical cyclones. C、Warm, moist air. D、Low air pressure.
    (4)、Maybe we can read this passage in the ________ part of a newspaper.
    A、Science B、Culture C、Entertainment D、Sports


  • 26. 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意尽完整、正确。

        These days, it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no interest sports? It may not be the fact. School students often say they have much more important things to do.

        are these important things? Exams! School students have to get (they) ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost become bookworms (书呆子). In past, they could do anything that they liked in the summer holidays, but now they have to spend all their time preparing for the exams. So studies have kept them away from (go) in for sports.

        Because of the pressure from born their parents and (teacher), school students have to work harder and spend most of their time on books. As for the students themselves, they don't want to fail the lessons they want to go further with their studies in good universities. So it is necessary (give) all of their spare time to their studies and give up their sports.

        Actually, sports should always come (one). A good education cannot go without physical training. It's also true that a quick mind hardly goes along with a weak body. Without a strong body, it's hard to do things (good). Then how can you make great success in life?

        Why not take a breath out of your study? Go out and take sports!


  • 27. 随着“阳光体育运动”在全校的开展,校园里出现了可喜的变化:同学们运动时间延长了;运动项目增加了;同学们体质增强了;校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in our school”为题,根据以下内容提示,给你校校刊的英文版写一篇报道,请适当发挥。词数80左右,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。


    ⒈Time for sports;

    ⒉Kinds of sports;

    ⒊Change of students' health and study;

    ⒋Change of school life;

    ⒌Your opinions on sports.

    Sports in our school

        Recently the "Sunny Sports Movement" makes sports more popular in our school.


  • 28. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        Have you ever heard of Zhou Yang? She is now well known as a(n) 1 short track speed skater.

        Zhou Yang is not an overnight 2. She was born in a poor family in Changchun on 9 June. 1991 and started 3 at the age of 8. She fell in love with the 4 at once when she put on her skate shoes to train for the first time. Soon her talent for short track speed skating was 5. Zhou Yang trained hard and made her way into the national team at last.

        In the World Championships in 2008. Zhou Yang set a world record in the 1,500m event. Zhou Yang 6 herself again at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Her performance gave China the first gold medal in the women's 1,500 metres in the Winter Olympics—China had 7 won the event before.

        "Winning 1,500m is my dream, 8 I still have one more dream, winning the relay (接力) competition," Zhou Yang said.

        Her "one more dream" came true when she and her 9 won the women's 3000m short track relay with a new world record. 10 a great player she is!

    A、excellent B、old C、slow
    A、prize B、fan C、success
    A、skiing B、skating C、running
    A、habit B、sport C、shoes
    A、noticed B、refused C、received
    A、taught B、proved C、allowed
    A、never B、ever C、always
    A、unless B、or C、but
    A、classmates B、teammates C、roommates
    A、What B、How C、Which
  • 29. 阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Sumo wrestling (相扑) is a national sport in Japan. Every year there are six tournaments, and millions of Japanese watch them on television. A tournament is a series of matches.

        Sumo wrestling is almost as old as the nation of Japan itself. Stories say that there was sumo wrestling over 2,000 years ago. There are written records of national sumo tournaments in the 8th century.

        In many sports, athletes are thin and can move very quickly. However, sumo wrestlers weigh from 100 to 160 kilograms. One famous wrestler weighed 195 kilograms. Sumo wrestlers do not move quickly, and sumo wrestling is a very slow sport.

        Sumo wrestlers start hard training when they are boys. They exercise to make their bodies strong. They also eat a lot.

        They wrestle in a round ring with a sand floor. A wrestler loses the match if he leaves the ring. He is also the loser if any part of his body except his feet touches the floor. Each wrestler tries to push the other down on the floor or out of the ring. Sometimes one wrestler just steps aside when the other wrestler rushes towards him. Then, the wrestler who is rushing falls down or moves out of the ring.

        Sumo wrestling is not very popular in other countries, but the Japanese think that it is a very exciting sport.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "ring" in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?
    A、铃声 B、 C、打电话 D、戒指
    (2)、What can we learn about sumo wrestlers from this passage?
    A、Sumo wrestlers begin to receive hard training at their early age. B、Sumo wrestlers exercise less but eat a lot. C、Sumo wrestlers begin their training after they leave their school. D、Sumo wrestlers are born to be strong.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE about sumo wrestling match according to the passage?
    A、If the wrestlers strike each other, they lose the game. B、It is very clever of a wrestler to move aside when the other rushes towards him. C、The wrestler will lose the game if his feet step on the floor. D、The wrestlers try to lift each other to win the game.
    (4)、What's the main idea of this passage?
    A、A wrestler loses the match if he touches the floor. B、The sumo wrestling ring is round and there is a sand floor. C、A sumo match is slow, and the wrestlers are very large. D、Sumo wrestling is a popular traditional sport in Japan.
    (5)、The passage is probably from ________.
    A、an advertisement B、a storybook C、a sports magazine D、a novel