牛津版(深圳•广州)初中英语七年级上册Module 2 The natural world Unit 4 seasons 综合复习

试卷更新日期:2018-09-17 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —The land is dry. It is not good to grow plants here.

    —Well, let's find another one.

    A、not large B、not wet C、not clean
  • 2. —Because of the terrible earthquake, they almost lost everything.

    —I'm so sorry to hear that.

    A、other things B、many things C、all the things
  • 3. —It's a fine day today and the sun is shining.

    —Yes. What about going out for a walk?

    A、giving out light B、taking in air C、picking up heat
  • 4. —Do you have any plan for the coming holiday?

    —Yes. I'll take a trip to Japan.

    A、take a flight B、have a lesson C、make a journey


  • 5. Your ________ are the parents of your father or mother.
    A、grandchildren B、grandsons C、grandparents
  • 6. When you ________ a ball, you hit it with your foot.
    A、kick B、blow C、throw
  • 7. —Sarah, mind your step! Lily slipped on the ________ floor and broke her leg yesterday.

    —Thanks for your reminding.

    A、dirty B、wet C、cold
  • 8. —Why does she like winter?

    —Because she likes ________ days and she can make snowmen.

    A、windy B、snowy C、rainy
  • 9. —How can the ice melt?

    —When the sun ________ on it, it melts.

    A、drops B、lies C、shines
  • 10. —Have you decided where to ________ your summer holiday?

    —Not yet. We may go to Hong Kong.

    A、cost B、spend C、use


  • 11. After working hard for many years, he ________ a famous singer.
    A、gets B、changes C、turns D、becomes
  • 12. Monica likes to spend her free time ________ her family.
    A、at B、in C、on D、with
  • 13. ________ is nice ________ a cup of coffee in the morning.
    A、It, to have B、This, to have C、It, having D、This, having
  • 14. She always has a ________ smile on her face.
    A、warmly B、lovely C、happily D、nicely
  • 15. —Is there ________ in Grandpa's letter?

    —Yes. Grandpa says he's coming to Shenzhen next week.

    A、anything important B、important anything C、something important D、important something
  • 16. There are lots of clouds in the sky today. It is a ________ day.
    A、sun B、sunny C、cloudy D、cloud
  • 17. The children are ________ about playing in the water.
    A、exciting B、excite C、excited D、excitedly
